Natsuhiko has plans to contact the Uchiha clan, but so far he has not had a good opportunity, let alone a suitable entry point.

As an Anbu, he had less time of his own, so he had neither the time nor the ability to investigate the true situation within the Uchiha clan.

Although he had a rough idea, he didn't know exactly who was who.

Natsuhiko disliked Uchiha Fugaku's indecisive character, and even if he wanted to come into contact with him, he would never come into contact with such a person.

To be honest, if Natsuhiko traveled to the Uchiha clan, maybe he would choose to side with Uchiha Fugaku without hesitation.

Because his character is so weak, as long as he handles it well enough, he can see real changes.

Then, it is not impossible for him to control the Uchiha clan implicitly!

But as an outsider, especially the Uchiha clan's arch-enemy, the Senju clan, Natsuhiko felt that it was better to forget about it.

He would rather get in touch with other relatively sane people in the Uchiha clan, but he has no idea which people are relatively sane.

In addition to not understanding the internal situation of the Uchiha clan, Natsuhiko did not have much contact with his peers in the Uchiha clan.

Or they were a group of hopeless, self-righteous psychopaths, such as some guys whose names he couldn't quite remember and whom he had little contact with.

Or they have already died on the battlefield, such as Uchiha Obito.

The person with whom he has the best relationship, and who he personally feels has the best personality, is his deskmate Uchiha Qiong.

Unfortunately, Xia Yan has no idea about Uchiha Qiong's family background, but he thinks it may be ordinary.

If she had a good background, that boy Obito might have been more respectful to her back then.

Other than that, she didn't seem to have any contact with Uchiha members from other classes.

The most likely possibility is that she is also an ordinary Uchiha member.

"Fortunately, I don't plan to contact them so soon." Xia Yan thought silently: "Besides, my current status will definitely not attract any attention. It is better to think about this matter after I have more capital. .”

He did not intend to reveal his identity as a member of the Senju clan to the outside world. As a civilian ninja, even if he was the captain of the ANBU, his influence was far from enough.

But once you become the captain, many situations will become hugely different.

Ordinary captains are worthless, but ANBU captains are completely different.

This is also Xia Yan's best, a way to achieve level leap.

Of course, even if he takes the position of captain, he cannot do something too blatantly.

Xia Yan is very knowledgeable in psychology. He knows what he can do, what he can do in a subtle way, and what he absolutely cannot do.

What's more, if you really want to talk about it, he is not the one who is really anxious. The Uchiha clan is much more anxious than himself now.

Natsuhiko has a choice. He can bet on both ends, but the Uchiha clan cannot.

"It's a pity. The final result was the fall of the fourth generation, and Uchiha was destroyed within a few years. I'm afraid my classmates..."

Shaking his head gently, Natsu Yan was no longer thinking about this matter. What will happen to Uchiha in the future? In the final analysis, this has nothing to do with Natsu Yan.

Even though he is extremely eager to gain the support of the Uchiha clan and gain their power, there are still many things that he cannot deal with at this stage.

Especially before his own affairs are completely settled, he won't care about what will happen to the Uchiha clan.

After Kakashi and others finished their visit, Natsuhiko stayed in the hospital for a few more days before he was allowed to be discharged.

When he counted it down, he found that he had been in the hospital for almost a week. This week made him feel like his body was going moldy.

If Konoha didn't let him move around, he might have to find a way to go out and get some exercise.

Xia Yan has absolutely no problem mastering his abilities, but he knows what he lacks.

Combat experience, especially how to use his skills rationally to create maximum damage at the minimum cost, is what Xia Yan needs most.

Stretching hard, Xia Yan raised his head and felt the sunshine in the sky, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

At the same time, he also opened his own panel and began to watch his own situation.

When he saw the information displayed on the panel, the smile on his lips became wider.

"It seems that there is not no good news during this period."

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 37 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Jounin (Chongnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Thousand Hands)

Seeds: Jonin chakra seeds (60% maturity), intermediate senjutsu seeds (90% maturity), advanced earth escape seeds (71% maturity), advanced water escape seeds Seeds (71% maturity), primary sealed seeds (85% maturity)

Fruit: zero

Mission: Become the real BOSS in the ninja world (the only one)

Eighty-five percent of the primary sealed seeds were, this data made Xia Yan extremely satisfied.

The remaining 15% can be completed in less than a week.

It may take some time for intermediate magic seeds to be obtained, but they will definitely be available in the near future.

And this time he completed the mission, and also assisted the third brigade in escorting the people back from the roots, and was even sent to the hospital for such a long time.

Logically speaking, he should have a sufficient vacation, but I don't know if this vacation can last for a week.

"But what the heck, I have to finish planting the seeds before I go on my next mission. It's best to learn the art of Flying Thunder God!"

Turning his gaze slightly, Xia Yan looked at the statue of Hokage not far away, especially the statue of the Fourth Hokage.

The most critical point of the Flying Thunder God Technique is now about to be conquered by himself. Can he be unhappy in his heart?

In addition, Namikaze Minato promised to teach him the Flying Thunder God Technique, even if at first Natsuhiko only wanted to learn the sealing technique.

Of course, even now he hopes to learn more sealing techniques.

However, he had the experience of learning Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique, and he could use these experiences as his own weapons, so why should he refuse?

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique, I've been waiting for it for a long time, it's time to see it now."

Slowly looking away, Xia Yan turned around and walked towards his home.

Having not been home for more than half a month, he knew that there would be a mission report after returning, and the elder would never let him go easily.

But Xia Yan doesn't care that much. He has hidden many things from the elder, and this time he will not report them completely.

He has no ill will towards the Senju clan, and the same goes for the elder who raised him.

It's just that his personal decisions and many of his ideas seem a bit out of place compared to the traditional concepts of the Senju clan...


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