The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 78: Means (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"Is that so?"

In a small office on the second floor of the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat there quietly looking at the report in his hand, while Yamanaka Kaori knelt on one knee not far from him.

This report is the memory of Natsuhiko that Yamanaka Haiichi learned through secret techniques. He has completely drawn it into materials and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Through this report, Sarutobi Hiruzen also learned a lot of interesting information.

For example, there are still many people in the Senju Clan who are full of resentment and anger. They intend to make the Senju Clan once again reach the glory of the Warring States Period.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not surprised by this, nor was he surprised at all, because this was the most normal behavior.

Comparing his feelings with his own, if the Sarutobi clan suffered such a disaster, he would definitely not have the slightest peace of mind.

A person will not be nice to you for no reason, nor will he hate you for no reason. To put it more clearly and straightforwardly, it is driven by interests.

Sarutobi Hiruzen personally drove the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan into the abyss. He didn't care at all how much the other party hated him.

What made him find it interesting was that Xia Yan, a kid, actually broke out of the confinement of his family at such a young age.

He is already thinking about these issues from a higher position.

Especially since he looked at it from the perspective of the village, and the way he came up with to solve the problem was to become Hokage!

This idea made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel childish and a little happy at the same time.

It's naive because of Natsuhiko's idea that becoming Hokage can indeed solve many problems, but the question is, is it a simple thing to become Hokage?

It doesn't mean you are strong enough to become Hokage.

But you need to be recognized by everyone before you can become Hokage.

The words in this original work are not empty talk and can be used at any time.

Especially now, if you want to become Hokage, you first need to be recognized, and the object of this recognition is not the so-called everyone, but the recognition of all interest groups in Konoha!

Look at the Uchiha clan, they all have crazy dreams of becoming Hokage, but they have never succeeded so far.

Although part of the reason is due to what Uchiha Madara did, it is mostly due to the policies of the second generation Senju Tobirama and his Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Senju Tobirama worsened the relationship between Uchiha and Konoha insiders, and a estrangement appeared from then on.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen intensified this gap, thus making Uchiha completely isolated. It can be said that they have no possibility of becoming Hokage.

Xia Yan's thoughts are somewhat interesting, but his age and vision limit his ideas. However, this child is a well-shaped person.

The most gratifying thing is that the spirit of the Will of Fire seems to have been inherited to a certain extent in him.

As for the other content, Sarutobi Hiruzen simply looked at it.

After knowing that the captain was poisoned to death, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

In fact, he didn't think that Xia Yan would assassinate the captain at all. Secondly, he also believed in the secret skills of the mountain clan.

From beginning to end, this technique never failed, and every time they got the correct information they wanted.

This time was no exception, so he felt relieved.

But, who is the guy who attacked the roots and ANBU?

Such a powerful puppet master, and most likely the person who assassinated the Third Kazekage, there are too few such people in the ninja world.

The first person to enter the Third Hokage's eyes was the woman Chiyo. In his opinion, only this woman could do all this!

But obviously, it shouldn’t be Chiyo, but if it wasn’t her, who would it be?

Sarutobi Hiruzen did remember that Chiyo had a grandson named Scorpion, but he had been missing for a long, long time. Could it be that kid?

Shaking his head, Sarutobi Hiruzen was too lazy to think about it, but he had no intention of letting it go.

With so many people dead, someone has to pay some price.

Since the other party is using a puppet made from the corpse of your third Kazekage to face us Konoha ninjas, then let your Sunagakure Village handle this matter yourself!

"I understand." Sarutobi Hiruzen put down the report in his hand, and then said slowly: "Get up, Haiichi."

"Yes, Sandaime-sama." Yamanaka Haiichi stood up obediently, but he kept his head down and did not look at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I have something to ask you to do." Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't seem to notice Yamanaka Haiichi's expression.

He stood up and walked behind the chair. There was a bookshelf, and he was looking for something on the bookshelf seriously.

While searching, he slowly said: "You can go find Shikaku later and tell him to deliver a message to Sunagakure.

Use a stronger tone of voice, and then give them some appropriate information.

Just like the Puppet Master, just like the Third Kazekage.

As for Konoha's losses, increase them, do you understand? "

"Yes, I understand." Yamanaka Hai nodded, and he immediately understood what the Third Hokage meant.

To put it bluntly, this is to make Sunagakure Village itself into chaos, to show Konoha's concern about this matter, and to see if it can benefit from it.

However, Sunagakure Village is so poor that it is difficult to get things from them.

So the best way is to push forward and press forward without actually taking action.

Let them become chaotic internally, which will achieve Konoha's purpose of profiting from it.

"Okay, don't make such a gesture."

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have found what he wanted. He picked up something like an envelope, turned around, and then handed it directly to Yamanaka Haiichi.

"I know that you have concerns in your heart, and at the same time you are not satisfied that I asked you to do this.

I'm sorry for this because I didn't inform you in advance. After all, you know this is very dangerous, isn't it? "

Yamanaka Haiichi didn't reply, he just accepted the envelope silently.

Opening the envelope with his head lowered and taking a look, Yamanaka Haiichi suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart.

Because inside this envelope is a brand new task report filling form.

And on this blank form, the names of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, and even Namikaze Minato have been signed!

This is a whitelist document. As long as you fill in the information you want to fill in on this document, then this document does not need to be reviewed at all and can be completely passed and sealed.

Yamanaka Kaiichi didn't know how Sarutobi Hiruzen got Namikaze Minato's signature, but he knew that this document was very important to him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the expression of Yamanaka Haiichi in his eyes. He nodded quietly and quietly, and then he slowly walked to the table.

"I believe you know how to fill it out, Haiyi."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly, and at the same time he placed the previous report on the candlestick, and the candlelight quickly lit it.

There was very little green smoke, and Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the documents that were turning into ashes in his hands, with a smile on his lips.

"This is a secret between the two of us, what do you think, Haiyi?"


Yamanaka Haiichi hesitated for a moment, then he seemed to sigh, and slowly raised his head, his expression became serious.

"I understand, the Third Hokage..."


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