The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 92: Talent (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

As Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice fell, Natsuhiko and Weasel took action almost at the same time.

The two of them turned into a stream of light that cut through the sky almost instantly. When the sparks of metal collision appeared, the two of them were already holding kunai against each other!

It's so fast that your eyes can't keep up.

Xia Yan is very good at speed, and Weasel is also a ninja who is good at speed. This kind of confrontation is destined to be dazzling!


While holding kunai against each other and secretly competing for strength, Xia Yan suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

He had already discovered that there was something wrong with the weasel in front of him, which made him immediately jump to the side. At the same time, a cold knife light passed through his clothes.

Xia Yan, whose perception has been activated for a long time, can naturally detect these slight changes. Weasel is a very good swordsman!

"Dance of the Three Suns and Moons?"

Xia Yan fell to the ground, and at the same time his eyes swept over the figure that attacked him. It was obvious that it was a shadow clone.

The Dance of the Three Suns and Moon is said to be a sword technique created by Senju Tobirama. Xia Yan is not sure whether it is or not, but he is still aware of this sword technique.

This sword technique will summon a shadow clone at the moment of attack, and then the shadow clone and the main body will coordinate well, and quickly teleport to the enemy's vital points from the left, up, and right directions.

It's just that this guy Weasel seems to have modified this sword technique and turned it into a sword technique more suitable for Anbu's assassination.

His shadow clone does not appear when attacking, but attacks sequentially after the main body attacks.

But I don't know if it's to save chakra, or if it's just a test now, he only has one shadow clone.

"It's really interesting."

Xia Yan sighed secretly, but soon he started to move again.

Because the weasel was controlling the shadow clone and his body, they attacked together like a shadow.

Seeing this, Xia Yan's toes were a little bit on the ground, and his whole body floated back. When the light suddenly appeared, his Ninja sword was instantly unsheathed.

The ninja sword in his hand slashed hard at Weasel, and Weasel took a step forward to block the sword.

But Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw this situation. At the moment when the ninja sword and the weasel intersected, a flash of blue light flashed on his ninja sword!

It was compressed to the extreme, and the extremely sharp Water Release bloomed on his Ninja Sword. His Ninja Sword cut off the weasel's Ninja Sword in front of him by the handle without any hindrance.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yan's teleportation technique broke out completely, and with a blue brilliance, he stabbed the ninja sword into the weasel's chest!

"This boy, does he master the teacher's technique well?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the ninja sword in Natsuhiko's hand and couldn't help but smile: "The Water Blade Slash has been used to such an extent, it seems that he has put in a lot of effort. "

"It's indeed very good." Xiaochun nodded as she turned to bed, her expression also very serious: "I'm afraid this level has surpassed that of most people who can use this technique."

"Hmph, I can only say that I am truly worthy of being from that clan. I didn't embarrass the teacher." Danzo Shimura was still unhappy inside. He looked at everything in front of him and said casually.

Mito Gate didn't speak, and the same Namikaze Minato didn't participate in the conversation of the older generation. He just listened quietly and watched quietly.

Xia Yan's performance is very good, but the use of one or two techniques can't show too much. He still needs to defeat his opponent.

Minato, who had been severely beaten by the Third Hokage, knew that he had no way out now, and he could only hope that Natsuhiko would succeed.

Not only that, he also hoped that Xia Yan would take the initiative to request a theoretical assessment. Only in this way could he somewhat resolve the crisis this time.


As Natsuhiko's ninja sword hit the weasel directly, he heard a muffled sound and a thick cloud of smoke appeared in front of him.

Obviously, what Xia Yan hit this time was Weasel's shadow clone.

But it's normal to think about it. Few people will take the initiative to protect their shadow clones, unless it is necessary to lure the enemy.

After the shadow clone was defeated, Weasel quickly followed up and slashed at Xia Yan with a sharp knife.

Xia Yan, who had already locked onto him with his perception, reacted even faster, taking countermeasures almost as soon as he drew his sword.

The moment Xia Yan landed firmly on the ground, the ninja sword in his hand had flipped at an angle, and then directly blocked the weasel's sword.

The next moment, he turned his body slightly and kicked the weasel.

But it's a pity that weasels are not simple things.

Even though his reaction speed was not as fast as Xia Yan's, he was still very experienced. He raised his left hand to block Xia Yan's kick, and then used this strength to get out of the battle.

Moreover, when Weasel was flying upside down, he did not forget to quickly form seals with his hands. He would not give Xia Yan a chance to pursue him!

"Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet!"

With the surge of his chakra, a huge earth dragon suddenly rose from the ground and quickly hit Xia Yan.

When Xia Yan saw this, he had no intention of using ninjutsu. Such a technique would not cause any trouble to him at all!

He simply turned over and easily avoided this technique.

The whole process was free and elegant, and the huge earth dragon completely became a gorgeous prop to accompany his performance.

But his actions immediately made all the ANBU present feel a little amazed.

It has never been an easy thing to avoid Ninjutsu attacks so easily.

Moreover, the speed of Weasel's earth dragon bullet is very fast, and the range it affects is not too narrow. If you want to avoid it with ease like Xia Yan, the reaction speed and body coordination required are absolutely demanding.

But Xia Yan did it instead of using ninjutsu to fight. This already shows how exaggerated Xia Yan's own strength is.

"Although Captain Nightingale is young, he is really beyond expectations."

"The speed of reaction and the coordination of the body is incredible."

"Now I feel that the person who is going to compete with Captain Nightingale may be in some trouble. He is obviously not easy to deal with."

"Okay, stop talking. It's better that we don't overstep the captain's issue."

The ANBU couldn't help but whisper. In fact, it wasn't just them, even Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo looked at them sideways.

Natsuhiko's approach was absolutely fine when Danzo was young, but now he would still consider using ninjutsu directly to fight.

Such physical coordination and reaction speed cannot be developed through training. This is a person's talent!

Such a talent is really not something that ordinary people can possess.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Namikaze Minato inadvertently. He now seemed to understand why Minato was looking for this boy, and seemed to be teaching him something.

Such a talent is very suitable for a jutsu that Namikaze Minato masters.

If this kid can learn it, his value will be immeasurable...


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