The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 133

Jia Jiang sneered and summoned a new beast.

It was an iron-grey ape with a height of forty to fifty meters, made of dense magic power, a steel golem.It swung down at the snow vegetable with its big iron hands and hollowed out a piece of the ground.

"Vengeance, you and I have grudges?" Xuecai gently jumped away, and then asked suspiciously!

"Hmph, I am not against you, but against the fifth true ancestor!" Jia Jiang sneered!

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"Having hatred with the senior?" Hearing this, Xuecai nodded without doubt, and said: "Since you have hatred with the senior, then I am sorry, I must kill you today!!"

"I want to kill you too, let Qin Zheng know the pain of losing someone close to you!" Jia yelled sternly after hearing this.

Jia Jiang's pupils turned red, emitting a magical light. This is the brilliance of the invisible beast he named the magic eye. It can invade the brain of the person whose eye is facing it and control its consciousness.

Soon, Xuecai stood motionless!Immediately afterwards, the steel golem attacked the motionless snow vegetables.

"It's useless!" Xuecai sneered. This was supposed to be an attack that was absolutely impossible to avoid, but Xuecai avoided this killing attack while rubbing it.

"How is it possible?" Jia Jiang was stunned!

"Although I don't know what kind of grievances you have with the senior, I won't let you hurt the senior!" Xuecai's magic instantly soared!

"Kill him for me! The blue-eyed white dragon!" Xue Cai said coldly, and the blue-eyed white dragon pounced at the giant raptor, and his open mouth suddenly bit the giant raptor's wings!

"Boom!" The giant raptor that lost its wings wanted to stir another wing. Then, with a flick of the tail of the blue-eyed white dragon, the giant raptor flew away, and the giant raptor couldn't maintain its materialization because of its magical power!

"Huh! King Beng!" Jia Jiang snorted coldly, wanting to attack again, then Jia shook the ground beside his feet like ripples.

A silver chain was spit out from the ground, which was a lock of commandment for capture magic tools forged by the gods.

The countless chains manipulated that month immediately caught Jia Jiang!

"It's the witch of the gap!" Jia Jiang couldn't break free at all, looking at the chains lingering purple magic, coldly snorted!

"Nayuechan! Why are you?" Xuecai murmured, a magic circle appeared in front of Xuecai, and that petite figure came out of it!

"Xucai, you go and pack those two sacred beasts! Just leave it to me!" Nayue smiled at the two sacred beasts behind Jia Jiang!

"Yes! But..." Xuecai knew that the moon was stronger than herself, but she had a question in her heart, that is, who is the man in front of her, and why should she seek revenge from the senior!

"Xucai, it is understandable that he seeks revenge from Qin Zheng, because Qin Zheng killed his master!"

"Qin Zheng killed his master, then who is his master?" Xuecai was taken aback after hearing this, the vampire master was also a vampire, so the master's identity was self-evident!

"Yes, it's Vatra, that snake charmer, he was killed by Qin Zheng!"

"So that's it!" Xuecai nodded!

"Hmph, I will kill Qin Zheng to avenge Vatra!" Jia Jiang said: "I and Gila are hiding on the Island of the God of Strings, just looking for a chance to destroy you. Now America seems to get the key to summon the evil god from your hands. So I think this is our chance! A chance for revenge!"

"It's troublesome!" That month smiled slightly, "Now let's kill you first!"

"Jila!" Jia Jiang yelled, and soon got a response!

"The Corridor of Yanweb!" Afterwards, Gila's clear voice sounded all around, and the blood mist flew from his fingertips. The red mist turned into red hot lava, covering the moon like a spider web, and Jia Jiangye Improve the magic, get rid of the shackles of chains.

"Almost forgot, Vatra seems to have two generals!" That month smiled slightly!

"Hmph, the King of Demon Strike!" Jia Jiang summoned again, and what turned into an entity with his amazing magic power was a huge bird of prey shrouded in flash. It turned into a scorching flash, coming towards that month instantly!

Countless brilliant sparks burst out in all directions, but that month was already very lightly avoided!

"Use a little bit of strength!" In a short time, the magical power ring Gila released that month was speechless, and the lava spider silk all over the surrounding, the body of Gila's beast exploded.

"What a powerful magic!" A humanoid beast came out of the void!

"Chaos Warrior! Kill them all!" That month coldly gave the order!

The black giant knife brought up a long shadow. The two of them had not reacted yet, their abdomen had been hit, and Jia Jiang's head had been chopped off!

"Jiang Jia!" Gila shouted!Killing General Jia as soon as he meets each other makes Gila very scared!

"Don't worry, you will also go with him!" Nayue snorted coldly, and then, the dark shadow flashed, and Gila's head was also chopped off!

"So strong!" Xuecai looked at the two people killed that month without difficulty, she was shocked!

"Then I have to hurry up!" Xue Cai murmured, and glanced at the two mythical beasts!

"Please die too!" The blue-eyed white dragon seemed to feel Xue Cai's heart, roared, and flew towards the two mythical beasts!

"Sister Wuye, they are coming!" It was Liliu who was speaking. Qin Zheng had pulled out her consciousness, and then implanted Nina's body refined with an alchemist!

"Yeah!" Wearing this black dress, Wuye nodded expressionlessly!

"Then do it!" After speaking, the misty leaf jumped up, and the figure quickly moved in the direction of Angelkali!

"No, there is magic power coming!" Just now, the familiar magic power disappeared, and she knew that the two orcs were defeated and that they could defeat the orcs in such a short period of time. This really made Anjkali very accident!You know, those two orcs can transform into divine beasts, possessing powers comparable to those of the beasts!

"Xuecai and the others are really rubbish, they will let you come here!" Soon, the fog leaf appeared on the top of the building, looking at Angelica and the group below, showing a playful smile!"But you guys end here too!"

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At this time, Qin Zheng had already pulled out the seed that symbolized the power of the evil god from Seat!

No, it has grown now, turned into a sphere, emerging in the air!!

Measured from the floating sphere, several green shots were spit out. Those tentacles easily bound an additional artificial island, and then pulled it toward the center of the sphere.

"What's going on?" Looking at the huge ball of light that appeared above the castle, Nayue was slightly taken aback!

"That month, what was that just now!?" Xuecai asked in confusion too!

"That sphere wants to fuse with the Shinto Island."

"Fusion?" Xuecai couldn't understand the meaning of that month's words.Zhazalamajiu itself is actually a collection of energy generated by the dragon veins, but it is obtained through the huge magic device in the temple of Seat, the original function of the evil god should not include the island of the gods. The fusion is right!

"It wants to use all the residents of String God Island as a tribute to supplement the insufficient magic power. This may indeed be able to obtain the energy required for materialization. But then the materialized will no longer be the Dark God King, but only It's a simple monster, as a true evil god!" Nayue explained!

"The tribute... could it be said!"

"In other words, the entire Xianjin Island is estimated to be eaten?!" Nayue said calmly.

Xuecai couldn't help taking a breath when she heard this: "That month, let's stop now!"

"Don't worry about this! With Qin Zheng, nothing will happen!"

"Cthulhu is waking up?" Seeing the huge ball, Angelica was also taken aback, then gave up her opponent, confronted the blocking vine with strange magic equipment, and moved forward towards the ball.

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