The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 88 Hostility (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

As soon as the early morning sun came out of the ground, Xia Yan got up on time.

After a brief wash, he quickly set off towards the ANBU.

After resting for such a long time, Xia Yan has harvested both the sealing seeds and the Flying Thunder God Technique, so he has no complaints about resuming work now.

Even now, he is looking forward to his return to work this time.

Several days had passed since his conversation with Namikaze Minato. Although he didn't get a relatively specific answer, he knew he had a chance.

Namikaze Minato was still a little cautious about Natsuhiko's suggestion.

Even if Natsuhiko had clearly told him that with the precedent of Kakashi entering the ANBU, even if he promoted an ANBU force of his own, it would not cause a substantial falling out between him and the Sandaime.

But he still hopes to use normal procedures to implement this matter. Xia Yan has nothing to say about this. After all, he is more confident in himself.

The normal process for promotion to ANBU captain is to go through a series of assessments.

Xia Yan didn't think such an assessment could stump him, but it was a bit troublesome and there were more variables.

But Namikaze Minato was unwilling to break the rules, and Natsuhiko couldn't force him to do anything.

To put it bluntly, although when he and Namikaze Minato get along, they don't look like superiors and subordinates, but more often they look like collaborators or even master-disciple relationships.

But Xia Yan still understands the essential relationship between them very clearly.

And even if Minato Namikaze has a good personality, there are some things that he cannot overcome.

At this point, Natsuhiko had no other emotions except regret that he could not directly obtain the position of captain and could not completely attract Sarutobi Hiruzen's attention.

There is one thing that Natsuhiko did not deceive Namifeng Shuimen, that is, he directly promoted himself and would not let him and Sarutobi Hiruzen break up.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen would also take countermeasures if he did this, the focus at that time was on himself.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time."

Xia Yanxin thought, and soon he entered the ANBU headquarters.

The Anbu's headquarters is located in the Hokage Building, a secluded corner near the Hokage Rock.

This place is strictly controlled and ordinary people are not allowed to approach it. Of course, ordinary people cannot find this place.

Unlike the roots that are built under the Hokage Rock, the Anbu does not require such surface work at all.

Xia Yan felt that the reason why the roots were built under the Hokage Rock was not only to comfort Danzo that you are only a ray of sunshine away from the Hokage, but also to tell Danzo secretly.

The root is the deepest place where Konoha is buried. It should always be buried deep under the Hokage Rock without any evil thoughts.

Quickly entering the ANBU headquarters, Xia Yan glanced around and quickly found the first brigade to which they belonged.

However, he also noticed that when he came in, many ANBU members were looking at him.

It was obvious that his actions this time had been completely spread through the ANBU who had been rescued by him.

Whether it's his own strength or Lizard Maru, these are all Xia Yan's achievements.

In addition, he helped the members of the Third Brigade escape from trouble. These two things combined immediately caused Xia Yan's name to spread crazily in the Anbu.

Who among the ANBU members doesn't know the name of Nightingale, the captain of the third team of the first team.

It can be said that Natsuhiko is well known in Konoha Anbu, and the feedback is very positive.

"team leader."

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly called out to Xia Yan. Xia Yan glanced over and quickly locked his location.

Although Kakashi's personality has changed a lot, he already feels like he has come out of the haze.

But there still seemed to be a deep gap between him and the ANBU team members.

Ordinary members are fine, but once it comes to captains and captains, it can be said that there is no communication between them.

But Xia Yan is different. He has a good relationship with almost everyone.

Although the captain would not say anything to him, the ordinary team members and the squad leaders all recognized him very much.

The five years in ANBU gave him sufficient preparation and allowed him to have a good network of contacts in ANBU.

This time, with the success of the rescue mission and the display of strength, his prestige in the Anbu has been improved a lot.

"Kakashi, are you here so early?" Xia Yan walked over and sat next to him: "I'm not late, am I?"

"No, Captain." Kakashi said softly: "But I heard that some people seem to be a little dissatisfied with the Captain."

"Aren't you satisfied?" Xia Yan nodded slightly, then he smiled and said: "Thank you, Kakashi, I understand."

"Captain, what's going on?" Kakashi didn't seem to be surprised when he saw Xia Yan. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "I remember that the captain's interpersonal relationship is still good, why..."

Kakashi didn't finish his words, but his meaning was already obvious.

Xia Yan did not answer this question immediately. Instead, his eyes scanned everyone present, and finally he locked on a few people.

Of course he knew why some people were dissatisfied with him, and he could even guess who these people might be.

To put it bluntly, it was just Namikaze Minato who lifted him up so that he could participate in this captain selection and meet some people's cakes.

Some of these people are from Xia Yan's own brigade, and the rest are almost all from the third brigade.

It's not that no one in the Second Battalion doesn't want to compete for this position. On the contrary, there are still many ANBU backbones in the Second Battalion.

Unfortunately, one of Natsuhiko and Kakashi's missions angered Kakuto, and in the end, the Second Battalion somehow took the blame for them.

Now many squads in the second brigade have to be rebuilt, and they even have to recruit people from the first brigade.

It is conceivable that they now have more than enough energy.

As for the people in the third brigade, Xia Yan felt that this was probably the most normal thing.

After all, it was the captain of the third brigade who died this time, so the vacant position was naturally that of the third brigade.

Rather than being airborne by others, they preferred that their battalion captain be an original member of the Third Battalion.

Xia Yan gained such a high prestige this time, which invisibly improved his competitiveness a lot.

What's more, before he discussed this matter with Namikaze Minato, he was not selected for this selection.

The sudden addition of his spot also means that it will be more difficult for other competitors to obtain this position. Naturally, they will not feel satisfied with Xia Yan.

"It's actually very simple. This matter is not a secret."

After Xia Yan glanced at his opponents, he kept smiling and spoke softly.

"Because I also want to participate in the selection of captain this time..."


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