The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 141

She still knows the power of Prometheus's secret recipe very well. It seizes the power of the gods, but if ordinary people use it, it will die from exhaustion. If it were not for this, she would have snatched it when she first met Godou. Prometheus has a secret recipe, but one thing she cares about is that if this goes on, Qin Zheng may really become the strongest godslayer!

Seeing Qin Zheng's endless methods, Erica's mind began to change a little bit, and her ambition was suppressed little by little!

Item 0010

"How is it possible? How can a mortal sword resist my artifact?" Mekal was shocked to see that his artifact was suppressed!

"Is it a mortal sword? The Yemo Black Sword is a trial sword made by the gods!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the body of the Yemo Black Sword throbbed again, and the powerful energy was visible to the naked eye. The way rippling away!

"Created by God!" Upon hearing the words, Mekal's eyes looked at Qin Zheng changed. Created by God, it was an artifact!Then it is normal for one's own artifact to be suppressed!

Erica stared at Qin Zheng in a daze. Too much surprise has numb Erica, she is a little curious now, how many secrets does this mysterious boy who met herself have?How many monsters like this can be summoned?

"Bump!" The quarrel between the two was quickly broken, and Ye Mo Black Sword had already broken the nunchaku!The ruins of St. Bast, in front of the tight gate made by Mercator, were chased and banished in half and inserted there!

"Ye Mo Black Sword, kill him for me!" Qin Zheng said again!After that, the Yemo Black Sword has already flown high in the sky, and then it keeps getting bigger, blocking the sun and forming a large shadow below!

"Hahaha~! I am a god, your artifact can't kill me!" Mekal sneered!

"Yes!" Qin Zheng nodded, "Without the golden sword that cuts off the godhead, it is indeed difficult for me to kill you. At the same time, you are a god and a demon god, Mekar, no, Baal!" Canaan, The God King Mekar worshipped by Phoenicians and Semitic is Baal. He was originally the god of storm, lightning, and sky, but his authority was constantly strengthened. In the end, he had a lot of power. This kind of sky god, Basically they have a lot of properties!As for his title of Demon God, it was obtained after he was tortured into a dog by the Angel God System and blackened by the Angel God System. Baal then pulled up the gods defeated by the Angel God System to form seventy-two demons!

But just this magic word is enough to make him destroy everything, because the Yemo Black Sword is the sword of slaying demons and slaying demons!

"Arrogant Mekar, today is your death date!" Qin Zheng saw that Mekar did not dodge, and wanted to resist the blow of the next sword!

"Boom!" Mekal's whole body was divided into two halves by Ye Mo's black sword!

The body of Mekal, which was divided into two halves, did not fall down because of this, and the divine power remained!

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to kill me successfully! Godkiller Qin Zheng, I remember you!" Mekal laughed, "We will meet again!" After speaking, Mekal's two halves The ability to turn into gold is integrated into Qin Zheng's body!

"Kill Mekal, the divine power pouring into the body is so powerful!" Seeing the power that is different from the magic power pouring into the body, it almost contends with the magic power in the body!

Qin Zheng's power has become stronger, but it also has its drawbacks, because the two powers will fight with Qin Zheng's body as the battlefield. Even if Qin is an immortal body, he will not be able to stand the fight between the two forces!

"You must find a solution as soon as possible!" Qin Zheng thought to himself!

"Really successful!" Erica muttered as she looked at Qin Zheng, who was like a god with golden light all over her body!

"Mekal is dead, the next military god!"

"Master Qin Zheng...but... but your state, don't you need to rest?" Erica said hesitantly!

"No need, because the next battle will be easy!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"Easy?" Faced with many powerful military gods, no godslayer will feel relaxed, right!

"It's just that his golden sword is a little troublesome!" Qin Zheng murmured, and took out Prometheus' secret book from his arms!

Prometheus is a god in Greek mythology and the last descendant of the Titans. His name means a person who thinks about the future, that is, he is a foresighted sage.Zeus, the king of the gods, did not want to give mankind too much wisdom, but Prometheus felt compassion for their stupidity and stole fire from the heavens. This god gave fire to mankind, and the man who got fire, culture Suddenly the leap developed. As punishment, Prometheus was locked on the top of the Caucasus Mountains and let the vulture eat his liver raw. As the flesh of the undead god, it will automatically recover at sunset, and then the vulture will again Will come to eat his liver again, that is to say, he must suffer this kind of pain forever.

However, the name of Prometheus' theft and deception is not covered. When the sacrificed cow was divided among the gods and humans, Prometheus prepared two plates and concealed the meat and internal organs in a stomach bag. Put it on top of the plate. The other plate uses tallow to hide the beef bones as if they are delicious. He first asked Zeus to choose which plate he wanted, but Zeus chose the bone plate. God kings will be deceived, one can imagine the terrible part of Prometheus' supernatural power!

"Come on! Military god!" Qin Zheng quickly felt the fluctuation of his divine power, and suddenly narrowed his eyes and said!

"God Killer, we meet again!" A handsome young man appeared in front of Qin, his usual white cloak!

