The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 76 Inspection (Please collect new books and recommend them~)

Yamanaka Haiichi?

Looking at the blond ponytail man in front of him, Xia Yan's name came to mind almost immediately.

As the father of Ino, the future twelve young masters, and also the squad leader of Konoha's intelligence collection team, it was impossible for Natsuhiko to be unfamiliar with him.

Konoha's intelligence system is divided into two categories. One is the intelligence torture class in the ANBU. A very famous guy will appear in this class in the future.

That was Morino Ihiki, who was in charge of the first round of the chuunin exams, and if Natsuhiko remembered correctly, the woman who was most important to him with Kisame's sword was when she was surrounded by a team led by Morino Ihiki.

As for the other one, it was the intelligence gathering class directly under the Hokage, with Yamanaka Haiichi as the squad leader.

This class has a very large mission authority, and they sometimes even take action in ANBU's intelligence work.

For example, things like bringing people back are ultimately left to their class to handle.

Natsuhiko also had frequent interactions with people in the intelligence collection class, and he had met Yamanaka Haiichi many times.

But when it comes to actual dealings, it is basically impossible, because the difference in their identities is really too big.

Even though Yamanaka Hai was only the monitor of the same class, he seemed to be one level higher than Xia Yan in terms of position.

But in fact, even the ANBU minister did not dare to order him easily.

His political power is too strong because he is united with Nara and Akimichi.

"It's just, why did Yamanaka Haiichi come to me? Could it be..."

Xia Yan thought quickly, and he quickly thought of something.

As soon as Yamanaka Hai came over, he naturally wanted to check his memory. Only if he took action could he get more and more detailed things without harming the person being checked.

As for how much to check, I'm afraid it's up to the person who sent him here to decide.

In the entire Konoha, the only person who can send him now is honestly the Hokage.

But Namikaze Minato would not do this, because his character and character destined him not to do such a thing.

In addition, Kakashi will tell him these things, and he also has the opportunity to interact with him alone, so he does not need to do such things.

Then the only person who can command the slightly silent good old Yamanaka Haiichi to do such a thing is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to know the whole story?

Natsuhiko mentally shook his head. It was obvious that he didn't think that Hiruzen Sarutobi just wanted to understand such a simple thing.

Since this old guy has even found Yamanaka Haiichi, it means that he has more ideas and he wants to know more!

"I didn't expect it to be Mr. Haiyi." Xia Yanxin thought, but an unusually kind smile appeared on his face: "Sorry, the doctor didn't let me get up at will, so..."

"It's okay. You have a good rest." Yamanaka Haiichi shook his head slightly and smiled slightly: "Just treat it as a routine inspection. After all, a captain died."

"I understand." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "I will cooperate with Mr. Haiyi."

What Yamanaka Haiichi said was not beyond Xia Yan's expectations. He had already been mentally prepared for this. It was not like he had never encountered similar things in the past.

In fact, ANBU would also conduct spot checks regularly to check whether any ANBU members had betrayed Konoha.

Konoha has always done a good job of preventing the slightest change.

However, Xia Yan felt that this actually had another purpose, which was to prevent anyone from reaching into the ANBU.

After all, ANBU is the most difficult department to be penetrated by foreign enemies, and it is also the most important department in Konoha.

The importance of Anbu is that he has execution power, whether it is execution power within the village or outside the village, it has it!

Once you are targeted by him and determined to be a traitor, and after conducting a comprehensive investigation and evidence collection, he will take action regardless of who you are.

Of course, in terms of execution power, the root is still higher, because they will not investigate at all and will take direct action.

However, the roots are subject to more controls and are also less accessible to the public.

Therefore, to prevent ANBU insiders from being induced to shift their stance or even betray Konoha or Hokage, ANBU has a very complete mechanism to detect it.

Although Xia Yan has not faced these things many times, at least he will not feel unfamiliar, not to mention that he has many ways to deal with such situations.

He smiled slightly at Yamanaka Haiichi, and then he lay on the hospital bed obediently.

And Yamanaka Haiichi came over and put one hand on Xia Yan's head.

"Relax." Yamanaka Haiichi said softly: "It will be okay, Captain Nightingale, this is just a routine inspection."

Do I need to ask the squad leader of the intelligence collection squad to come in person for a routine inspection?

When Xia Yan heard this explanation, he couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart. Yamanaka Haiichi was indeed not very good at comforting people.

In other words, he is not very good at some specific communications. In Xia Yan's memory, his relationship with his wife and daughter is somewhat average.

But one thing that is undeniable is that although he is not very good at specific communication, he has a good personality.

Modesty, caution, and a gentleman's demeanor made him the idol of many people in the ninja world.

"I understand." Xia Yan replied softly, then closed his eyes slightly.

"Then, I'll start." Shanzhong Hai said softly when he saw this.

His chakra rippled slightly, but he sighed a little in his heart.

The mission he received was very obscure, and he was even found by the Sandaime Hokage alone.

Faced with such a situation, he had no way to refuse, because procedurally there were no problems with his mission.

Although the person looking for him was not the contemporary Hokage, everyone in each family knew the current situation in Konoha.

Yamanaka Haiichi has no choice, although the future will definitely belong to the fourth generation Hokage.

But now, the Yondaime doesn't even have his own team. Even if he wants to form a team, it will be very difficult.

Because the important departments of Konoha are completely in the hands of the Third Hokage, even if Ino Shikacho wants to help the Fourth Hokage, he will never dare to go against the will of the Third Hokage.

Taking a deep breath, Yamanaka Haiichi stopped himself from thinking about these things. He had many things to check this time and he had to concentrate.

When his chakra entered Xia Yan's brain, he quickly began to adjust. He wanted Xia Yan to fall into a deep sleep so that he could find what he wanted.

Along with his chakra, Natsuhiko soon began to breathe evenly, and it was obvious that his technique had worked.

But what he didn't know was that in Xia Yan's consciousness, he knew all of this.

Moreover, he also noticed that Yamanaka Haiichi's chakra was constantly moving forward, as if he wanted to trace more things, which made Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Since you want to see it, it's good enough for you to see it."


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