The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 145

"Win over the new king, then Japan will be like the new king's maiden family!" Touma Amazuke said metaphorically!

Item 0016

Time goes back five hours ago!

"Well, now that the new king's matter is handled, then we should discuss it, who should we handle the Gorgon Stone that has made us brainstorming?" Paul asked again!

"Who will handle it? Is that good? I don't think this is a wise decision. Although our leader Tony-sama is not here now, it would be too embarrassing to ask for help from a foreign king! Bronze Black Cross, they will Look at our jokes!"

"Those who want to laugh let them go. The most important thing is the Gorgon Stone. You should also know how disasters the Gorgon Stone will bring to Italy. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the Red Bronze Black Cross is very likely. Destroyed!"

"But we don't have a king I can rely on!"

"The joke is a trivial thing. If it angers the king, what should we do? Once Tony-sama knows that we are turning to other kings, who knows what he thinks? Can we really bear his anger?" These speeches were not made by ordinary old people, but even the old magicians with superb swordsmanship and rare secret techniques in the world still showed their respect for the king.

Because no matter how powerful the magician of this world is, he cannot compete with the king. This is the truth of this world!

"But does Lord Tony really care about these little things? In the eyes of that adult, we are like bees in a honeycomb. I don't think Lord Tony will be angry about the bees choosing a new queen!" The one who interrupted the argument between the two old men was Paul!

"But which king should we turn to? The Gorgon Stone is an ancient symbol of the mother of the earth. Although it also means that it will face the oldest goddess, the Marquis of Vauban will still be eager to try. But in conclusion It is said that even if one has escaped from the gods, but the demon king of the Balkans is brought in, it is not worth the loss. You must know that if the demon king goes to war with all his strength, I am afraid that one or two cities will be easily wiped out!"

"Yeah!" Paul nodded with a focused expression. The power of the Marquis of Vauban is like this, almost all of them are the ability to completely crush, tear, and shatter all things standing on the earth.

"There is another king we can ask for help." At this moment, Erica said!

"I heard that John Brut of the United States, Mr. Smith is very concerned about the safety of ordinary civilians, is a rare king, do you mean to go to the Atlantic to hire him back?"

"No, the guardian of Los Angeles seems to have more important things to do, and there is no extra energy to deal with us! In addition, the Lord Luo Hao and the Black Prince in Jiangnan cannot take action unless we are loyal to them!"

"It's not them, have you forgotten the new king?" Erica smiled slightly. The six kings just said that the old marquis of Eastern Europe, the martial arts king of southern China, and the queen of the magic cave will continue to expand again. With the dark alien heroes of the New World, and the wise king who has captured the wisdom of the British Empire, he is called the Dark Prince. Later in this century, one of the strongest swordsmen in Europe has also been qualified as a king.

It's really ironic, because you didn't see him in battle or you can't believe that this new king can resist the oldest god?If you really think so, then you are very wrong!

Erica paused, and continued: "Although the time for the new king to become a king is very short, I promise with the spirit of a great knight that he will be the most powerful godslayer!"

"I agree with Erica!" Paul nodded and said!"Then this Gorgon Stone will be handled by you!"

"Hmm!" After hearing this, Erica solemnly accepted the Gorgon Stone!

"Huh! Do you want to talk to Qin Zheng directly?" Erica took a deep breath, looked at the woman with long snake hair carved on it, and remembered what happened five hours ago!

Walked into Luculazia's room, but saw Luculazia approaching!

"Little girl, you have the breath of God!" Lukulazia squinted her eyes and smiled as she listened to the sturdiness on her chest, "It seems that you have brought an incredible magical tool!"

"It's the Gorgon Stone!" Erica nodded and said!

"Oh my God! You brought something terrific, but this thing will bring bad luck!" Lukulazia said again: "You should be clear! Being targeted by the ancient god of disobedience, pressure It's huge!"

"That's why I want to give it to Master Qin Zheng!" Erica murmured!

"You really want to use that adult!" Upon hearing this, Lukulazia squinted her eyes!

"I...Where did I use him, but I... But Master Qin Zheng's lover came!" Erica blushed and hurriedly defended!

"Hehe, I know, but I'll give you a little advice. Frankly explain all this, it's good for you!" Luculazia smiled, "Really, I don't want you to take Gorgon Shi to Master Qin Zheng!"

