After arranging all this, Xia Yan quickly left the place and began to circle around the laboratory.

To be honest, he was still a little uneasy about such a thing, for example, he might be exposed after the lizard was discovered.

After all, Xia Yanren was up there, so he had to leave quickly.

In fact, he also knew that he might be in great danger if he ran away temporarily.

Given the urinary nature of those people at the root, even if they were not caught and the lizard corpses were left in place, it would definitely not be a wonderful thing.

Who among the entire roots and ANBU of Konoha, plus the higher-ups of Konoha, didn't know that they had a huge lizard.

If a small lizard was suddenly discovered in Genbu's laboratory, it would be natural for him to think of it.

Even if no one has stolen anything, where is the root?

They won't try to reason with you at all, they will just take action directly!

Such actions are often the most terrifying. If you resist, you will be dead. Why resist if you are not guilty?

And if you don't resist, then they can use "failure" as a reason to kill you directly without any evidence.

At that time, all you need to do is issue an apology statement to the ANBU with key words such as 'regret', 'mistake', etc., and then find a scapegoat and that's pretty much it.

Even Xia Yan had no doubt that the so-called 'scapegoat' would not have any problems.

However, Xia Yan's luck was very good this time, and he was worried that it would not turn into a substantial result that would frighten him.

Although when he left that day and circled about 300 meters away from the laboratory, he realized that the little lizard had left the ninja world.

During this period, Xia Yan had been using his perception to focus on everything around him, but he didn't find anything.

This made Xia Yan feel a little relieved, but he didn't dare to relax completely, because the next few days were the most dangerous and critical.

Therefore, during this period of time, he did not even dare to summon the lizard. Even at home, he would carefully monitor the surroundings for any disturbance.

It was too dangerous. This action was definitely the most dangerous thing Xia Yan had ever done.

But Xia Yan knew that if he did this, the benefits he would get would definitely be beyond imagination!

When the profit reaches 100%, some people dare to trample all laws in the world; when the profit reaches 300%, some people dare to risk hanging.

For Xia Yan, this action is definitely an action with more than 300% profit. No matter how cautious he is, he will try to take risks!

However, a week passed and nothing happened to him, which made him completely relieved.

He knew that he had made the right bet this time. Although he had not yet seen what the little lizard recorded for him, there was absolutely no way that the things taken out of that laboratory were bad!

So one night a week later, Xia Yan quietly summoned the little lizard. After waiting for a week, he couldn't wait any longer.


"What?" Xia Yan's face, which was almost instinctively gentle, completely changed at this moment: "You didn't get anything?"

The answer this lizard gave Xia Yan really made him a little desperate.

This lizard has been in there for more than half an hour. Didn't he find anything?

"Hiss..." The lizard stuck out its tongue at Xia Yan, as if it was saying something.

"You mean, that underground laboratory is too big and you can't find the location of the files?" Xia Yan forced himself to calm down: "But you were not exposed?"

"Hiss..." The lizard nodded very humanely, and then continued to make that special sound.

"It's not exposed, but you followed the smell of blood and found some other things?"

Xia Yan couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard this.

"What did you find? I don't want it to end in vain this time."

"Hiss..." The lizard stuck out his tongue, but soon a strange chakra appeared in his body.

With the emergence of this chakra, the lizard suddenly opened his mouth, and then a strange piece of meat filled with an indescribable aura was spat out from his mouth!

"This is....."

Looking at the blackened piece of meat in front of him, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed.

Quickly letting his perception spread, while sensing the surrounding situation, he also focused more on the piece of meat in front of him.

This piece of meat is not big, and is even a little dry, which shows that this piece of meat has been there for a certain period of time.

But this piece of meat that had been stored for who knows how long actually still has incredible cell activity. This situation is simply incredible.

However, this kind of thing that seems unbelievable to outsiders has become normal in Xia Yan's eyes, because he knows that even if a person dies, he can definitely make his body reach this point!

"Is this... the piece of meat from Senju Hashirama's body?" Xia Yan was seriously excited: "Even if it's not, this is definitely the best and most powerful evidence!"

That's right, with the existence of this piece of meat, this is definitely Xia Yan's best trump card!

Whether this is a real piece of meat from Senju Hashirama, or it is synthesized through the Senju Hashirama system and belongs to someone else's body, these are the most effective and deadly evidence!

With this chapter's trump card in hand, whether Natsuhiko follows Namikaze Minato or he turns around and follows Sarutobi Hiruzen, this is the most effective weapon to defeat the enemy!

Following Namikaze Minato, this card can directly make Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others throw rat weapons.

If handled well, he could even be forced to give up Danzo and give up most of his benefits.

Following Sarutobi Hiruzen, this card can allow Natsuhiko to assume a stance of righteously annihilating relatives against the Senju clan, and show his absolute loyalty in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

No matter how he uses it, his gains will never be small or low!

"But before that, I need to gain a firm foothold on this larger stage and be able to move up along this stage."

The value of this trump card only becomes more prominent as Xia Yan's status rises.

On the contrary, if Natsuhiko is just an ANBU squad leader, then the trump card in this chapter is his way to death!

Reality is so cruel, Xia Yan knows it well, but no matter what, having such a trump card is unparalleled for him.

"Thank you."

After forcing himself to calm down, Xia Yan turned to look at the little lizard.

"Thank you for giving me such a gift..."


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