The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 144

"Strange Godkiller!" Athena seemed to be aroused, and said, "Then when do you think it is appropriate?"

"Wait after you retrieve the'snake'!" Qin Zheng thought for a while and said!

"The concubine body is your enemy, you will let the concubine body take back the'snake'!"

"Even if you get the'snake' back, it won't be my opponent!" Qin Zheng smiled confidently!

"Very confident Godkiller, I really want to fight you!" Athena snorted coldly!

"Don't believe it? If that's the case, you dare to make a bet with me! After you get back the snake, we will fight as much as we want. If you lose, you will stay with me, how about?"

"The gambling agreement between the god of noncompliance and the godslayer is really interesting, so the concubine accepted this gambling agreement! But I won?" Athena looked at Qin Zheng with interest!

"If you win, I will follow you too!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly!

"The concubine body is not used to bringing someone around! But forget it, if you lose, then you are done! On the contrary, if the concubine body loses, you can resist the temptation of the concubine body power, then the concubine body follows Be by your side!"

"Then it's settled!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"God-killer, remember the name of the concubine, and the concubine is called Athena, the goddess of wisdom and victory!" In a flash, Athena was no longer in figure, she was missing, only one sentence floated to her ears.

The encounter with Athena was just an episode, but the agreement with her was an unexpected gain!

At this moment, Erica looked at a small Gorgon stone in her hand, a little distressed!

Just before, the Red Copper Black Cross discussed the treatment of the Gorgon Stone. Originally, she didn’t want to take this hot taro, but when she thought that the Gorgon Stone would bring Italy a powerful god of disobedience, Ai Rika couldn't help but think of Qin Zheng. If Gorgon is handed over to Qin Zheng, he must have a solution!

Next, Erica volunteered to take over the Gorgon Stone!

What we need to consider now is how to make Qin Zheng take this quick stone!

"Headache!" Erica was a bit distressed. Erica, who is known as a beautiful girl, has nothing to do with Qin Zheng, who has a changeable personality!

Data 0015

Japan, one of the three big families, in the courtyard of the Qingqiuyuan Family

At this time a young girl was waving a long sword in her hand!

Long black hair, but very supple, with a very pretty face, but when he laughs, he brings a mischievous look that cannot be hidden.

Because of sufficient exercise, the body is very good, with a thin waist and hips, a full chest, and a good shape. Such a body, coupled with a beautiful appearance, can probably evoke the hearts of men who are not very determined by just looking at it. From a man's point of view, it's a stunner's level.

Qingqiuyuan Yuna, this is the girl's name.

After practicing for a while, suddenly, a mobile phone vibrated from the bag on the floor.

The hand waving the bamboo knife stopped, Yuna walked over and took out the phone.

"Hey, I'm Qingqiuyuan Yuna!" Huina smiled and said, with a very nice voice, or rather, it's not so nice, it's totally refreshing.

"Grandpa, what do you want?" On the other end of the phone is her grandpa. At Qingqiuyuan's house, grandpa treats her best. Of course, this is related to her ability. She can hear the voice of God and is a descending warlock!

"Ah! Is there a new king born?" She showed a surprised expression!

"Yes! And the new king has decided to come to Japan!"

"Ah! The new king is coming to Japan? Grandpa, are you kidding me?"

"Hmm! I heard it was because I wanted to kill someone!"

"Is it another king? Are there two kings in Tokyo?" Even Ena didn't think there was a big city in the world that could squeeze two kings.

"Not a king, just an ordinary person!"

"Ordinary people deserve the new king's shot?"

"I don't know the specific situation either. I heard that the dispute was caused by the magic book, but that ordinary person offended the new king for sure!"

"Then which ordinary person is so unlucky?" Huina asked again!

"A high school student named Godou!"

"Then Grandpa, do we need to help Xinwang solve this ordinary person?"

"It's still not necessary. We are not sure about Wang's character. We can't intervene in his affairs at will. As for how to deal with Godou, it is Xinwang's business! And we only need to win over Xinwang and let him stay in Japan! I have decided Now, this task is entrusted to Hui Na, but you must pay attention, there seems to be a Western woman beside Xin Wang, you want to drive her away, you know!"

"That's it, okay?" Her eyes rolled, and she suddenly smiled, "Even before Wang returns to China, Yuna will be ready." After that, she hung up the phone.

And when the new king is coming to Japan, the forces concerned are naturally not only the Qingqiuyuan family, but also the official history compilation committee!

Nanao Shrine, not far from Shiba Park and Tokyo Tower, a small road close to the main road connects this shrine to the transportation network that connects high-end restaurants, schools, TV stations, radio stations, embassies, etc. together.

There are a total of two hundred steps, and the shrine is on the high platform after climbing the stone steps.

Yuri Wanriya is the witch of this shrine, a very cute beautiful girl, of course, this is in the eyes of ordinary people.

In the circle of non-ordinary people, she is still a witch, but she is not an ordinary witch. She is one of the high-ranking witches in the Kanto region named "the witch maiden". She has a very precious and very powerful vision. ability.

The environment of the shrine is very good, at least there is a lot of green here, and the environment inside the shrine also makes people's minds easy to calm down.

And this morning, after Yuri Wanliya had just finished dressing up, he walked to the front hall with an expression of anxiety.

Because she saw the intermittent future, Tokyo seemed to be turned upside down by the arrival of the new king!

"Miko, the first time we meet, can we take your time to chat?" At this moment, a man called Yuri Wanliya. The man seemed to be a very frivolous and casual person, but the way he walked It can be seen that he is not so simple, wearing leather shoes, stepping on the pebble pavement, but there is no sound at all, not an ordinary person.

"Excuse me, are you?" Yuri Wanliya frowned and asked!

"It's really impolite. I introduced myself to you so late. I am Dongma Amakusa, and this is my business card." The man named Dongma Amakusa smiled and handed out his business card, and his kind of flirty and casual The expressions of meaning are different, and his movements are very regular.

"The people of the Zhengshi Compilation Committee, what do you have to do with me?" Yuri Wanligu silently read the content on the business card, and then looked at Dongma Kanazawa.

"It's like this. There is something that may bring unprecedented disasters to our country. Of course, it may also be an opportunity. So I hope that you can use your strength to visit rashly. Please forgive me." Dongma Kanazawa said in his mouth. It sounds terrible.

"Sure enough, it's about the new king!" Yuri Wanliya murmured, and said, "I advise you to refuse the new king to enter Japan!"

"Why?" Dongma Ganseed was taken aback and asked!

"Because the new king will bring disaster to Japan!" Maritani Yuri said seriously!

"Ah!" Hearing this, Touma was stunned again. How could he have the right to refuse the new king to come to Japan? Rejecting the new king would be a disaster, but he knew that the maiden in front of him had a very good vision. Ability to see what will happen in the future cannot be ignored!

You have to go back and discuss a sure-fire plan!

"Yuri Miko, if it is as you said, Japan needs your help even more!"

"I really can't help!" Yuri murmured. She is just a witch, how can I help!

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