The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 94 Thoughts (Please collect new books and recommend them~)

There was no suspense in Xia Yan's first battle, and even Xia Yan himself didn't think this battle was very difficult.

Xia Yan watched the next selection assessment and felt that it was not very interesting.

Because then it is just crushing and has no reference value at all.

Either he tried his best to let Xia Yan see where the opponent's limit is at a glance, which is not of high reference value at all.

Fortunately, this kind of competition was basically completed in the morning. Although the number of participants was not too small, the total number of competitions was only within ten games.

Xia Yan naturally has to do daily patrol tasks in the afternoon. For him, such tasks are no different from relaxing.

Hunting and dispatching, these tasks are the main tasks of ANBU, but the same normal patrol is the daily work of ANBU.

Taking Kakashi with him, Natsuhiko set off quickly.

The location they patrolled this time was very interesting. This area was the place where Natsuhiko and Kakashi met the roots last time.

"It's actually here." Kakashi was obviously very impressed by this place: "I hope I won't run into any trouble this time."

"Indeed, I don't like them, let alone meet them." Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

Those people at the root, I am afraid that not many people in Konoha will like them as long as they know their existence.

Natsuhiko is like this, and Kakashi is like this.

After all, Kakashi has been in ANBU for such a long time, and the knowledge that needs to be supplemented has been supplemented. Naturally, he also understands a lot of the root situation.

The last encounter was troublesome enough, but neither of them wanted to encounter such a thing this time.

This time they were not so unlucky, and today's patrol was very normal.

Perhaps it was the poor performance of the root ninja last time that made Danzo give them a hard lesson.

Maybe it's too early and these people haven't started taking action yet.

Natsuhiko and Kakashi did not encounter any accidents. They did not find anything while patrolling these sensitive areas.

Even Xia Yan deliberately used his perception to explore the surrounding situation, but he didn't find anything.

"Has the sealing barrier been strengthened?"

Xia Yan secretly thought that as he mastered the sealing technique, he discovered that his perception was also sensitive to the sealing barrier.

With ordinary sealing barriers, Xia Yan can easily detect their existence, but with more powerful ones, he can't do anything about it.

For example, now, he has seen the sealing barrier here last time, so normally he should have a certain sensitivity.

But now he can't detect anything, which only means that the barrier has been strengthened!

"There must be a purpose in strengthening this place. Although except for the last time it was broken by Kakashi and I, there shouldn't be any problems."

Xia Yan quickly analyzed his psychology, and even if he and Kakashi broke into it last time, nothing substantial was exposed.

They are indeed careful enough at the root, but no matter how careful they are, they will not give up the experimental base they have been building for who knows how many years just because of a trivial matter.

What's more, there are many people endorsing this matter, so they don't need to be so deliberate.

Being too deliberate will only lead to more unnecessary doubts and troubles.

Since there is no need to move, but the barrier has been strengthened, can it be understood that they deliberately chose this place as a more important experimental base?

Strictly speaking, darkness under the lamp is not a good choice, but when there is a strong and powerful force protecting it, everything becomes different.

Obviously the roots are like this, and there are more than one powerful force for protection.

"Is there really a more important experiment going on here?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little excited. If this was really the case, he could collect something!

After signing a contract with Lizard Maru and the entire lizard family, Xia Yan knew that there were many small lizards in the lizard family that could be used.

Whether it's a small lizard that can lurk or a small lizard that can communicate with animals, he can completely infiltrate and investigate everything in that laboratory!

If he can get more intelligence information, or even understand the entire laboratory clearly, then he will have a bigger card.

And this card is enough for him to get more valuable information exchange from Namikaze Minato.

The information exchanged with Namikaze Minato can allow him to do more things, and even exchange for more benefits!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan had some thoughts, and he didn't intend to delay this matter.

Now Danzo is still with Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, and even Namikaze Minato is with them.

At this point in time, Danzo has absolutely no time to come over and protect them in the future - although Xia Yan feels that it is not clear who will protect whom in a real fight.

Not many people from the roots stay here.

The most important thing is that his patrol point is nearby now. If he doesn't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult for him to have such a good opportunity next time.

"Kakashi, let's go on patrol separately." Thinking of this, Xia Yan said directly: "There are only two of us. Patrolling together is too inefficient. We should finish the inspection and finish the work early. In fact, I don't think we need more in this place." Take the trouble.”

"Indeed, this is the territory of those guys." Kakashi nodded, and he also agreed with Xia Yan's statement: "If we can finish the work early, that would be great. Then Captain, I will go to the north to have a look."

"Well, pay attention to the people from the security department." Xia Yan nodded, and suddenly he thought of something: "If you encounter people from the security department coming this way, just urge them to leave. This area also belongs to them. Search and explore the area, but usually they won’t come here.”

"I understand, Captain." Kakashi said seriously: "I saw it in the briefing, and I know how to deal with these things."

The Security Department will indeed be responsible for this area. In fact, the Security Department has the right to be responsible for every area in Konoha.

The duty of the Security Department is to protect the stability of Konoha, but now that they have changed the Security Department from Konoha's department to Uchiha's department, their power seems to be great, but in reality it has been severely reduced.

In addition, they only have their own people and are very short of manpower. It is even more difficult to cover the entire Konoha.

Natsuhiko's mouthful is just a habit as the captain, and it also allows Kakashi to be more careful and focused on his inspection.

Kakashi didn't talk too much, he quickly turned around and left here, and Natsuhiko quickly left the place after scanning the place.

It's just that his direction this time, intentionally or unintentionally, was close to the underground laboratory he discovered before...


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