The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 132

"But...but, Master Yue!"

"The safety of civilians is the priority. Those guys who may break through the outer wall empty-handed, even if the gate is blocked, it's useless!"

After listening to that month's calm instructions, the head of the room seemed to understand.It seemed that although he was shaken by the sudden commotion, he was not a man who was incompetent enough to judge the situation.

"Through, notify each team leader! Avoid excessive fighting, and ensure the safety of general passengers first!"

"Understood. Inform a squad leader. Unblock the gate!"

"The thirteenth team broke off! Apply for an ambulance class!"

The control room became more and more chaotic, but on the other side, Angelika and others who appeared in the terminal were walking solemnly!But they didn't dare to kill, because Qin Zheng's prestige was too great. If Qin Zheng was furious, she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to retreat!And this can also delay the strength of the garrison!

"Then try a little bit before Yukina and the others arrive!" Nayue murmured, and then waved the folded fan.

Then the ground beside Angelika and their feet shook like ripples.

A silver chain was spit out from the ground.This is a lock of commandment for capture magic tools forged by the gods.

The countless chains manipulated that month are about to trap Angelica!

At the moment when he thought so, dazzling purple flashes rushed through the space around Angelica.

The silver lock was wrapped in the light and was blown away.Then the window glass of the control room in front of me that month shattered and scattered without warning.

"Master Nayue!?" The head of the control room called Nayue in a trembling voice. Nayue didn't respond to him, but just casually fanned the fan and wiped out the glass shards that fell on his body.

"The magic power is good!" At the moment of being attacked by the chains of that month, it was supposed to be released by the bare-handed Angelica, which could match the huge magic power of the vampires of the old age. The magic power flowed back through the chains and attacked that month. That's why there is such a scene!

"Master Yue, what should we do now?" The head of the room said tremblingly!

"Are Yukina and Sayahua not here yet?" Nayue asked softly!

"Master Yue, Yukana and Saiyaka are coming soon. At this speed, they should meet the invaders!"

"This way! Then leave it to Xuecai and the others!" Nayue murmured. In Nayue's eyes, Xuecai and Sayahua could deal with this kind of magic!

"And you!" that month looked at him and said: "Go to evacuate the people, and make room for Yukana and Sayahua!"

"Yes! Master Yue!" The head of the room nodded and quickly notified the order!

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"Xucai, there is a battle ahead!" The two women murmured as they watched the fire caused by the explosion!

"Yeah! Let's go there too!" Xuecai sneered!

"Yeah!" At this moment, Anjekari also felt the magic power of Yukana and Saya Hua!

"You two stay and stop them, I rush to the palace!" Angelikali sneered and said to the two orcs behind him!

"Got it!" The two orcs nodded, and Angela hurried to the palace where Qin Zheng lived. Her purpose was not to fight Qin, but to snatch Seat back. If possible, she Will summon the evil god here, and then compete with the fifth true ancestor!

"You two are orcs?" Soon, Yukana and Saiyaka met the two remaining orcs!

"Hmph, hand over Seat, she is our thing!" the two orcs shouted!

"She is the property of my king, it is impossible to hand it over!" Xue Cai sneered!Then he said to Saiyaka, "I'll leave it to you here, so hurry up!"

"Yeah!" Saiyahua nodded, and the two orcs, with Xuecai's strength, should be easy to deal with!

"Where to go!" The orc was about to stop Saya Hua, but Yuuki jumped up, sending a violent heel kick with cursive power.

"Thunder!" With the dull sound of cracking frontal bones, the orc immediately flew out!

But the other orc started to move, and he kicked it out!Xuecai jumped up again and kicked, but the blow that injected her whole body strength dashed through the void without feeling.


"Illusion!? The orc used a spell!?" Xue Cai showed a look of astonishment, and she hit the phantom created by the spell.The cases of orcs with extremely high combat ability deliberately learning spells are extremely rare, but there are very few races with special abilities since birth. Most of them are called high-ranking species, and they are incomparable to ordinary orcs. The powerful force!

Another orc waved a huge claw towards the leaning snow vegetable.

"You too underestimate me!" Xue Cai snorted coldly, lowered her head slightly, and punched the orc in the abdomen!

"Bump!" Xue Cai took out a piece of meat in the orc's abdomen with one blow!

"The victory is divided!" Xue Cai murmured. Although these two orcs are better than ordinary orcs, there is no suspense about losing!

"We won't lose!" The orc glared at Xuecai with bloodshot eyes, and then whispered.

"Touch!" Immediately afterwards, the orc's magical power exploded, and the shock wave it brought out shook them back!

"This is, what's going on?" Xuecai was slightly taken aback at the strange situation in front of her!The originally huge orc body further expanded to more than twice its original size, and gradually changed its posture, transforming from a human form to a complete beast form, becoming an ominous leopard with a body of four or five meters long!

"God beastization!" Xuecai was a little surprised. Even in the orc race, only a few upper-level species possess special abilities. This is the first time that Xuecai has actually encountered it. At the price of the huge consumption that would be shortened, the beasts of the higher-ranking species transformed their bodies into divine beasts, becoming a mythical existence that can rival the phoenix and dragon. According to legend, their fighting ability is even higher than that of vampire beasts!

"In order to get Cthulhu, it seems that America is going to pay for it!" Xue Cai murmured!

"Come out! Green-eyed white dragon!" Xue Cai also knew that she was going to summon her own beast!

"Tear the wind ball!" The blue-eyed white dragon spouted a whirlwind of light from his mouth, directly hitting two mythical beasts!

The violent explosion caused smoke and dust to roll, but after the smoke and dust dissipated, although the two sacred beasts could not be said to be harmless, they did not lose their fighting ability.

"It is said that the orc in the state of being a beast has the fighting power of vampire and beast! Now what is said is true!" Xue Cai muttered!

At this time, the huge magical power in the beastly orc's body began to expand... it was intended to cast a flame that exploded and condensed magical power!

"Xuecai seems to be not good at using the beasts to fight!" In the distance, the month that watched the two fights murmured. This can't be blamed on Xuecai. Now Xuexialang is not a handy weapon, Xuecai's. Combat power will also be affected!

"You must be solved as soon as possible!" Xue Cai sneered, and the magic power of her whole body soared!

The soaring magic power mixed with its own spiritual power almost covered the magic power of the two mythical beasts!

"Huh?" However, suddenly, Xuecai had a creepy feeling. This was a dangerous instinct. Xuecai lowered her face subconsciously, and then there was a loud noise, and a hot shock wave brushed against Xuecai's cheeks.

"The King of Demon Strike!" A giant bird of prey wrapped in a flash of light appeared with a cold young voice, and its huge body with a wingspan of several meters fell from the sky!

"What is this beast?" Xuecai was taken aback, she had never seen this beast!!

"I didn't expect it would be Vatra's old department!" Naturally I saw this beast that month, she was not wrinkled, she didn't expect Vatra's people to come out at this time, and also attacked Xuecai, want to come Because Qin Zheng killed Vatra, and his old ministry came to seek revenge!

Then, a handsome young man came to the two mythical beasts!He is the old part of Vatra, Jia Jiang!

"Who are you?" Xue Cai asked coldly when she saw the man in front of her!

"Vengeful man! Come out, the steel king of collapse!"

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