If these three Anbu confirm this, Xia Yan's plan will be half successful.

The existence of these three Anbu is very important, because with them, Xia Yan's achievements and his current strength can be greatly spread.

They belong to the third brigade, which is completely different from Xia Yan.

But the most important thing is that Kusunoki is the captain of the third brigade.

In other words, what Xia Yan needs to compete for is the captain of the third team.

It is very beneficial for him to establish a good relationship with the members of the team in advance and spread the word about what he has done during this mission.

In addition, it is to gain points for himself within the top management of Konoha.

Although Xia Yan can turn disadvantages into advantages, all this takes time.

So now he needs someone to spread his current strength within the Anbu.

Kakashi alone is of little use, not to mention that Kakashi is basically isolated now.

The ANBU knew about his situation, and they also waited for the Third Hokage and others to know. This is how Xia Yan wants to enter a bigger stage.

Otherwise, why would someone like Xia Yan, who could deceive the mountain clan's secret skills, go to all the trouble to stage this scene?

It would be much easier to annihilate them all than to keep them and make them trust Xia Yan.

After dealing with these three Anbu, Natsuhiko maintained a gentle and slightly sad attitude, and finally stopped refusing to use the Anbu's last resort.

The Anbu's last resort was naturally to melt the corpse and disappear from this world forever.

Naturally, he couldn't put it forward himself, he had to let others say it.

It's not like the three ANBU haven't considered taking Kusunoki's body back, but the problem is that now Kusunoki's body has festered like that.

If they come into contact with it even slightly, they have to be careful whether they will be poisoned again.

Therefore, instead of keeping it, it is better to dissolve it directly. Even if they make such a choice under extreme circumstances, even the ANBU will not blame them.

After dealing with all this, they spent two days returning to Konoha Village.

Scorpion didn't catch up, probably because Xia Yan was really running a little fast, and Lizard Maru's strength was a little beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Lizard Maru really prefers to rely on instinct to face everything when no one is cooperating with him in fighting.

However, Xia Yan ignored one thing, that is, Lizard Maru and he were basically in a state of war in the past few decades.

When Scorpion faced Lizard Maru, he had no such information at all, so he chose to use a large range of puppets to attack.

This moment seemed to return Lizard Maru to the state he was in decades ago, directly activating his hidden DNA and allowing him to start crazily showing everything he had learned back then.

This left Xie a little stunned, and he never figured out what was going on with this lizard.

Faced with the siege of so many puppets, you became more and more courageous?

Of course, the reason why Lizard Maru has been able to last so long is not only because of the memory engraved in his DNA, but also because of his strong strength.

Also, his defense is really not that easy to break.

The skin all over his body is extremely hard, and ordinary weapons and even ninjutsu may not be able to penetrate it.

This is the main reason why Lizard Maru can sweep across the battlefield. Strong attack power can only be regarded as a manifestation of strength, and strong defense power is his capital.

Lizard Maru delayed Scorpion's pursuit for more than half an hour, even attracting Konoha's garrison.

Only then did Xia have to choose to retreat. He was not ready to confront Konoha's large forces.

In particular, his puppets were destroyed a lot by Lizard Maru. Strictly speaking, he suffered a big loss this time.

Natsuhiko also noticed after Lizard Maru returned to the psychic world. He also summoned the little lizard late at night to understand the situation. The final result he got really made him extremely happy.

The better Lizard Maru performs and the stronger he shows, the more benefits Xia Yan can get.

Because Lizard Maru is Natsuhiko's psychic beast, the psychic beast can also be counted as part of a person's strength.

The stronger Lizard Maru is, the higher Xia Yan's potential is.

"However, after all, Lizard Maru is just a fighting partner, a psychic beast. Only if I am strong enough, that is the most correct and important thing."

Natsuhiko was lying on the bed of Konoha Hospital, holding his head in his hands and slowly thinking that he knew what was important and what was secondary.

No matter how powerful Lizard Maru is, it's just a psychic beast. It doesn't mean that he can exert such powerful strength on his own.

Only when you are strong will you not have so many weaknesses.

What's more, psychic beasts cannot be summoned anytime and anywhere.

Just look at Orochimaru and you will know that after his hand is sealed, he cannot summon the snakes at all.

And although Orochimaru and the three of them possess powerful psychic beasts, their own strength is also equally powerful.

Xia Yan will not indulge in such rootless power. Only what is completely his own is the best!

"I don't know how long I can rest this time. My seal seeds are about to bear fruit. Then I can try to use the Flying Thunder God Technique."

The Flying Thunder God Technique is definitely Xia Yan's best technique to improve himself at this stage.

He was also thinking about getting the sealed fruits to bear fruit as soon as possible.

But some things really shouldn't be rushed. Looking at the progress of more than 60%, Xia Yan was extremely looking forward to it while also keeping himself patient enough.

Xia Yan has always had patience. Even if he didn't have it before, it was tempered by things like seeds.

Besides, he didn't need to wait long.

"I don't know how the preparations are now, and whether that guy Kakashi is back."

Bored Xia Yan stretched out casually. He was now living in a single ward with the best medical care.

It is said that this was specially prepared for him as he assisted the Third Brigade in completing an important task.

Xia Yan had no objection to this, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

He knew very well that this situation was more like surveillance than a reward.

He had long sensed that there were many ANBU or Root members around his ward, watching him.

The three Anbu who came back with him were said to be treated equally. As for whether they were dead or alive, Natsuhiko wasn't so sure.

But it doesn't matter to him, he can wait slowly.

I am afraid that both the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage are extremely surprised by his situation.

"Knock knock knock." Just as Xia Yan was thinking, suddenly there was a knock on the door of his ward.

"Please come in." Xia Yan sat up and said directly.

Soon the door was pushed open, and then a man with short blond hair slowly walked in...


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