After Sarutobi Hiruzen and others left the basement of the Hokage Building, Koharu and Mito Kadoren chose to leave directly.

They still had their own things to attend to, so naturally they would not continue to follow, while Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo went to a small teahouse.

The teahouse was buzzing with people, and it seemed that there was no change at all due to the entry of the Third Hokage and the Root Leader.

They still chat when they should and drink tea when they should.

"Hiruzhan, you are a little impatient this time." Danzo didn't seem to care about the situation of the people around him. He said directly: "Your words will arouse the vigilance of that brat."

"I know, I know better what I should do."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head indifferently. After pouring himself a cup of tea, he continued slowly.

“If the children of the Senju family are still the same as before, I won’t have too many thoughts.

But it's different now, that kid has a lot of potential. "

Indeed, although the potential that Xia Yan showed this time was not enough to affect too many things, Xia Yan's growth potential was really scary.

Counting a psychic beast that can fight against shadow-level powerhouses, this guy already has considerable influence.

If you give him time to develop his talents and transform them into strength, then this guy will definitely be a very troublesome existence.

If it were normal times, Sarutobi Hiruzen might not care so much.

If such a person appears in the Senju clan, he will not deal with it casually, just like he can let this kid into the ANBU.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen also hopes that Konoha will become stronger and become stronger under his control.

And he also needs Tsunade's support. If he continues to attack Senju, Tsunade will be further dissatisfied.

So in the medical department, the blow he would receive would be unimaginable.

When to reach out and when to stop, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very sensible about this.

But now this kid's situation is a bit special. Before he showed such influence and potential, he actually had some interactions with Namikaze Minato.

He didn't know what kind of communication this boy had with Namikaze Minato. According to the intelligence, it seemed that Minato was teaching this boy.

But once such a favor and relationship is confirmed, then this boy with great potential is likely to completely fall in love with Minato Namikaze.

This was something Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to see, just like Namikaze Minato sent Kakashi to the ANBU for a very reasonable reason in his opinion, which also made him very unhappy.

Your only remaining disciple is sent to ANBU, no matter how good the reason is, isn't this a sign that you have thoughts about ANBU?

Now besides Kakashi, you have also hooked up with an ANBU squad leader. Isn't this a sign of your further actions?

Are you that impatient to take over the entire Konoha?

That's why Sarutobi Hiruzen used a tone he would never use to talk to Namikaze Minato like he did today.

In his opinion, Namikaze Minato went a little too far. Even if Minato was lucky enough to bump into Natsuhiko, a subtle reminder was still very necessary.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been in the position of Hokage for so long. He never believes in so-called accidents and coincidences. He only looks at results and benefits.

"Hmph, what you did is really inferior." Danzo shook his head and made himself a cup of tea: "Actually, I have a better way..."

"Okay, Danzo, don't say any more." Before Danzo could finish speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him: "I don't agree with your ideas and methods."

"Why!" Danzo said loudly as he hammered the table hard.

“Don’t you know the importance of roots?

Although the roots are now reorganized, the number of people is far from enough.

You also know the current situation of that boy Senju, so letting him get to the root is the best choice! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo. He did not speak, but began to tap the table lightly with his fingers.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

As his crisp knocking sound sounded, the originally bustling teahouse suddenly became quiet.

All the guests present seemed to be under a restraining spell and stopped completely.

Then they stood up one by one and left the teahouse in an orderly manner, leaving only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo quietly. After everyone in the teahouse had left, he said softly: "The roots are very important, but I have my own arrangements."

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused.

He took a gentle sip of the tea in the cup and felt the fragrance of the tea reverberating between his teeth before he continued.

“I know what you’re thinking, I always have.

Don't think that I don't know about Kusunoki's affairs. You want Natsuhiko, the brat, to become the second Kusunoki of ANBU, right?

But I want to tell you, my old friend, I have allowed you to do this once, and you must learn to stop. "

Kusunoki is the captain who is related to the root in the information Natsuhiko provided to Namikaze Minato!

It is precisely because of the connection between them that Nanmu was chosen to take over the task of root.

But it is a pity that Kusunoki is dead now, and Danzo's idea of ​​pushing Orochimaru to power and thus controlling the ANBU was shattered.

Danzo wanted to be Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew this very well.

As the leader of the Roots, if you want to move to the front step step by step, the identity of ANBU Minister is naturally the best choice!

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen made a complete decision, he really didn't pay attention to this matter.

But now that he has chosen Namikaze Minato, he will naturally not let Danzo, who has mastered the roots, continue to control the ANBU!

Danzo is a shadow, Sarutobi Hiruzen's own shadow, and what Danzo does represents his will to some extent.

Moreover, as the leader of the Roots, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been branded with the stereotype of "Dark Ninja" intentionally or unintentionally. How could he let such a person come to the forefront?

"Hmph!" Danzo's face became a little ugly, but he finally held back: "Don't think that I don't know your plan, I'm afraid you are thinking the same as me, right? Otherwise, Yamanaka Haiichi wouldn't go See that brat.”

"I have my own thoughts, I said it." Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care. He continued to drink tea and said calmly: "This matter ends here. That child is from the Senju family. I will not let him He gets into the roots.”

"You are doing it for Tsunade, you are so hypocritical." Danzo gritted his teeth and stood up. He planned to leave before his anger broke out: "You will regret it, Hiruzen."

"You have gone too far, Danzo." Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head calmly, his voice still calm: "Don't you plan to kill two birds with one stone? Not only do you plan to use this brat to intervene in the Anbu, but you also want to wait for an opportunity to gain Tsunade's support? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't notice that Danzo's face turned ugly. He knew his old friend too well.

In other words, he knows his own shadow too well.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen also stood up, and his momentum completely exploded at this moment.

That aura that belongs exclusively to Shinobu is not something Danzo, like a rat in the gutter, can bear.

His eyes were calm, and his next words made Danzo's face turn livid.

"Also, don't forget, I am the Hokage!"


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