After Xia Yan evaded Weasel's earth dragon bullet with extreme ease but great difficulty, the next battle can basically be regarded as without any suspense.

Weasel himself knew in his heart that if he was asked to face the previous technique, he would never be able to avoid it so easily.

Xia Yan's demonstrated ability fully illustrates one thing, that is, this guy's foundation is really too strong.

However, Weasel has no intention of giving up. As one of the ANBU squad leaders, he also has his own pride.

He knew that Xia Yan's advantages were somewhat beyond his imagination, but his disadvantages were also very obvious.

That is because this guy is too young and obviously lacks chakra.

In addition, although his strength is good, it is still a little underwhelming compared to an adult like himself.

And as a boy of thirteen or fourteen, Weasel didn't think Xia Yan's physical strength could be any better.

In this case, the Weasel is still confident to go with him. At the worst, he has to force Xia Yan to show some of his trump cards!

With this mentality, the weasel began his own strong attack.

His strength is definitely not weak. Although in some aspects, like Natsuhiko, he has never completely reached the level of a jonin, but in terms of overall strength, he can also be regarded as a jounin.

There is a reason why Konoha has set up special jounin. It is because some ninjas can be regarded as jounin in terms of their overall strength, but their complete strength has flaws.

It's just that Xia Yan has always felt that the title of special jounin is not very good. Doesn't it mean that the overall strength reaches the level of jounin?

Even these guys who have reached the level of jounin in overall strength have surpassed jounin in some special fields!

Facing the weasel's crazy attack, Xia Yan showed very calmness and composure, and his speed advantage was also fully demonstrated at this moment.

In the constant dodging and attacking, the sparks of metal collision kept flickering.

The figures of the two of them have basically turned into afterimages, making it really difficult to see clearly.

It's just that the people present are ANBU, and even if they are not good at speed, they will never fail to catch these traces.

Naturally, they discovered that Weasel was simply consuming it now, and even if he was consuming it, he wouldn't be able to last much longer.

Xia Yan's speed completely crushed the weasel. No matter how hard the weasel tried, there was basically no way to completely touch Xia Yan.

But every time Xia Yan counterattacked, the weasel was in a hurry.

Standing high and low, everyone can see clearly.

Soon it seemed that Weasel couldn't stand it anymore. He quickly broke away from the entanglement with Xia Yan, and then he quickly formed the seal again.

"Earth Release: Clay from Heaven!"

Along with his seal, a strange barrier suddenly appeared in the sky above Xia Yan, and then a large amount of clay fell towards Xia Yan from this barrier.

Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this. He seemed to have seen this technique in comics or anime.

After all, this is a rare moment of highlight for Anbu, and the power of this technique is not bad.

Natsuhiko had seen it in the ANBU's ninjutsu library a few years ago, so he naturally knew it clearly.

His body paused slightly, and then he quickly jumped back. He did not want to be touched by these sticky and extremely dangerous clays.

While dodging, Xia Yan had quietly put his left hand behind his back, and he had quietly completed a seal.

When Weasel saw Xia Yan dodging, he was not surprised at all. This guy's reaction speed had already proved that such a technique did not pose much of a threat to him.

However, falling clay from the sky is not a separate technique.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Without any hesitation, Weasel quickly formed a seal again. This time he used Fire Release!

The technique of falling clay from the sky originally needs to be used in conjunction with fire escape. This kind of clay full of chakra is used to achieve the effect of imprisoning the enemy.

Even if the enemy is not imprisoned, it can still achieve the effect of restricting the enemy's movement.

At this time, combined with the fire escape, the enemy can be directly burned into mud in the clay!

Normally, such ninjutsu is not allowed to be used in competitions, but now weasels can't be locked up so much, and he also believes that Xia Yan will be fine.

When the huge fireball and clay met together, the flames instantly eroded the entire square fighting area. The huge flames immediately made everyone feel a little nervous.

Obviously everyone knew the danger of this technique, including Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato, but they didn't take action.

After doing all this, Weasel observed the surroundings vigilantly. The blazing flames blocked his sight, and he could not find Xia Yan's location at all.

He knew that Xia Yan was absolutely fine, so now he could only wait quietly and be careful to prevent himself from being attacked.

At this moment, there was some movement behind him, which made him turn around immediately.

At this time, Xia Yan suddenly burst out with incredible speed, and he rushed straight towards the weasel. The speed was staggering, like a stream of light.

Xia Yan, who was holding a ninja sword in both hands, suddenly accelerated again and thrust forward halfway.

His speed has increased to a new level. This speed has almost reached the limit of the weasel's ability to capture the enemy!

Faced with such speed, Weasel gritted his teeth and raised his ninja sword. He really didn't expect that Xia Yan's speed could increase so much.

In the previous battle, he thought he had reached the limit of Xia Yan's speed.

But now it seems that I didn't make this guy feel embarrassed at all.


The sound of metal clashing sounded in the square, and Weasel tried his best to block the knife.

But soon his expression changed slightly, because he found another movement beside him.

Faced with this situation, Weasel quickly pulled out a kunai. Before he could make any evasive action, he had to raise his hand and prepare to catch it with the kunai in his hand.

However, when the ninja sword and kunai were about to meet, Natsuhiko's hand moved slightly, and the ninja sword in his hand bypassed the kunai as if it was alive, and wiped it towards the weasel's throat!

"it's over!"

Natsuhiko's ninja sword stopped at the weasel's throat. It was naturally impossible for him to really kill this guy, but this battle should indeed be over.

"It seems that I lost completely." Weasel didn't seem to be surprised at all. He sighed deeply: "Sure enough, using such a technique against you is still a bit unsatisfactory."

"You can't say that, it's just because I'm very fast." Xia Yan smiled, comforting the failed man.

Weasel's technique is very dangerous, but it is not that much trouble for Xia Yan.

And even if there is really trouble, Xia Yan himself doesn't need to worry.

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen were both watching here. How could they let this competition have an unexpected accident?

They didn't take action before because they knew that Xia Yan had no problem at all, so there was no need to take action.

Putting away the Ninja Sword, Xia Yan stretched out his hand to Weasel, and Weasel took Xia Yan's hand and stood up.

Upon seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought secretly for a moment, and then he directly announced.

"The winner of the first competition, Nightingale!"


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