"Why?" Erika was taken aback after hearing this!

"Killing two gods from Qin Zheng, what did you see!"

"Master Qin Zheng is very powerful, unexpectedly powerful, stronger than any king!"

"I mean the character aspect!" Luculazia coughed and said, "Although he successfully killed the god, but there is no denying that even the Marquis of Vauban is not as crazy as his, I can be very It is guaranteed that the new king is the craziest king! If you hand over the Gorgon Stone to the new king, will the new king take the initiative to give it to Athena if he can't keep it?" Quasi, now Qin Zheng and Athena have made an agreement!

"How come? He didn't know that after Athena got the Gorgon Stone, the world would...!"

"Who knows! Among the godslayers who are like gods, we are just ants!"

"But this Gorgon Stone can only be handled by the king! We have no choice, do we!" Although Erica thinks Luculazia is right, but the Gorgon Stone is only king. Can handle it!

"It's up to you! I have limited abilities, and I don't have the ability to deal with this stone!" Lu Kulazia smiled!

"Where did Master Qin Zheng go?"

"I went out this morning, but I think I should be back soon!" Lukulazia smiled!

Item 0017

The Gorgon Stone is a relic of the mythological century that was salvaged on the coast of Calabria. The Gorgon Stone is the symbol of the despised goddess, the wisdom of the mother of the long lost, and the signpost to the darkness. Athena's goal!

Qin Zheng, who had an unexpected encounter with Athena, returned home and found Erica sitting on a chair in a precarious manner!

"Erica, are you back?" Qin Zheng smiled when he saw Erica and asked!This morning, Erica went back to the Red Bronze Black Cross station. It should be to report what she saw to the top of the Red Bronze Black Cross. No, it should be said to promote her deeds in defeating the two gods, his supernatural power!

"Yeah!" Erica nodded. She was wearing a bright crimson dress, her long reddish blonde hair and black rose hair accessories, which looked like a queen.

After the war contact, Qin Zheng, who doesn't know the smell of meat in March, squinted at Erica!

"I...Is there something on my face?" Being stared at by Qin Zheng like this, Erica subconsciously took a look at her dress!

"No, it's beautiful!" Qin Zheng shook his head!

"Of course! I chose this outfit carefully!" Erica said proudly!

"No, I'm talking about you!" Qin Zheng shook his head again!

Upon hearing this, Erica's face turned completely red, and she stammered: "That... of course, I... I'm a prodigy and beautiful girl with a bronze and black cross! Even if it's the king's praise, I... ...Me too...!" After all, Erica is a pure girl!

"Don't be messed up!" Looking at Erica who was flustered and her words became strange, Lu Kulazia reminded in a low voice!

"Hmm!" Soon, Erica calmed down, thought about it, and finally took out a round cake-like stone!

"It's a stone again!" Looking at the Gorgon Stone, Qin Zheng picked up a fist-sized badge and said!The material should be polished obsidian. The surface is carved with a botched portrait like a human face and dozens of snakes. The snakes depicted are like the hair of the human face in the picture. There are many places next to it. Already blurred, the stone itself has a lot of wear and tear, and it looks like a fairly old item.

"Master Qin Zheng, this is the Gorgon Stone!" Erica said solemnly!Of course Qin Zheng knew that it was something related to Medusa. Medusa was born from scratch with a snake instead of hair. It is a glamorous witch in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Medusa is indeed an evil monster, but it is actually Above, she is the goddess of the earth with ancient history, and the Virgin of Darkness who is deeply related to many ancient goddesses and has a trinity!

"Then I will accept it!" Qin Zheng nodded. This is exactly the Gorgon Stone Athena wanted!

Erica was stunned. She had already prepared a large piece of rhetoric to persuade Qin Zheng, but she did not expect Qin Zhenghui to agree so readily!

"Master Qin Zheng, you...!"

"Hmm! You took out the Gorgon Stone, didn't you want to give it to me?" Qin Zheng glanced at Erica and asked back!

"Yes!" Erica nodded, "but take the liberty to ask, Master Qin Zheng, what do you plan to do with this stone?"

"I heard that the goddess will become complete only after getting the Gorgon Stone. I think it must feel good to fight the complete goddess!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, but Erica felt the cold of falling into the ice cave. !

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