After Xia Yan completed the investigation, he seemed to be forgotten.

His injury was not serious. Strictly speaking, he was not injured at all. It was just that the battle consumed a lot of money.

However, this kind of consumption was not worth mentioning in terms of his recovery ability. He almost recovered that night.

However, he is still staying in the hospital, and the authorities have no intention of letting him leave.

But Xia Yan didn't care that much. His status for this mission was not at full level. The main reason was that the sealed seeds were too tempting.

Moreover, the primary seed planting speed is very fast. Even if Xia Yan has planted so many, this speed can still be maintained.

When Xia Yan was young, he planted a lot of seeds. At that time, he didn't think much about it, and all he planted were seeds with basic attributes.

What's more interesting is that the seeds of these basic attributes are not divided into high and low levels at all, unlike chakra levels and attributes.

He still remembers that his most courageous time was when he directly planted eight seeds.

At that time, he chose four reaction speed seeds, two speed seeds and two strength seeds.

And these eight seeds made Xia Yan wait for more than a year and almost two years before he finally harvested them.

Of course, he didn't have much chakra at that time, and the chakra he could call upon was even less.

It's not surprising that the planting time took so long. It can only be said that it's my own fault and no one else to blame.

But now, Xia Yan is still relatively restrained. His body has grown over time, and although the available chakra is scarce, it is not so embarrassing.

Sometimes Xia Yan also thinks about what his chakra amount would be if he didn't plant these seeds.

However, this problem was eliminated by him as soon as it appeared. Without this plug-in, whether he could survive the ANBU for five years was still a question.

Stretching slightly, Xia Yan changed his position slightly to make himself more comfortable.

Staying in the hospital is not a bad thing anyway, Xia Yan can slowly wait for his seeds to mature.

And what makes Xia Yan more satisfied is that those who were originally responsible for monitoring him have evacuated here one after another.

"It seems that my previous performance was not bad."

When he thought of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile. Having read the original work, he naturally knew what kind of person Sarutobi Hiruzen was.

He is indeed dedicated to Konoha, and many of his decisions are correct from his standpoint and perspective.

Of course, he also has selfish motives and has done a lot for his family.

Moreover, his attitude change actually followed the situation in the ninja world and Konoha's internal needs.

During the war, if you talk to him about bonding issues, give up missions for teammates, etc., you will definitely die in a very ugly way.

At that time, Konoha was besieged on all sides. You were abandoning the mission and putting Konoha into crisis. No one would tolerate this kind of thing.

At that time, your only value will be that when Konoha needs someone to bear the consequences of the war's disrespect, you can "self-recommend" and be in the front row.

But the current situation is slightly better. Although the war is not really over, Kumogakure has not reached any agreement with Konoha.

But Kumogakure also has his own things to do, which is to avenge the Third Raikage, and they want to take action against Iwagakure.

Of course, that's true, but Xia Yan remembers that Kumogakure and Iwagakure didn't really fight.

Even if there is indeed action, it is just a small fight, and the scale cannot be compared with the original attack on Konoha.

Natsuhiko guessed that it was most likely that the Fourth Raikage was consolidating the power in the village.

It's not that he doesn't want to avenge his father. Natsuhiko still knows something about the character of the Fourth Raikage, but as a kage, he must learn to be calm.

There was no peace in the village, and his instructions could not be transmitted smoothly at all. If no one listened to him, everything would be in vain.

Rather than fighting Iwagakure in this state, it would be better to integrate things in the village first.

At the same time, he can also use the war with Iwagakure to divert everyone's attention, whether it is people in the village or people outside the village.

When he thought of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head in amusement. Sarutobi Hiruzen suffered a big loss this time.

He reached a truce agreement with Iwagakure at such a low 'price'. In addition to the fact that Konoha really had no way to continue fighting, he might have wanted to let Iwagakure and Kumogakure fight.

Once the two villages start fighting, Konoha will have enough time to regain its strength.

For this reason, he signed a contract that could be said to be selling the village. At the same time, he had to step down from the front desk and push an obedient person up.

It was even equivalent to aiding Iwagakure - all the prisoners were returned without any cost.

In the end, others were dumbfounded. Why didn't the two villages start a fight?

Wasn't everything he had done before equivalent to useless work?

“However, it doesn’t matter whether there is a fight or not, Konoha is also recovering its own strength now, and it can be considered that it has entered a relatively peaceful time.

My performance is to complete the task and find ways to protect my companions, which should be in line with his current values.

Anyway, what I told Yamanaka Haiichi specifically emphasized the family and the village.

He also mentioned his dream of becoming Hokage. I'm afraid in his opinion, this is the embodiment of the will of fire, right?

This is the most politically correct thing at this stage. "

Originally, Natsuhiko was still thinking about how to attract Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention.

As a result, there was no need for him to do anything now. The opportunity came to him by itself, and it was naturally impossible for him not to seize it.

What Natsuhiko had to admit was that he really borrowed some ideas from Uchiha Itachi, such as the considerations of village and family.

Although Xia Yan feels a little childish, it fits the age he portrayed in his memory, doesn't it?

"But this is not a complete draw for attention. The most important thing is the position of captain of the third ANBU team."

At this stage, it can only be said that Natsuhiko relied on his surname, the strength he showed, and his weak connection with Namikaze Minato to get Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention.

But if we want Sarutobi Hiruzen to take action, it's not enough yet.

Only by obtaining the position of captain can one truly sit on it and become one of the most powerful members of the ANBU.

Only then can he truly step onto a higher stage, and only then can he get more attention and attention.

“After my fruit comes out, I have to find some Namikaze Minato.

With this sealing technique as the basis, and the information he provided last time he should have verified, it's time for me to make some requests. "

The future is bright, at least with Xia Yan's step-by-step plan at this stage, it will be even better.

But just as he was thinking about it, his ward door was knocked again, which made Xia Yan come back to his senses immediately.

His perception quickly turned on, and soon his expression became a little strange.

"Why are they here?"


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