On the road connecting the Hokage Building to the ANBU headquarters, Nam Feng Shui and Hiruzen Sarutobi walked side by side. Behind them were Danzo, Koharu and Mito Kaden.

This road is very busy, with all kinds of people walking through it, and there are also many young women buying things here.

It's just that they didn't seem to notice the appearance of the five most powerful people in Konoha Village on this road.

They still do what they want to do, and it all seems so harmonious.

It's just that the five of them didn't feel much about such a harmonious scene, especially Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo. They all had their own thoughts.

"The Yondaime." Sarutobi Hiruzen was walking, and suddenly he asked calmly: "What do you think of this selection of ANBU captain?"

"Sandaime-sama, I think it's better to let nature take its course." Namikaze Minato showed a warm smile, which made people feel warm like the rising sun: "I think the people running this time are all qualified people. , no matter who it is, it’s not an accident.”

"All qualified?" Danzo stood behind them and said with some disdain: "Others may not have any problems, but can you tell that Nightingale what's going on?"

"Nightingale is certainly qualified." Namikaze Minato explained calmly. He didn't seem to intend to say anything more to Danzo.

It wasn't really a big secret that he didn't like Danzo.

In other words, there are not many people in Konoha who like Danzo, and Namikaze Minato's performance is considered to be in line with the normal performance of Konoha ninjas.

It's just that as Hokage, he couldn't express his disgust.

And he also knows that even if he doesn't agree with the existence of roots, it is still necessary.

It's just that this necessity is a bit excessive, and he can't get involved at all, and he can't know the underlying secret at all.

Danzo was extremely dissatisfied when he saw Namikaze Minato's attitude.

He knew all the arrangements he had made in the Anbu, and with Kusunoki's death, everything was wiped out.

Moreover, it was obviously impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to let himself get involved, which made him feel resentful in his heart.

However, what he least expected was that the brat Minato Namikaze, an ANBU that he could not interfere with, actually used the power of the Hokage to forcefully place someone for selection.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen actually chose to compromise and agreed to this matter in the end. In Danzo's view, this was simply a blatant betrayal of himself!

But he knew that no matter what he said, it would have no effect, because Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage, and Namikaze Minato was also the Hokage.

Naruto, this is Shimura Danzo's inner desire.

He thought back countless times, if he could be faster for one second, wouldn't the Hokage be his?

However, time will not turn around, and nothing can go back.

"Nightingale is indeed qualified. He has enough experience and strength."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at his old friend lightly, and then looked at Namikaze Minato.

"It's just that this child's flaws are also very obvious. He is too young and may not be able to convince the public, and his chakra is also a problem, right?"

"Although Nightingale is young, I think he has enough ability to make others willing to follow his command."

Namikaze Minato's voice was very calm, and he said seriously.

"And Nightingale's chakra should have a certain relationship with his age. I think there is no doubt about his potential, Sandaime-sama."

"It is true that his potential is amazing, but this test is not something that ordinary people can pass."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Namikaze Minato lightly, and then he shook his head.

"However, since you want to give it a try, Yondaime, then give it a try. Anyway, it is a normal procedure and it does not violate the rules of Konoha.

It would be great if it succeeded, but it would be a good experience for the child if it failed. "

"That's natural." Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded: "No matter what the result is, this is a good experience."

The words of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato were very plain and sparse, as if they were talking about a normal thing.

Standing behind them, Koharu and Mito Kabuto, who were sleeping in the dormitory, couldn't help but sigh slightly. Although the conversation between these two people seemed ordinary, they were also sharp in nature.

If there was no accident, the nightingale they were talking about should be that brat Senju Natsuhiko.

They had never thought about a descendant of the Senju clan taking over as a captain of the ANBU.

And they never thought that Namikaze Minato would be connected with the descendants of the Senju clan.

Of course, they also know that such a relationship is actually based on a position similar to a master-student relationship.

Similarly, they can also understand that this is Namikaze Minato's desire to form his own team.

It's a pity that the Senju clan of today is no longer the Senju clan of the past. Namikaze Minato's approach is to seek medical treatment in a hurry.

He forced Senju Natsuhiko to intervene in the selection of ANBU captain, which had no other meaning except making other ANBU people more dissatisfied with him.

The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed with him, besides knowing that this incident was intended to teach him a lesson, was that he did not want Shimura Danzo to interfere with ANBU again.

Both of them knew what Shimura Danzo was thinking, but they knew even more that this was impossible.

Moreover, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato had similar thoughts.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen said the words "future", the two of them already seemed to be somewhat inseparable.

Although Namikaze Minato's performance was still respectful, the fact that he chose Natsuhiko to run showed a lot of things.

But even so, the two of them still tacitly excluded Shimura Danzo, and it is conceivable that they would not let Danzo get what he wanted.

After thinking about this, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan turned to bed and couldn't help but turn their heads and glance at Danzo. In the end, the two of them shook their heads in tacit understanding.

Danzo is too deep into his own fantasy, and no one can persuade him. There is no way he can succeed.

"Okay, we're almost there." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked ahead silently, his voice still calm: "Then, let's take a good look at their performance."

"Yes, now we can only take a good look at their performance." Namikaze Minato said with a smile: "I believe Nightingale will have a good performance. He has learned a lot from me."

"Oh? Your teaching?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked curiously, "Are you planning to accept this boy as your disciple?"

"Maybe." Namikaze Minato smiled gently: "Who knows what the future will bring."

Yes, who knows what the future will bring?

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and then stopped asking.

As they continued to move forward, and finally disappeared into a building, the originally bustling streets suddenly became a little quiet.

The originally noisy crowd slowly dispersed at this moment, leaving only a few small vendors...


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