The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 140

"Well! I... I want to get this power too!" Erica seemed to feel that her request was too much, and continued: "I hope I can help Master Qin Zheng!"

"You really are an ambitious girl!" Qin Zheng smiled again, and said: "But this is my unique power. Of course, I can bestow this power on you so that you can have power that rivals the gods!"

"Ah! Really! I will always be loyal to Master Qin Zheng!" Upon hearing this, Erica was slightly overjoyed, seeing Qin Zheng being able to rival the gods without power. Erica believed in Qin Zheng's words, and now the only one The way is to obtain the gift of Qin Zheng!

"Then let me see your loyalty!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and turned into a second-generation zombie to awaken the power of the beast. This has not been confirmed in the world of the godslayer, and it can summon the beast. Will be the opponent of the gods, Qin Zheng can defeat the army god, in addition to the powerful beasts, magic and blood are very important factors!

In the underground temple, Qin Zheng did not expect that the people who worship the primitive nature would have such fine buildings. The interior of the temple is also cleverly stacked with stones, and then the gaps are covered with stone.

"Master Qin Zheng!" Erica said with a change of expression on her face!

"This feeling is not a military god!" Qin Zheng quickened his pace, and soon the two met!

"Who are you? Why do you want to break into my territory!" His very low voice was like a loud noise coming from the ground.

Following the voice, Erica saw a giant man sitting on a waterside altar. His unkempt hair and a beard that covered the lower half of his face were impressive. He has a wild appearance, and his height is more than two meters. The bulging muscles feel very coercive just by looking at it.

Wearing very rough clothes, with dirty rags and leather breastplate on his chest, and a tattered cloak on his body, but it exudes a sense of majesty.

"God killer, killer of you!" Qin Zheng squinted at Mekar's thick pectoral muscles. There was a sword of gold deeply inserted into it, but the blade was broken in the middle, so there was no hilt. The original two-thirds length, knowing that Mekal's injury has not yet recovered, said!

"Kill me, then please report your name!" Mekal asked the two in a smiling voice, bold and upright, his voice was like the tranquility before the storm.

"Erica!" Erica was the first to say it, but Qin Zheng could feel that the beautiful girl beside him was scared, because Mekal was the real king!

"Qin Zheng!" Compared to Erica's fear, Qin Zheng said indifferent!

"Then let's have a duel! Before fighting the god of war, kill you bug!" Melka's laugh made the underground temple shake, and the spring kept stirring waves!

I don't know when there were crowds of locusts on the rocky ground by the feet. These small pests appeared in groups, probably hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, no, more than that, there were countless locusts just about to move.

"Flaming Hoof!" After Qin Zheng took Erica in his arms, he once again summoned a white flame hoof!

The flames burned, forming a defensive cover to protect Qin Zheng and the two, while the locust army continued to come, moths rushing toward the fire!

The problem of scorching, the sound of burning, a large number of locusts die every moment!

"Master Qin Zheng, we are going to rush out. The locusts are Mercator's servants and they can't kill them at all!" Erica said anxiously as she watched the locusts around the Yan Ball were covered!

"Yan Hoof, let's go!" Qin Zheng smiled, and said to Yan Hoof, and Yan Hoof seemed to understand what Qin Zheng meant, neighed with full firepower, and flew into the sky!

"Arrogant Godslayer, do you want to run away?" Mekal yelled from behind!

Yan Hoof ran all the way, the locusts behind chased him!

"Lion's gold!" Floating in the air, Qin Zheng stopped, but the locusts surrounded Qin Zheng as always, and Qin Zheng summoned the lion's gold, and then, the yellow thunder continued to bombard!

"The army of locusts has some troublesome power!" Seeing the inexhaustible army of locusts, Qin Zheng frowned!

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"Haha, you can't even fight against my locust army, how could it be my opponent!" Behind, the mocking voice of God King Mekar came again!

"If this is the case, then turn your damn locusts into mist!!" Qin Zheng sneered.

"Come out! The silver mist of the carapace!" The strong magic power that Qin Zheng sprayed from his hands formed a huge white beetle!

"It's foggy!" As soon as the beetle on Qin Zheng's head appeared, thick fog began to spread around him, and his vision was blocked!

What surprised Erica the most was that after the locust army touched the white mist, it seemed that the assimilation office turned into a white mist!

"Ok... so strong!" Erica muttered looking at Qin Zheng with a relaxed face!

