The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 86: What kind of monster are you? (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"Learn...have you learned it?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Natsuhiko with a strange expression. He never expected that he would get such an answer.

It took more than a month to learn the sealing technique. Although it was not a particularly strange thing, it also took me more than a month to complete it back then.

But the problem is that this boy Xia Yan is an ANBU, and he has been on a mission for more than a month!

First, he spent time investigating intelligence, then subdued a powerful lizard as a psychic, and then rescued the Third Brigade to help them complete their mission.

During such an intense mission process, he actually learned the sealing technique?

Is this a talent?

Namikaze Minato didn't think this kid was lazy sometimes. The mission report for this operation was still on his desk!

Apart from the explanation of talent, he seemed to be unable to think of any other explanation.

"Yes, I learned it." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Although I have been busy recently, Master Hokage's teachings are very effective. It took me a while to understand a lot of things, and I can use some simple sealing techniques. ”

"Really?" Namikaze Minato seemed to still have some sense.

Use some simple sealing techniques?

The characteristic of the sealing technique is that once you can cast one, even a relatively simple one.

You can also understand other techniques by analogy, and you can even try to perform them.

The difficulty of sealing lies in getting started and understanding it. Once you get started, the road will be much easier, but it will only be easy.

If you want to learn more deeply, the difficulty is still quite high.

If viewed as a curve, the curve of the sealing technique has peaks at the beginning and end, but is flat in the middle.

It took Namikaze Minato more than a month and Kushina's careful teaching to take the first step.

Although he has made rapid progress in the art of sealing, he still cannot learn higher and more difficult things.

But what about Xia Yan?

This kid has succeeded now, and even admitted it himself, which makes Namikaze Minato really don't know what to say.

"What sealing techniques do you know now?" Namikaze Minato stabilized his emotions, and then asked: "Have you learned the three seals?"

"Sancai seal?" Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then he directly let his chakra begin to surge.

Raising his hands slightly, he quickly formed a seal. He had already performed it once last night and could be considered 'very familiar' with this technique.

In just a moment, he had completed the seal, and the strange power that had been integrated into his body bloomed at this moment.

When the response was completed, Natsuhiko imitated Namikaze Minato's behavior before and pressed his hand directly on the tree beside them.

The black tadpole-like spell spread quickly, and when he took his hand away, a complete Sancai seal appeared in front of the two of them.

Namikaze Minato looked at the seal in front of him, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

It's perfect, all the details are controlled to perfection, and every step is as if it has been refined thousands of times.

Although the flaw is that his seal formation speed is a little slower, but it is not a big deal.

As long as Xia Yan becomes more proficient in mastering these techniques after a long period of training, there will be no problem.

"It seems that this boy's talent is indeed terrifying. He is indeed a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan."

With a slight sigh in his heart, Namikaze Minato's eyes changed slightly when he looked at Natsuhiko.

Such a display of talent, plus what Kakashi said he was good at.

Namikaze Minato had no doubt that this child could learn the Flying Thunder God Technique!

A powerful psychic beast as a comrade, and at the same time learned the art of flying thunder god...

Suddenly, Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment. He realized why this boy looked a bit like him.

He is also very good at physical skills, and has good reaction nerves and body coordination, so he has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God. In addition, he also has Bunta as a comrade.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato also knew some characteristics of this boy, that is, he had a very gentle personality and was very friendly to his friends and people in the village.

The more Namikaze Minato thought like this, the more he felt that he saw his own shadow in Natsuhiko.

This sense of déjà vu really made him feel amazing.

"Well, you really amaze me." Namikaze Minato calmed down, and he thought it would be better not to think about these problems anymore: "Since you have mastered a certain amount of sealing techniques, I will now teach you the flying thunder god. Technique."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan bowed slightly in a very humble manner: "Then, I'd like to trouble you, Hokage-sama."

With the help of the system, he naturally wouldn't feel that he had learned the sealing technique to be proud of.

Even though he was asked to learn it by himself, he didn't think he could learn it.

But in the end, he did rely on plug-ins and fruits to complete his studies, which is nothing to be proud of.

And what Namikaze Minato wants to teach him now is the most critical thing.

Xia Yan knows a lot about the Flying Thunder God Technique, but what he lacks is experience, the experience and lessons of a successful user.

With these things, and Xia Yan's ability to master them quickly, this can completely save him from taking a lot of detours.

Natsuhiko's attitude is very serious and sincere, and Namikaze Minato's teachings are also very careful.

Maybe he really regarded Xia Yan as another person, and he didn't have any hidden thoughts at all.

Of course, the most likely possibility is that he really intends to cultivate talents for Konoha. After all, he is a person who can even give up his life for the sake of the village.

"Ninpo Technique: Flying Thunder God Seal!"

The setting sun had slowly approached the treetops. Under the rays of the setting sun, Xia Yan's index and middle fingers on his right hand came together, and his chakra reverberated on his fingertips.

The next moment, strange chakra fluctuations appeared on his body, and a curse seal quietly appeared on the kunai he held in his left hand!

The Flying Thunder God's seal seals the Flying Thunder God's unique space rune.

And it appears on the carrier, achieving the key step of allowing himself to travel through space and reach the carrier instantly. Xia Yan finally completed it!

"It's really amazing."

Namikaze Minato looked at Natsu Yan with a somewhat numb expression. He was really stunned by Natsu Yan's learning ability.

In one day, just one day, this boy actually completed the task of condensing the curse seal of Flying Thunder God in front of him?

Minato Namikaze really didn't expect such an amazing talent. If you include this kid who has learned the sealing technique to this day, I'm afraid it won't take more than a week in total, right?

After learning all these in a week, what kind of monster is this kid?

"Thank you for the compliment, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan looked at the curse mark appearing on the kunai in his hand. He was also very happy, but he did not get carried away by the joy.

"If it weren't for Hokage-sama's teachings, I would never have been able to reach this point."

"No, this is your talent." Namikaze Minato smiled and shook his head: "Come on, I heard that you want to be Hokage, right? Then you have to work harder."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan's face instantly became serious: "I will remember Hokage-sama's teachings, but before that..."

"I think there is something that I need to have a good talk with Mr. Hokage..."


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