When Yamanaka Hai locked Xia Yan's memory, he quickly entered it.

He chose Xia Yan's most profound memories, because these most profound memories are probably the ones that best reflect the essence of Xia Yan.

Chakra slowly entered, and soon some pictures appeared in Yamanaka Haiichi's mind.

In a slightly quaint wooden house, an old man with white hair was looking at him seriously.

"Xia Yan, you have to remember that you are a descendant of the Thousand Hands Clan. Although the Thousand Hands Clan is lonely because of the village, it will never be lonely forever. You have to work hard for it, you know!"

"I understand, elder." In the sight of Shanzhong Haiyi, he heard Xia Yan's childish voice: "It is my duty to rebuild the glory of Thousand Hands."

As soon as the scene changed, Xia Yan came to the periphery of the house, and his eyes were fixed on the Hokage Rock in the distance.

At this time, there were only three statues in Hokage Rock, but Xia Yan was very fascinated by them. After a long while, he sighed slightly.

‘The village, the family, what’s the contradiction in all this? ’

The young Xia Yan didn't seem to know the answer to all this, he was thinking silently in his mind.

‘But even if there are conflicts, how can a family be accommodated without a village?

The best way to solve these problems is to become Hokage, like the two ancestors of the Senju clan. ’

Family, village, conflicts and the Thousand Hands?

As soon as Yamanaka Hai saw this, his whole body suddenly felt numb.

He had thought that this mission might be very troublesome, but he never thought that it would be this troublesome!

The secret skills of the mountain clan allow them to explore many secrets.

But there are many secrets here, which they don't want to master, because these secrets may cause them to suffer unimaginable revenge!

Originally, he thought that Xia Yan should be a civilian ninja.

Even though there are many small families in Konoha, after all, there are at least 30,000 to 40,000 ninjas in the entire Konoha.

But he had never heard of the surname Fukami, so Xia Yan could only be said to be a commoner with a surname.

Under such circumstances, the most he could do was involve some ANBU secrets.

As the squad leader of the intelligence collection class, he has seen a lot of secrets like this.

But now he was shocked to discover that this kid was not Natsuhiko Fukami at all, he was Natsuhiko Senju!

Even if the Senju clan is in decline, its former reputation is still very popular in Konoha.

In addition, even the Hokage dare not interfere with the secrets within the family. This is the consensus of the entire ninja world.

What he is doing now can be said to be breaking the rules. Once discovered, he will be in big trouble.

Moreover, the Senju clan is not completely extinct, and the influence of Princess Tsunade in Konoha is definitely no joke.

You can imagine the seriousness of the matter since you have obtained the secret of the Thousand Hands Clan.

It was as if he had discovered the secrets of Uchiha and Hinata. If he was discovered, he would have to face revenge from his family.

“No wonder Lord Sandaime has been emphasizing that this matter cannot be made public, let alone discovered.

No wonder you have to come to me for this matter, it turns out to be like this..."

Yamanaka Haiichi silently thought that he was in a very difficult situation now, but he also knew that he could only continue.

This time he fell into the trap of the third generation, and it was impossible for him not to have any complaints in his heart.

He only has two choices now, one is to stop immediately, but doing so will definitely offend the Third Hokage.

After all, the current Sandaime is still the absolute controller of Konoha, even if he is no longer the contemporary Hokage.

The other option is to keep doing it honestly, get what the Sandaime wants and report it to him.

If the secret is well guarded and his skills are not discovered, then nothing will happen to him.

Although it is equivalent to leaving the handle to the third generation, for now, he will definitely not have any problems.

After thinking about it, Yamanaka Haiichi shook his head helplessly, and at the same time his chakra went deeper.

Although the three alliances of Ino, Deer and Butterflies have great influence in Konoha, they still have to bow to reality in the end.

Fulfilling and executing the orders of those in power is their way of survival.

With the entry of chakra, Haiyi continued to watch Natsuhiko's memories.

"Xia Yan, I decided to let you join the ANBU, do you have any objections?

I know you want to go to school and teach students, but your age and your qualifications are not enough.

And as a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, you must shoulder your obligations. "

"I understand, elder. I will work well in ANBU."

This was before Xia Yan entered the Anbu, he met the elder who raised him.


"Xia Yan, get out of here quickly and I will lure away those who are chasing you."

"But, you..."

"I'm seriously injured and won't last much longer, and you can complete this mission.

Didn't you say you wanted to be Hokage?

I believe you can do it, and I will wait for you to bring me good news in the Pure Land! "

This was Xia Yan's last farewell to him when his teammates left to cover him during a mission.


"Actually, do you know that success in life is always temporary, because failure is the main theme..."

"But how to face failure divides people into different forms. Some people will be crushed by failure, while some people can keep getting up and moving forward..."

"True maturity should not be about pursuing perfection, but facing one's own shortcomings. This is the essence of life..."

"There is only one true heroism in this world, and that is to recognize the truth of life and still love it..."

"Although it is difficult and painful to live with Rin and Obito's will, at least when we see them after entering the Pure Land, we can happily tell them that we have not let them down..."

This was the conversation between Natsuhiko and Kakashi in the Konoha Heroes Cemetery after completing a mission. Such a conversation moved Yamanaka Haiichi deeply.


"Xia Yan, I know you have the Flying Thunder God technique, so I can teach you the sealing technique so that you can better learn the Flying Thunder God technique."

"Thank you, Yondaime-sama."

This was a private meeting between Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato. After Namikaze Minato learned about Natsuhiko's situation, he planned to take the lead in teaching him the art of Flying Thunder God.


"There are only two reasons why regular missions disappear. Then there are unknown illegal organizations doing human experiments, and then there are monsters looking for food."

"Obviously, what we may have to face this time is a hungry monster."

This is the memory of the mission Natsuhiko performed to conquer Lizard Maru.


"Cough cough cough cough, Nightingale, you better let me go. He has already caught up with me. You can escape alone and send the information back. This is the most important thing."

"Captain, what nonsense are you talking about? I will take you back, I will take you home..."

During the rescue operation of Nanmu, Xia Yan held Nanmu's arm and spoke softly, his voice was like a gentle spring breeze.

Although you can't see his face, you can seem to feel the warm smile under the mask, as warm as the sun...


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