The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 153

"But... but these are only a few. Like the Marquis of Vauban, he is an out-and-out demon!" In order to summon the god of incompliance, the Marquis of Vauban forced her to overdraw her life to complete the ceremony. Wang is very afraid and has a prejudice against Wang's existence!

"He!" Qin Zheng sneered, and said: "Over 200 years old, in my eyes, he is just a shit from Alzheimer's! So the behavior is a little out of the ordinary, you should understand!"

"Ah!" Listening to Qin Zheng's disdainful tone, You Li was shocked again. She did not expect that the new king would dare to despise the old king so much!Is this declaring war on Pharaoh!It is undeniable that if what Qin Zheng said today is spread out, it will surely pit the two kings, the Marquis of Vauban is not so easy to get along with!

"But, Wang, your current practice is contrary to protecting the people!"

"This is a different vision!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "In your eyes, you only have the people of your home country, and in my eyes, the objects to be protected are human beings all over the world!"

"At the beginning I accepted the Gorgon Stone because the King of Swords in Rome has disappeared. The Roman people who lost the protection of the king will definitely be powerless when facing the god of incompliance, so I accepted the Gorgon Stone. , At least with my ability, I can fight against the god of incompliance and minimize the damage!" Qin Zheng explained!

"Is that so?" Hearing Qin Zheng's words, you thought about it. It was indeed the same thing. She was only considering the problem from the Japanese national level. Naturally, Wang's approach was quite wrong, but she stood On the human level of the world, Qin Zheng's approach is understandable. On the contrary, putting the Gorgon Stone on him can ensure that the loss is minimized!

If Erica were here, she would have known that Qin Zheng’s words were fooling people. He wanted to hand over the Gorgon Stone to the God of Incompliance, and become the God of Incompliance of Athena, with destructive power. Will greatly increase, how does his approach put human beings at heart!

Of course, Yuri does not understand the truth, but Yuri is still a little uncomfortable, after all, Japan is her motherland!

"So, Yuri of Japan, are you willing to become my knight and work hard to protect humans all over the world!" Qin Zheng said solemnly!Yuri's personality is somewhat similar to that of Yuri, but he is more rigid and more serious than Yuri!

"I...I am willing!" From the original discomfort to the final excitement, Yuli protected all kinds of people. She felt that her philosophy had been upgraded!!

"Come out! Ganseed Dongma!" Suddenly, Qin Zheng frowned and looked at the hidden dark place coldly!

"Please forgive me for my rudeness, Lord Xinwang!" Soon, Dongma Kanazawa walked out of it and said in fear!"Because you are chatting with Yuri Maiden, I appeared in front of you in this way. I definitely didn't want to listen to your conversations!"

"Hehe, so to speak, have you heard me talking with Yuri?"

Akasu Dongma bowed again, and then said: "Please forgive me, I didn't mean it!"

"Huh!" Qin Zheng's expression suddenly changed, but Yuri was taken aback and said quickly: "Wang, he should be unintentional, please...!"

"Don't worry! I'm not a cruel person! I won't blame you!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Then you heard me talking with Yuri!"

"I heard it! Wang is really kind and caring for human beings!" said Dongma, flattering!In fact, he is not deceived like Yuri, he knows that the king in front of him is not so easy to get along with, he must be careful!

"I didn't mean this!" Qin Zheng sneered, "The Marquis Vauban guy is dementia shit, you should have heard it too!"

"I...I can't hear anything!" Suddenly, the sweet rice winter horse was sweating coldly. If this sentence is spread, it will definitely cause a fight between the two kings!

"Don't be afraid! You heard it!" Qin Zheng smiled and continued: "Since you have heard all of them, then I want you to pass this sentence to the ears of the Marquis of Vauban!"

"Ah! Pass it to him!" Hearing the words, the whole body was trembling as he was puzzled.He instantly understood what Qin Zheng meant. He was going to provoke a dispute and then want to defeat the old king Vaubang, but Dongma Kanazawa was a little worried. This new king was too confident, did he think he was certain. Defeated the two-hundred-year-old Vauban, but after investigating the local area in Rome, they vaguely discovered that this new king did not rely on luck and accident to win the two kings, he himself also has incomparable power!

They once photographed with satellites that Qin Zheng fell from a height of thousands of li but was unharmed, and he succeeded in killing the gods. From this, Qin Zheng's own power is not simple!

"Okay!" Touma Akasu nodded. The godslayer who can kill the two gods may also be possible to defeat the Marquis of Vauban. If he can defeat the Marquis of Vauban, the Japanese government will gain huge benefits!

