"Good morning, Hokage-sama."

"Morning, Xia Yan."

In the forest of Konoha, Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato with a smile on his face. His smile had almost become a habit.

And what he has to do is to turn this habit into a symbol.

Now his smile has almost become a consensus among his classmates, but this is far from enough.

His goal is to let everyone in Konoha and even the entire ninja world know this, and make this completely his trademark.

But what surprised Natsuhiko was that Namikaze Minato's state seemed a little subtle at this time.

He looked a little tired and helpless, but underneath these two negative emotions there seemed to be a trace of joy mixed in.

Xia Yan's perception is very strong. It has developed to the point where he can detect the emotions of people around him even if he doesn't actively turn on his perception.

Even if there is no way to perceive good and evil, it is still possible to explore a person's mood.

Fatigue and helplessness, Xia Yan can probably figure out what's going on. After all, his current job as Hokage may not be so smooth.

Not to mention anything else, the ANBU issue alone was probably enough to bother him.

But what about that joy?

Could it be...

Calculating the time mentally, Xia Yan seemed to have guessed the answer.

At this stage, the people most likely to make him feel happy are probably his family.

"Congratulations on getting such a powerful help, and congratulations on completing such a difficult task." Namikaze Minato didn't know what Natsuhi was thinking, so he said directly: "Thank you for your hard work, Natsuhi."

"It's just good luck, and there is Kakashi's help." Natsuhiko smiled slightly, and he said very modestly: "But, thank you Naruto."

Faced with Namikaze Minato's praise, Natsuhiko would not take the credit alone.

This mission was carried out together with Kakashi, so no matter what achievements are obtained, Kakashi will have a share.

It doesn't matter whether Kakashi is a disciple of Namikaze Minato or not, he will do this. This is a good opportunity to build up his character.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this, but soon his expression became serious.

"Natsuhiko, the information you gave me, I have..." Minato Namikaze's voice became very low, very quiet.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xia Yan.

"Information?" Natsuki glanced at Namikaze Minato in confusion: "Hokage-sama, the information on the Third Kazekage puppet cannot be regarded as provided by me. After all, that guy used it so arrogantly, everyone can see it."

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but shook his head when he heard Natsuhiko's words. This guy was really careful.

Is this the information he was talking about?

Since Xia Yan doesn't intend to mention this matter, he won't continue to talk about it.

However, the 'family information' provided by Xia Yan forced him to admit that the accuracy was too high, and the water in the ANBU was indeed too deep.

"Okay, I understand." Namikaze Minato nodded slightly: "Then..."

"Hokage-sama, this is for you." Before Namikaze Minato could finish speaking, Natsuhiko interrupted him again.

It's not a good idea to interrupt your immediate boss, but Natsuhiko doesn't mind because Namikaze Minato's tolerance is definitely not small.

If it were Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would never do this, but would be obedient.

But the current Namikaze Minato is not that strong, nor does he have that kind of power.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to show a different attitude, rather than the attitude of a subordinate, this is what Xia Yan needs.

"This is..." Namikaze Minato was indeed not angry. He just looked at the scroll handed over by Natsuhiko in confusion.

"Hokage-sama will know after seeing it." Xia Yan said softly with a smile.

Namikaze Minato glanced at Natsuhiko, then silently tore open the scroll, and then began to watch it carefully.

Just after he looked at it for a moment, his expression changed slightly, and then he closed the scroll directly.

Natsuhiko was not surprised by Minato Namikaze's change of mood, because the things recorded in his scroll were really not pleasant.

Because what is recorded here are some of Xia Yan's guesses about the underground laboratory.

In fact, Natsuhiko planned to hand over this information to Namikaze Minato last time.

But in order to avoid giving too many chips at once, which would not have enough value in the future, he decided to suppress it a little bit.

Most of this information is speculation, but apart from speculation, some of it is also true.

As an ANBU, Xia Yan would always encounter some interesting things, such as when he saw someone disappear into the forest once.

What's more, he and Kakashi had seen the underground laboratory before, and there were also messages in Konoha about Orochimaru doing human experiments in private, which even caused Orochimaru to lose his position as Hokage.

Combining the information Xia Yan gave him last time and this series of events, he was almost reporting his ID number directly.

He was basically telling Minato Namikaze clearly that the underground laboratory at the root was conducting human experiments!

Of course, he did not disclose more information. For example, he knew exactly what was done in that laboratory.

But he didn't dare to say it, or even reveal it in a subtle way.

That was an issue involving the First Hokage. Without direct evidence, revealing such information based on mere speculation would cause unimaginable trouble!

Xia Yan is not stupid, he knows that the food must be eaten bit by bit and the road must be walked step by step.

"This matter..." Namikaze Minato suppressed his rising blood pressure, and soon he lit the scroll in his hand directly: "This matter is of great importance, I need to investigate it slowly. .”

Namikaze Minato actually made an exploration, but the result disappointed him, because he had no way to get close to it, and even if he wanted to collect relevant reports, they were all in vain.

Even if he is Hokage, he has no way of contacting or understanding those laboratories!

"Of course, after all, I only encountered it once. If something goes wrong, it will be a big trouble." Xia Yan smiled and said calmly: "Only after confirmation, many things can be confirmed. After all, we are ninjas, not Detectives who rely on guesswork.”

Namikaze Minato didn't want to answer Natsu Yan's words anymore, because he found that every time he received such similar information, he would feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

For example, last time he learned about the entanglement between Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen, as well as the division of power within the ANBU.

At the same time, some unknown but most likely correct information was analyzed, such as the situation between Orochimaru and Danzo.

And this time, some information appeared, information closely related to Orochimaru's human experiments.

If it is true, it completely proves the accuracy of his last guess, and also proves the ambitions of Danzo and Orochimaru.

In fact, it is very likely that the third generation Hokage played some less honorable roles in this.

Such an experiment, no matter how much it is concealed, cannot be completely concealed!

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato calmed down and said with a smile: "Now, I will continue to teach you the sealing technique, are you ready?"

"Well..." Xia Yan was a little embarrassed, but he raised his head proudly: "I'm afraid we need to jump to a stage."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Because I have already learned the sealing technique..."


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