The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 90: The moistening rain is silent (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"Captain, you really want to participate..."

"Well, no need to be surprised."

In the ANBU headquarters, Natsuhiko smiled and whispered to Kakashi.

It's completely understandable that Kakashi was surprised. He had been here for a month or two and was almost familiar with the mechanism of ANBU.

This is one of the most powerful positions in the entire ANBU, second only to the ANBU Minister and Deputy Minister!

Although there are many organizations within the Anbu, no matter how many organizations they have, they must listen to the action forces. It can be said that the existence of those organizations is entirely to serve the action forces.

Kakashi would never dare to think of such a powerful position, but he didn't expect that his captain would actually have an idea.

But soon, Kakashi's face hidden under the mask changed slightly.

Because he found that his captain seemed to have such qualifications. From the perspective of resume and strength, his captain fully met the requirements!

Since it fits the bill, why not give it a try?

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi nodded seriously: "I understand, captain, you have to work hard."

"Of course." Xia Yan smiled at Kakashi: "If I succeed, will you come to my place?"

"Natural reasons follow the captain." Kakashi said firmly.

Among the entire ANBU, the one he was most familiar with was Xia Yan, and Xia Yan had really helped him tremendously.

If Xia Yan leaves, then he may have to be reassigned to a team. Although he is not afraid of the unfamiliar environment, he does not like it that much.

Why would he go to someone he didn't know when he was followed by someone he knew?

Moreover, the relationship between Natsuhiko and his teacher is also extraordinary. Kakashi has long regarded Natsuhiko as one of his own.

While the two were chatting, suddenly everyone in the ANBU fell silent, and at the same time, the door to their square was opened.

Natsuhiko and Kakashi also immediately stopped communicating because they noticed several figures walking towards it.

Looking carefully, it was Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In addition, a middle-aged man wearing an ANBU uniform but without a mask walked in after them.

"Takumi Murashima."

Xia Yan's eyes quickly locked on this middle-aged man, and he naturally knew who this guy was.

He is one of the most feared departments in Konoha and one of the most powerful people in Konoha.

Of course, this most powerful figure can only be considered at the level of minister.

The ANBU minister does have more say than other departments!

However, Xia also knew that the purpose of this minister's existence was actually Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouthpiece.

There is no doubt that he is very powerful, but what stands out most about him is not his great strength, but his loyalty to the Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can control the ANBU so firmly. Even though he has retired as Hokage but still controls the ANBU, you can understand how loyal this guy is.

Natsuhiko didn't know the relationship between him and Hiruzen Sarutobi, but he knew that as long as Takumi Murashima was in Anbu for a day, then Anbu would be a one-man show for Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Everyone, we are here today. I think everyone knows the reason, right?"

When they reached the center of the square, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Minato Namikaze exchanged glances, and then Hiruzen Sarutobi took a step forward and spoke.

His movements were natural, and everyone present acted as if they were taking it for granted, but Xia Yan couldn't help but secretly shake his head.

Who is the real Hokage, and who should the ANBU listen to?

The weakness of Namibun Minato is really clearly visible.

"Very good." Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at everyone present and finally nodded.

"It seems that everyone knows it, so I won't talk nonsense.

Today, everyone came here. In addition to witnessing the assessment together, they are also part of the supervision team.

The position of captain is very important, and I think you all know it well, so we cannot be careless or careless in the slightest.

We must choose someone with experience and strength who can lead you to complete your mission and protect our homeland. "

"Yes! Hokage-sama!" All ANBU immediately replied loudly.

But when these ANBU replied, they all looked at Natsuhiko involuntarily, and Namikaze Minato's brows furrowed slightly.

Xia Yan was also one of the people who participated in the selection, but he was too young. Although he had gained a certain prestige in the Anbu through publicity.

But this is obviously not enough, and it is far from enough to be the captain of the ANBU members. A few words from Sarutobi Hiruzen put Xia Yan at a slight disadvantage.

Although he didn't say a word of disapproval of Xia Yan, his effect was already achieved.

Natsuhiko was personally chosen by Minato Namikaze, and all the members of the ANBU knew this.

Even though Namikaze Minato is the Hokage, he does not have enough prestige in the Anbu, and his actions will naturally attract some criticism.

Anbu are also human beings, even if they are not afraid of life and death, they are not willing to die.

An unqualified captain who makes the wrong choice at the wrong time will definitely kill them!

"In that case, let's start the assessment."

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed not to notice the small movements of these Anbu, and he continued to speak.

“But let’s start the practical assessment directly. I believe the candidates will have no problems with the theoretical assessment.

After all, we are all elites, and our ability in this area will not be a problem regardless of age, right?

Finally, this time the assessment will not limit the way of fighting. You can use psychic beasts and the like. After all, this is your partner. "

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Namikaze Minato's expression completely changed, but he quickly recovered himself.

And Natsuhiko also shook his head slightly, I have to say that this old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed powerful!

Through his own words, he silently made Xia Yan's situation become more subtle and unbearable.

Just skip the theory and come to practice?

Especially his last sentence made Xia Yan sigh.

Now who in the ANBU doesn't know that Natsuhiko may be very strong. Even if his chakra is weak, he still has a psychic beast as a partner.

And for Xia Yan, he is not afraid of any theoretical exams, but considering his age, his experience will definitely be a weakness for him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen now directly announced that he would skip the exam, which seemed like he was cheating on Natsuhiko.

It's just that the person behind Natsuhiko is not Sarutobi Hiruzen, and his actions will only make these Anbu involuntarily think of Namikaze Minato.

This old guy is simply trying to further split the relationship between Namikaze Minato and ANBU!

He deliberately said that he could use psychic beasts, which completely hit Xia Yan's point.

Once Natsuhiko really uses it, it will be equivalent to falling into the trap of his Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Not to mention that he will have the reputation of "only relying on psychic beasts to fight, and his own strength is not very good". Secondly, it will also make the ANBU unhappy with Namikaze Minato's choice.

Not to mention that if he wins like this and skips the theoretical test, it will further show the idea that "the Fourth Hokage intends to let Natsuhiko be elected", thus causing the Anbu and Namikaze Minato to drift away.

"This old man is really capable of causing trouble. It seems like this election won't be easy..."


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