Yuri is puzzled by the departure of Dongma Amazake, why did the king start a dispute!

"Youri! You must be puzzled, why should I start a dispute!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!

"Because the Marquis of Vauban has done a lot of evil and has the name of a shameful king, I am ashamed of him as a team, so I will get rid of him!" Qin Zheng said awe-inspiringly!After Qin Zheng said these words, he felt very refreshed. Standing on the commanding heights of morality, he was really good. No wonder there are always some righteous people who accomplish their goals under the banner of justice!

"Yeah!" Yuri nodded earnestly and said, "If this is the case, then I will do my best to assist the king and get rid of this scum for the king!"

Item 0028

At Rome's international airport, an old man was getting off the plane alone.

It seemed that he was a very energetic old man, but his face was a little pale, and he was also a person who paid great attention to his appearance, his silver hair was neatly combed, and his beard was cleanly shaved.

And he also gave others a sense of knowledge. People who don't know him will definitely treat him as a professor who spreads knowledge in the university.

Although he was not at all, as early as the first half of the eighteenth century, he became a godslayer, and nowadays, he is the oldest one of the godslayers today, although he is also the one with the worst reputation.

The godslayers are wayward, but the Marquis of Vauban is not just wayward.

He deserves the name of the devil.

Of course it's not here for no reason.

Four years ago, Italy gave birth to the sixth king of the world today. The young man today known as the King of Swords captured the prey that originally belonged to the Marquis of Vauban.

This made the Marquis of Vauban quite unhappy, but facing the fait accompli, even he could only accept it.

Now he comes to Rome, just want to see the king of swords, by the way, with the help of the power of the bronze black cross, once again summon the god of incompliance!

At this time, on the beach in Italy, two attractive young people seemed to be arguing about something. One was a black-haired man. He wore silver-rimmed glasses and frowned deeply on the intellectual and neurotic goose egg face. , The other is a handsome blond guy who looks very hearty.

"Look, the sun is not very bright. In this case, we only have one thing to do. Yes, it is vacation!" The handsome blond man holds a small bottle of lemon wine in his hand, which looks very cold, and the surface of the bottle is densely packed. A lot of water drops.The blond man with a straw in his mouth was sipping a drink while making a passionate speech. If anything else, he was also wearing a fancy cardigan shirt and looked very casually dressed.

"Master Tony, have you listened to me!" The attitude and words of the man wearing glasses were very courteous, and he restrained his emotions, making himself a poker face with no expression!His name is Andre Lipera, a young knight and staff who works for Tony, sometimes a secretary, and more importantly, a supervisor, who takes all the duties and is called the king's butler.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Tony asked in confusion!

"Really, King, it seems that a new Godkiller has been born!"

"The new Godkiller, really?!" Hearing this, Tony was a little surprised!

"Yeah! I heard that he also killed two gods and got the title of Godslayer!" Ribeella said solemnly!

"It looks amazing!" Tony suddenly became interested and smiled: "I really want to fight him!"

"Where is the place of killing the gods, take me over and see!" Tony said again!The godslayer can infer the situation during the battle from the ruins after the battle!

"Wang, why don't you ask the Red Bronze Black Cross directly! I heard that the great knight of the Red Bronze Black Cross is also present!"

"The great knight of the red bronze and black cross is also there?" Tony was stunned!

"Oh, that's it! Then go to the red bronze black cross and ask for clarity!" Tony nodded!

Seeing that Tony hadn't paid any attention, Ribera sighed. He originally wanted to advance that the king needs to pay attention to the red bronze black cross, because the red bronze black cross contacted the new king, and he was worried about the red bronze black cross. Rebellion, but now it seems that Tony didn’t care about the rebellion of the Red Bronze Black Cross at all!

Soon, Tony took Hepera and broke into the station of the red bronze black cross!

"Wang, why are you here?!" Paul was a little surprised and a little panicked when he saw the handsome blond guy!

"Hehe, don't be cautious, I heard that a seventh king was born, so I want to find out!"

"Wang, this... we don't know too!" Paul said honestly!

"Huh? Didn't you mean that your knight was also there?" Tony said with some dissatisfaction!

"Wang, please listen to my explanation. We are not present, but my niece Erica is present. She is now a knight of the new king and follows the new king to Japan, so...!"

"Go to Japan! Okay, let's go to Japan too!" Tony said excitedly!

"Wang, have you forgotten? You promised to meet the Bronze Black Cross. Can you go to Japan later?" Hepera paused and said!

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