The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 74 The future belongs to you (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"That's what it is, above."

In an underground room in the Hokage Building of Konoha Village, Kakashi was half-kneeling on the ground.

In front of him sat his teacher Minato Namikaze, the Third Hokage and several elders.

Kakashi still has some impressions of these elders. In his memory, these people seem to have always followed the Third Hokage, and they are also classmates of the Third Hokage.

It seems that their names are Danzo Shimura, Koharu Koharu and Mito Monobu?

Kakashi shook his head slightly in his heart, Kakashi didn't like these people.

Especially the man with a bandage on his body named Shimura Danzo. This man was too cold and cold, and he made Kakashi feel very uncomfortable.

But Kakashi also knows that these people are the core figures of Konoha, and he must remain respectful even if he doesn't like them in his heart.

Even his teacher has to be honest when facing them, so what does he mean?

Kakashi was thinking in his mind, and the faces of Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others also looked extremely weird.

They really didn't expect that this boy Xia Yan would have such a big adventure.

In fact, after Xia Yan and the four of them came back and learned what happened through these four people, they immediately temporarily isolated Xia Yan.

Because Kusunoki died in front of Xia Yan, and through the narrative, they discovered that Xia Yan's strength was a bit too much.

Natsuhiko's identity as a kid is very special, which is tacitly understood by Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

After he entered the ANBU, there were naturally people to help watch him. In addition, he had always behaved very honestly, so Sarutobi Hiruzen did not show any attitude.

They are also very aware of Xia Yan's strength. Although his chakra is somewhat inexplicably low, his level is definitely ranked high within the arrangement.

All this is under their control. After all, they are people from that family, and it is normal for some geniuses to exist.

However, now, they discovered that Xia Yan seemed to be stronger. Facing the strong man who attacked them and even suspected of assassinating the Third Kazekage, he was able to hold off for a long time.

In addition, he actually has a monster that is huge in size and powerful and seems to be no weaker than the Sannin Psychic Beast.

All of this really exceeded their expectations!

When did this kid become so strong?

When did he get such a terrifying psychic beast again?

These problems were a huge headache for them, so after Kakashi came back, they were dragged here without even taking a break.

He was asked to tell everything about Xia Yan, including all their mission information this time.

What they never expected was that Kakashi actually knew the relevant things.

Take Natsuhiko's strength for example. According to Kakashi's story, this guy has always been very strong, but he rarely used it at full strength before.

Moreover, this guy's speed is also unimaginably fast, especially since he has mastered many techniques related to the Second Hokage.

This information made Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others present frown a little, but at the same time, they seemed to understand.

Speed, this is indeed the easiest way to improve the strength of a ninja.

Like Xia Yan, there seems to be something wrong with his own chakra - it can be understood that his age has limited his development.

So it's not surprising that such a ninja works hard on speed.

But the problem is that increasing speed is more difficult than increasing chakra in some senses.

Could it be that the Second Hokage and their teacher left something behind, but the Senju people didn't hand over these things?

Or is it that the brat Natsuhiko is really gifted? He not only inherited the hair color of the Second Hokage, but also inherited his talent?

However, these things are not worth exaggerating, whether it is Xia Yan's personal age when he is making the fastest progress, or the Thousand Hands Clan really hides something.

These are not worthy of being discussed by them. Talent is naturally good. Even if Qian Shu hides something secretly, it is not incomprehensible.

Anyway, the Senju group also hid a lot of things. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others had already eaten a lot of them, and if they suppressed them further, it wouldn't be that ugly.

In addition to Xia Yan's strength, what surprised them the most was his psychic beast.

This boy's psychic beast was so lucky, all because of an accidental discovery during a mission.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is no stranger to Tsuzaki Gosa. His huge lizard really left a deep impression on people back then.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi was still young thirty or forty years ago, and he did not have any substantial contact with the lizard.

He only knew that after the death of Shouzaki Gonzo, the lizard also disappeared, and even the psychic scroll disappeared.

He did think about whether to find the lizard, because it would obviously improve Konoha's combat effectiveness.

It's a pity that he was not the one who dominated Konoha's political power back then. After he came to power, he had to face internal doubts about his position as Hokage within Konoha.

Whether it was Uchiha, Senju or Uzumaki, it was the same, he didn't have time to deal with it at all.

However, Xia Yan, a kid, unexpectedly found the lizard because of a mission.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen have to sigh, this kid's luck is really good.

"It seems that this matter is now clear." Namikaze Minato calmed down his thoughts, and finally he said: "It is indeed good that you took the initiative to rescue the third brigade and brought the information back. Go down and rest. .”

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi nodded, then he stood up and bowed slightly to the people in front of him, and then he left the room.

"It seems things have become clear."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also stood up, his expression was very calm, and as he stood up, Danzo and the other three also stood up.

He took a few steps forward, and suddenly he listened again. Then he turned around and looked at Namikaze Minato with a smile.

"That child Natsuhiko, he is very lucky and performs very well. He is a malleable talent." Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a smile: "Moreover, he has a very good relationship with Kakashi. Minato, with such a Excellent seeds, you have to cultivate them well."

"It's natural, Sandaime-sama." Namikaze Minato stood up immediately, nodded and said seriously: "Natsuhiko and Kakashi are classmates, and his level is indeed very good. I will work hard."

"Well, this is best." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled casually, and then he said seriously: "The future of Konoha belongs to you, I believe you will make Konoha better, right? ?”

"I swear on my life, I will make Konoha stronger." Namikaze Minato's expression became extremely serious.

Konoha is his home, and he will definitely give everything he has for this home.

What made him a little surprised was what did the Sandaime-sama mean when he said this to himself?

Namikaze Minato watched Sarutobi Hiruzen leave, and his expression slowly cooled down...


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