"What a weird ability, is this your power? No!" Seeing his locusts turn into mist, Mekar murmured!

"As a godslayer, don't you use your own power to fight?" Mekal sneered!

"Since you have said so, let you see the power I got!" Qin Zheng sneered, and then shouted, "[Wild Boar]!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Zheng seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light, and then, the ground on which Mekal was standing shook, and a huge, hideous [wild boar] climbed up from the ground![Wild Boar] The ability to activate is that the target of the attack is very large, with the size of a giant Mekal, so the power of [Wild Boar] can also be activated!

"Is it a wild boar? Did you clean up the military god? No, the military god's power is still there. It seems that you should have got a [wild boar] power from the military god!" Seeing the familiar power, Mekal sneered With a cry, he said: "The sad army god, he was lost to a mortal, making him a godslayer! It is ironic to say that he is defeated in pursuit!"

"Why, I didn't defeat the military god, you are disappointed?" Qin Zheng looked at Mekar with interest, and said: "That's also true. The military god can hurt you like this. When he was doing mischief outside, you were lying in bed. Healing wounds here, and also planting such a powerful barrier, completely insults the title of God King!"

"I am vigilant!" Mekal laughed!

"Be wary, I think it's scary! God, you will also be afraid of death!" Qin Zheng laughed, and the fog began to envelop Mekal!And [Wild Boar] also charged up with a violent aura!

"Damn the godslayer, insulting me!" Mekal's divine power increased rapidly, and his entire body glowed with golden light. The huge [wild boar] slammed into him without hurting him at all, and the mist was violently raised. The whirlwind blows away, and then, the whirlwind gets bigger and bigger, forming a storm!

"Come back!" Qin Zheng took away the silver mist of the carapace and the gold of the lion. The next battle is not something that a beast of this kind can handle!

The God King Merka is also the god of storm, and then, Mekar once again used his power, like the army of the dead called from the underworld, like a flood, which can wash away all the waves and thousands of waves like the spear of the sky. Thunder and other attacks.

"Thunder is useless to me!" Looking at Qiandao Thunder, Qin Zheng sneered!"The King Kong of God Sheep!"

The powerful magical power gushing out from Qin Zheng's right hand was transformed into a giant beast with the flash of light. Then, the god sheep roared with the crystal of gems, and then it seemed to seal the alien monster flying in the air. , Countless gem barriers covered the sky, protecting Qin Zheng inside!

"Boom boom boom!" Thousand Dao Thunder counterattacked back, booming on Melka!

"How is it? My attack fell on me, it feels uncomfortable!" Qin Zheng was unscathed, and Melka, because of the Thunder Strike, looked very embarrassed!

But Mekar's bold laughter resounded through the sky and the forest, and soon afterwards, the divine power broke out again!

"It's so funny, the only god-killer can hurt the king's me! I admit that you are qualified to be my opponent!" Suddenly, the void was distorted.

Two sticks flew out from there.

"Chasing! Exile! Chasers, turned into a pair of weapons of my minions, chase the godslayer in front of you, let him see the power of my anger!"

"Did you use weapons?" Then, two clubs-chasing and exile rushing into the sky, one of them approached directly above like lightning, and the other attacked from behind like a bird.

"Come out! Yemo's black sword!" One of the clubs flew over, smashed the gem barrier directly, and flew directly towards him, Qin Zheng no longer hesitated.

A huge and conscious black sword straddled the front of Qin!

"This is...!" Looking at this huge black sword from close range, Erica could feel the majestic power on it!

"Sword of Judgment!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, and immediately afterwards, the whole body of the Ye Mo Black Sword became fiery red!

Afterwards, the sword of judgment chased out the two speeding clubs!

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and huge energy fluctuations lifted the trees in the surrounding forests, exposing yellow soil covers!

The surging heat surged in, facing all the monsters Qin Zheng had summoned, Erica was dumbfounded!

Regardless of the battle with the god of war or the battle with Mekal, Master Qin Zheng has never used Prometheus' Secret Book. In other words, Lu Kulazia’s guess is wrong, and Qin Zheng got Prometheus. The purpose of Qin Zheng is not to deal with the two gods at all, and Qin Zheng's hole card is his numerous monsters that can match the power!Of course, Erica would not think that Qin Zheng's request for Prometheus' secret book from Lu Kulazia was boring!

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