"Stop talking nonsense, do it!" Qin Zheng said with a sneer!

"Hands!?" The military god seemed to see Qin Zheng's physical condition and said, "Your body is not suitable for fighting now! Admittedly, I admit that you who killed Mekal are very powerful, but the new power seems to be acquired. There is a conflict with the power in your body. Now you are desperately trying to suppress the two opposing forces, right!"

"You can't use that strange ability now!" The Army God said with certainty!

Erica was shocked when she heard the words of the army god. She did not expect that Qin Zheng after the killing of the gods would be exhausted by the power of the gods. Today is really not the time to fight the army god, so she has to buy time for Master Qin Zheng. Row!

"This seems to be your best chance to kill me!" At this moment, Qin Zheng said with a faint smile on his mouth!

But Erica had already jumped out, the long sword in her hand was drawn out, and said: "I can't let you hurt Master Qin Zheng!"

"Haha! Are you challenging me as a god of war? Well, very good, your will is indeed very brave, she is a witch who is rare even in ancient times and has a brave spirit!"

Item 0011

"Then, in response to your courage, let me use a sword too! Well, this will do!" The military god looked at the ground, and then picked up a branch. Qin Zheng could not mobilize the energy in his body and had become a turtle in the urn, so The military god is very interested in playing cat and mouse with the girl in front of him!

The branch that the military god picked up was the same length as Erica's lion king's heart, but it was very slender, and it seemed that even children could easily break.

"Well, this length is just right!" The military god smiled and waved the branches with a slash of only ten centimeters, but the sword aura that was rolled up was like a whirlwind, and it was obviously just such small and light branches. The power of gods can bring martial arts to the highest level, so the size of the weapons they hold is not important.

If you want to use a huge weapon perfectly, you have to learn how to use it very lightly. If you want to use a light weapon perfectly, you have to learn how to use it to make a heavy attack.

"The heart of the lion king, the steel with the name of the lion king, I now order you to put down the disguise I gave you, show your true posture, appear before me as a lion, and fight with me!" Ai Rika chanted the spirit and unlocked the seal of the long sword. The thin long sword that was originally like a clear stream began to swell. It was a very thick blade like an anchor. The length was about twice as long as before. The wrist is very unmatched, this is a wide one-handed sword.

Then Erica called out a round shield for infantry in her left hand, a shield made of steel, with a black cross on its red surface. Of course, if Erica did not use magic to increase her strength and explosive power , You cannot use these heavy weapons.

"Okay, it seems you are also ready. Then let's go to war!" said the war god who looked at Erica jokingly!

Hearing this, Erica rushed up unceremoniously.

I have been using thin and light swords all the time to hone the heaviness of sword skills. On the contrary, the secret of using heavy swords is speed and stable control.

Erica gently waved her right wrist, running from her shoulder to her elbow, coupled with the strength of her wrist, she split the heavy and strong heart of the lion king towards the god of war, from the shoulder to the tip of the sword. It's like a whip.

If you are fighting against humans, even a first-class swordsman, it is difficult to see through this move for the first time, and it is extremely powerful. The heart of the lion that appears in a true posture is so sharp that it can even cut concrete. Plus the striking power produced by the overwhelming weight.

However, compared with the gods, everything is useless, and the army gods can block them with only branches!Not only that, the military god used a branch to lightly swipe, which actually made her left hand holding the shield tremble.

Enduring the pain, she slammed her shield against the body of the military god.

The military god dodges left and right, seemingly proud, and said: "Little girl, you have exercised very well. If you continue to make progress, one day you will become a very strong fighter. That's amazing!"

"Humph!" Erica snorted coldly, "Lion's magic sword, you abandon the sword body and turn it into a bondage chain!" As the sword and the twigs were constantly confronting each other, Erica suddenly jumped away towards the rear. Chanting a brief speech, the long sword began to deform. It was not a knight’s weapon sword or spear, but an iron chain about three meters in length. There was a heavy weight on the front of the chain, and the iron was locked to The army god's heel waved past.

"Hahaha, I thought you had any intentions." Even with this trick, the military god just smiled and only avoided it by jumping.

Erica threw out the second chain and was knocked down by the military god with a twig!

"Hehe, let's stop playing with you!" The military god seemed to lose his patience. With a wave of the twig, the wind blade rolled up and blasted directly at Erica!

"Oh, military god! You can beat a little girl, but you can live up to the name of the military god!" Erica has exhausted all the means, but it still doesn't work for the god, facing the wind blade that is swept by, if If the wind blade rolls over, Erica will definitely be dead!

In a moment, the black air coming out of Qin Zheng rescued Erica!

"This kind of black energy is... At first you relied on him to kill wild boars to get the [wild boar] power!" From the black energy, he couldn't feel any power fluctuations!

"But it's useless!" The military god sneered, and said softly in a gentle tone: "Fear me, retreat quickly. I am the one who can break through any obstacle, neither the powerful nor the unrighteous. Crusade me."

Suddenly, light appeared next to the military god, and then the amount of light increased. There were ten or twenty light balls shining with golden light, expelling Qin Zheng's black energy!

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