When Natsuhiko talks to Minato Namikaze about things, he always makes Minato Namikaze feel depressed and his blood pressure rises unconsciously.

There was no way, because every time Natsuhiko gave him information, it was the darkest thing inside Konoha.

Even if he only got Xia Yan's information twice, he would still feel like this after part of it was verified by him.

So when he heard Xia Yan's words, he already frowned involuntarily.

This kind of reaction made Xia Yan a little baffled, because it was really too extreme.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it. He did have some things that he needed to discuss with Namikaze Minato, and that was about the Anbu captain this time.

Natsuhiko didn't know what Namikaze Minato would choose, nor what the current opinions and thoughts of his superiors were.

But he had to do something for his own plan, otherwise he would have killed this guy Kusumu in vain.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato has been aroused by himself, and he may not be so ideal about his current situation.

In this case, it is very necessary to have an ANBU captain who is willing to cooperate with him, obey his instructions, and even provide him with more information.

And Natsuhiko is convinced that if Namikaze Minato doesn't try to do something now.

I'm afraid that there is a high chance that Xia Yan will miss out on this position of captain.

He's certainly a competitive guy, but he's not the only competitive guy.

"What's the matter? Just tell me." Namikaze Minato composed himself and seemed to have calmed down a lot: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I was still thinking about this before, whether I should say it or not." Xia Yan kept a smile on his face and looked very friendly: "And before this, I felt that I was not qualified, but now... ..."

Having said this, Xia Yan glanced at the kunai in his hand that had been sealed with the Flying Thunder God's curse seal.

Rather than saying that he is not qualified enough, it is better to say that the chips are not enough for people to make up their minds.

But now, Xia Yan has completed the two most difficult steps of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The most important thing is that as long as he travels through space in the trial field, he is equivalent to mastering the most basic art of Flying Thunder God!

However, Natsuhiko would not make such an attempt now, because he knew that once he did so, it was hard to say what Namikaze Minato would see.

Mastering such a technique excessively without any time buffer is simply exposing Xia Yan's secret.

He would never try anything that might expose him.

The reason why he dared to expose the sealing technique was entirely because he had enough buffer time. Even if he was busy, he could still say that he took time to practice, right?

As for the Flying Thunder God, Natsu Yan has not used it at this stage, but for someone like Namikaze Minato who is very good at Flying Thunder God, he knows that Natsu Yan is only one step away from successfully using it.

Even if it were directly said that Xia Yan had learned to fly the Thunder God, there would be no problem.

Namikaze Minato seems to understand what he means. He has mastered the Flying Thunder God and has a powerful psychic beast as a comrade. His own strength is not weak. This is indeed a powerful bargaining chip.

"Do you want..." Namikaze Minato was very smart, and after just a little thought, he roughly understood Natsuhiko's thoughts: "The position of the captain of the third ANBU division?"

"Yes." Although Xia Yan's expression was still gentle, this time his tone was unusually firm: "I just want the position of captain."

"Give me a reason." Namikaze Minato took a deep breath, he couldn't help but frown and asked: "If it was just pure strength, I would find a way to let you compete, but..."

"This position is of great significance to both Hokage-sama and me."

Natsuhiko interrupted Namikaze Minato before he could finish his words.

"Hokage-sama should know that Kusunoki is actually close to its roots.

With his death, I believe that neither Hokage nor the Sandaime will allow the next Kusunoki to appear, right? "

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but nodded when he heard Natsuhiko's words.

Indeed, during this period, he had also discussed with the Third Hokage the candidate for the vacated captain of Anbu, and both of them had a tacit agreement to exclude Danzo.

The personnel they selected were also people with sufficient experience and strength in the Anbu. However, in this discussion, Sarutobi Hiruzen occupied an absolutely strong position.

Namikaze Minato had some ideas. He had thought about using this captain to win over some people, but unfortunately he only had Natsuhiko and Kakashi among the ANBU.

"Tell me your specific thoughts." Namikaze Minato sighed slightly: "I want to know all your thoughts, without any private thoughts."

"Actually, Hokage-sama is worried that his behavior will arouse the anger of the Third Hokage, right?"

Xia Yan smiled slightly. He still looked calm, not like he was talking about some important topics at all.

"After all, there is a precedent set by Kakashi, and Lord Hokage is unwilling to have a direct conflict with Lord Sandaime.

Therefore, in this choice, Hokage-sama must be in a dilemma. After all, there are not many people in the ANBU that Hokage-sama can trust.

However, I believe I am definitely one of them.

And in terms of qualifications, I have been in ANBU for five years, and I think this resume has met the minimum requirements.

As for strength, although my chakra cannot reach a satisfactory level due to age restrictions.

But I believe that it won't be long before I can completely master the art of Flying Thunder God.

In addition, I also have Lizard Maru as a helper, so I won't lose to too many people in ANBU.

Although I am still young, I believe that as long as I am given time, I will become stronger and satisfy the Hokage even more. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused for a moment.

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly. The information provided by Natsuhiko indeed proved that he indeed had the leverage to become the captain.

Experience and strength are all important requirements for becoming a captain, and Xia Yan has indeed met them all.

In addition, that is the potential shown by Xia Yan. This kind of potential will make anyone excited.

And this kind of potential is indeed an important bargaining chip for Xia Yan to become the captain!


Looking at Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko's smile became even brighter.

"I believe Hokage-sama also hopes that he will have his own troop in ANBU.

There are currently three ANBU brigades in total, and two of these three brigades belong to the Sandaime-sama, and one was once close to the root.

Now that the position is vacant, even if Hokage-sama is stronger and finds a way to take it, Sandaime-sama will only be angry and will not choose to turn against him.

Because he has too many resources in his hands, and with Kakashi's entry, the Sandaime-sama has actually been mentally prepared for a long time.

And Hokage-sama, if I become the captain, I can provide more, more accurate and detailed information to Hokage-sama.

No? "


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