"Why are you here?"

Xia Yan looked at the people in front of him with a smile. His smile was unusually gentle and hearty, looking as warm as the sun.

The people in front of him were all his old classmates, such as Kakashi, Akai and Kurenai.

He has always maintained a good relationship with these old classmates. Even if he went to Anbu, he would still keep in touch with them during his breaks.

Of course, Kakashi's connection was only established recently. After all, the other person was a genius and chose to graduate early.

And Xia Yan really couldn't do the same thing as Akai back then. At best, it's called persistence for friends, but at worst, it's a hot face but a cold butt.

But it was because of Akai's persistence that Kakashi lost Obito and Lin in the original work.

After losing his teacher and his wife, he still slowly transformed.

Akai is like this. His attitude towards his friends is even worse than Naruto.

What makes Xia Yan a little confused is why they know they are here?

Also, why did Uchiha Qiong follow?

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko couldn't help but look at Kakashi, because Kakashi was probably the only one who knew he was here.

His entry into Konoha Hospital was also very secretive, and even people within his family probably didn't know much about it.

But Kakashi is different. He is the Fourth Hokage standing behind him.

As expected, Kakashi said softly: "I wanted to come and see you, because we were separated, and Lord Hokage told me later. I just didn't expect to meet them when I came over."

"Okay, I understand." Xia Yan smiled and nodded. He believed that Kakashi would not talk nonsense.

"Natsuhiko, Kakashi, are you in the same team now?" Kurenai stood aside. She couldn't help but become a little curious when she heard Natsuhiko's words: "I heard Qiong say last time that it seems that the two of you have formed a team on the battlefield. , are you still together now?"

"Yes, you two are too mysterious, aren't you?" Akai couldn't help but ask: "Especially Xia Yan, it is very rare to see him once. Now Kakashi, you are like this too, you... "

Following Akai's inquiry, the classmates who came to visit Xia Yan couldn't help but cast curious glances.

Although there were not many people visiting Xia Yan, there were at least seven or eight people, which made his ward look even more crowded.

And all of these people except Kakashi looked at him, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

But Xia Yan is also a veteran of Anbu after all, and he still remains calm in the face of such situations.

Smiling casually, Xia Yan said directly: "We are indeed in a team now, but it is not a team. During a mission on the battlefield, he accidentally met Kakashi, and now we are still a temporary team. It’s just a team.”

"Temporary team? With Kakashi?" Akai blinked, and then he suddenly said excitedly: "That's awesome! By the way, I also heard that Kakashi called you captain, is it true?"

"Really." Kakashi nodded and admitted the matter directly.

However, Natsuhiko glanced at Uchiha Qiong with a strange expression. At present, apart from the ANBU, she seemed to be the only one who knew that she was Captain Kakashi.

He shook his head helplessly. After Xia Yan was tricked by Kakashi last time, he had expected such a result with a high probability.

So now he didn't feel anything other than helpless when encountering this matter.

"Because I was the temporary captain in the last operation."

Xia Yan smiled and spread his hands.

“And at that time, Kakashi was still a chuunin, not a jounin.

He was on his own again, so I became temporary captain for a while.

But later we were placed together again, and I became his captain. "

"You mean..." Natsu Yan had just finished explaining, and Uchiha Qiong suddenly looked at Natsu Yan with some curiosity: "Are you a Jonin too?"

When it came to this issue, Xia Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

The title of Jonin actually didn't mean much to him.

Especially among ANBU, their ninja level is rarely mentioned.

All they have is the captain and members, and they are only called by their respective code names.

To be honest, he didn't even remember what his ninja level was, but he shouldn't have reached the jounin level yet, right?

"Damn it!" Just when Xia Yan was stunned, Akai suddenly slapped him: "You guy, you have reached the level of Jonin without saying anything! And the most damning thing is, you didn't even tell us? "

"Um..." Xia Yan touched his head in embarrassment: "Sorry, because I am too busy, and among our classmates in this class, Kakashi is the first, and I have nothing to be proud of. place."

"But that's also a Jonin!" Kurenai looked at Xia Yan with envy, but soon she smiled and said, "Congratulations, you became a Jonin."

"Congratulations." Akai gave Xia Yan a thumbs up, and then he smiled and showed a row of white teeth. Xia Yan could even see his teeth shining.

Following the words of the two of them, other people who came to visit Xia Yan also began to congratulate Xia Yan.

Jonin, this title represents the embodiment of strength, and it also represents the recognition of you by the village. In their view, this is an extremely glorious thing.

And while blessing and congratulating Xia Yan, they couldn't help but feel some emotion and wonder in their hearts.

Although Xia Yan's performance in school was not bad, it was definitely not top-notch.

However, now he has become a Jonin, and even Kakashi, who was the most playful at the time, has become his subordinate.

Such huge changes really made them deeply moved, and at the same time, it also inspired them even more.

Xia Yan awkwardly expressed his gratitude to everyone who congratulated him. He couldn't bear the enthusiasm.

But this also shows from the side that Xia Yan has a very good relationship with his former classmates, and this relationship is also very important to him.

"Is your injury okay?" At this moment, Uchiha Qiong suddenly asked Xia Yan in a low voice: "I heard from Kakashi that you have been in the hospital for a while since you came back."

"Well, yes." Xia Yan leaned his head over and said in the same low voice: "But I have actually recovered a long time ago, but I still need further examination, so I am not allowed to leave. I will get moldy if I stay here for a long time. ”

Xia Yan's movements were very natural. When he was still studying in school, he was like this when he whispered to his deskmate.

Uchiha Qiong couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Xia Yan liked such a sincere smile very much.

Thinking back to when I was in school, my deskmate always cared about me, and this kind of care seems to still exist to this day.

But the only thing that made Xia Yan sigh in his heart was that this intellectual and gentle girl belonged to the Uchiha clan...


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