"about there."

When Xia Yan was only about three hundred meters away from the laboratory in his memory, he stopped steadily.

He knew he couldn't move forward now, because it was hard to tell what he would find if he moved forward.

In fact, this place is not a safe distance, but compared to other safer locations, it is more suitable for him to play.

He wasn't sure how far the link between him and the little lizard was. The link between him and Lizard Maru was quite far, but that was because Lizard Maru was strong enough.

When he was connected to Lizard Maru, he basically relied on Lizard Maru's chakra to know its situation.

But how could the little lizard be compared with the lizard pill?

Although Xia Yan had never summoned a small lizard, he estimated that this little guy wouldn't be able to maintain a very long distance. About three hundred meters should be its limit.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan did not immediately summon the lizard, but used his senses more seriously to check everything around him.

Whether it's bugs or plants, these are the targets he needs to carefully examine.

The reason for checking the bugs is to prevent Aburame Ryoma, and the reason for the plants is because Senju Hashirama's cells are doing experiments at the roots.

Who knows if they have created any monsters that can sense the presence of enemies through plants.

As for the animals, although there is no special explanation, which families can control them.

However, Xia Yan didn't dare to take it lightly. If he really wanted to control it, there were still many families who could do it, such as the people from the mountain clan.

Natsuhiko remembered that in the original book, Ino once controlled birds to find the location of Kakuzu, and Genbu was very willing to recruit family ninjas.

Even now, they have not broken the rules of the Ninja Village as unscrupulously as they did later.

But their lies will always deceive some people with ideals, and then they will actually join them and slowly become Danzo's private army.

"It seems that there really isn't much defense power now."

After carefully sensing it, Xia Yan was absolutely sure that he did not feel any chakra breath in any animals, plants, or even some mosquitoes and flies.

This result made Xia Yan very satisfied. After all, the opportunity was rare and he didn't want to miss it.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan quickly formed the seals. Forming the seals at such a close distance would actually cause chakra fluctuations, which would cause some unnecessary trouble.

But fortunately, he just summoned a small lizard and there was no need to worry too much.


With a burst of smoke, a tiny lizard appeared in front of Xia Yan.

The little lizard stuck out its tongue at Xia Yan, and then an extremely obscure chakra was transmitted to Xia Yan's body through him.

Xia Yan knew that this was the lizard clan's way of communication.

In this way, the summoner Xia Yan can also know what kind of abilities the lizard he summoned has.

The Lizard clan is indeed very interesting. They have a variety of abilities. The ceiling for combat types is obviously Lizard Maru.

There are various types of intelligence gathering. Whether it is communicating with animals or collecting intelligence in disguise, they can do it!

But this time, the lizard he summoned was not the one that resonated with chakra and could communicate with animals.

There is a big difference between the thinking of animals and the thinking of humans. The most important thing is that what he needs this time is materials, documents one by one!

Those animals Xia Yan didn't think they could understand this, and those animals couldn't be controlled by Xia Yan. This was the most critical issue.

Being uncontrolled means that they may fail halfway, and may even cause various problems, which is something Xia Yan does not want to happen.

Therefore, the best choice is to use an animal that is obedient and understands what humans have written, and also has strong hiding capabilities.

After much deliberation, Xia Yan finally chose a psychic lizard as his main prop for this operation.

"Stealth, disguise and fast memory?"

By blending with the chakra of this lizard, Xia Yan quickly learned a lot about this lizard, especially in terms of abilities, which made Xia Yan look a little sideways.

When he chose the lizard, he really thought about the related abilities, and then chose this lizard.

But through the connection with the psychic scroll, I learned that there was no way that the lizard was in my hands, and what I told myself in person became even clearer.

After figuring out these things, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

It can only be said that it is truly a psychic beast worthy of 'Maishi Kishimoto'. Even if it is a lizard like this that does not have much combat power at all, the value they can bring out sometimes even far exceeds the need for combat.

Even if Xia Yan's heart is a little darker, he can use these lizards to complete assassinations that he himself is unlikely to accomplish!

The simplest assassination in Xia Yan's modern world is to do it remotely and then leave without a trace.

However, there are obviously some problems that cannot be solved in this world. The best method for now is naturally poisoning.

The lizard clan also has that kind of existence that contains highly poisonous substances. As long as it is used properly and properly, it can poison many people silently, and there is no doubt that it can be found on him!

Shaking his head, Xia Yan immediately put this thought away.

Strictly speaking, poisoning is not a shameful thing. After all, for extremely powerful ninjas, the simplest way to deal with the enemy is also the best way.

And in the ranks of ninjas, unless there are beings like Senju Hashirama who are not afraid of poison at all, others are really not that good.

In the previous mission, Xia Yan met Xie who was a master of poison. Among the Anbu and Roots who acted with them, only a few of them came back in the end.

And those people are still left with a lot of sequelae, so you can know how terrible the poison is.

Xia Yan does not object to using poison to deal with unnecessary troubles, but he will not use such methods to attack enemies in the village.

At least for now, he won't try to use it.

"Are you ready?" After calming down his thoughts, Xia Yan looked at the lizard in his hand: "This mission is very important and cannot leave any traces. Do you understand?"

"Hiss." The little lizard stuck out its tongue at Xia Yan, looking like a snake.

"I need their information, important information. If you can help me bring it all back."

Xia Yan continued expressionlessly. It was difficult for him to maintain his smiling face at this moment.

"Especially their experiment list and their experimental material records..."


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