The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 154

"That's it! Then be later!" Tony smiled!

"Wang, we heard that the new king seems to have offended the Marquis of Vauban!" Paul said again!

"Offended that old man, is the new king, like me, robbed the old man's prey!" Tony asked in surprise after hearing this!

"No!" Paul wiped his cold sweat, and said, "Because the new king publicly said that Vauban is cruel and demented shit! He also let the Japanese government publicize it. Now the entire world of magic knows this. !"

"Alzheimer's shit?" Hebeila was stunned when he heard that, this new king is really not afraid of it!Isn't this clearly provoking the old king who has killed the gods for more than two hundred years, and he is still endlessly dying. He can imagine that as long as the very marquis hears this news, he will be furious!

King, but the most decent creature!

"This new king is really interesting!" Tony was also dissatisfied with Vauban's character of relying on the old and selling the old, and he smiled directly!

"Because of this incident, the new king was named the righteous king by the magic world!" Paul said again!

The King of Righteous Path, the king title that even Qin Zheng didn't know spread throughout the world!

Chapter 0029

At this time, in a Gothic style building, the bronze black cross station!Many people are also sitting together in distress!

"What can I do? I didn't expect that demon king would be invited!" Liliana's grandfather, with a bitter face, murmured, and Liliana was a beautiful girl with a sword fairy, and her appearance was not below Erica. No distinction is made between Erica and Erika. She is omnipotent in housework, but is extremely bad at political negotiations.

"Akazu black cross is really lucky!" Another old man also murmured!

"Well, that's right. In that case, you can meet the new king. The red bronze and black cross are really lucky to get home!"

"Liliana, what do you think?"

"Since the Marquis of Vauban wants us to serve, I will go and help him!"

"No, that guy's purpose is obvious, that is to summon the god of incompliance, so you will die!" Liliana's grandfather sighed!

"That's better than destroying the entire bronze black cross!" Liliana has already planned to sacrifice herself to preserve the bronze black cross!

"Hey, Liliana, thank you for your hard work!" Facing the request of the godslayer, they could not refuse, nor dare to refuse, otherwise they would face the wrath of the godslayer. Now the only way is to sacrifice Liliana. Because four years ago, Liliana was the survivor among the maidens summoned by the Marquis of Vauban!

"Why didn't you meet the new king! If it were you, you don't need to...!" Liliana's grandfather sighed again!

"Is the new king very powerful?" Liliana asked!Although she knew that the seventh king had been born, she was not very clear about the strength of the new king!

"Yeah! Very powerful, I don't know the specific situation. I heard that after he became a godslayer, he killed two gods again. One of them was a god of war and the other was a god king!" Liliana's grandfather continued Said: "Moreover, he has recently written a letter to the Marquis of Vauban!"

"He wants to challenge the Marquis of Vauban, what's the matter?" At this moment, Liliana was taken aback. Although he said that he had killed two gods, the Marquis of Vauban had been a godslayer for more than two hundred years. He killed the gods. There are definitely more than two, so why is the new king so irrational!

"The new king seems to be very dissatisfied with the actions of the Marquis of Vauban. He publicly said that the Marquis of Vauban is a shit of Alzheimer's, and he also asked the Committee of Japanese Official History to spread what he said. Now the entire magical world should know about this. ! Because of this incident, the new king is called the King of Righteous Path by the world!"

"Ah! Is the new king going to a duel with the Marquis of Vauban?!" Liliana grew a small mouth, full of astonishment. She knew that the Marquis of Vauban was the king who valued face and class the most, even if he was facing the same level. The king will show off because of his qualifications. Now that the new king is so provocative, if this is passed to the Marquis of Vauban, it will definitely be an endless situation!

"I don't know! I also think that the new king is impulsive!" Liliana's grandfather shook his head after hearing this!

Liliana thought for a while and said, "Grandfather, do you think, which side has the better chance of winning this battle?"

"Marquis Vauban! After all, he is a 200-year old king!"

"No, my idea is exactly the opposite. The new king must be able to kill the two gods, he must be powerful, even if he can't beat the Marquis of Vauban, he will not necessarily lose!"

"Then you mean...?"

"I think we can take refuge in the new king!" Liliana said solemnly!

"Aren't you kidding me to take refuge in the new king? We are still under the leadership of the sword king!"

"Same as Erica's approach, no organization is involved, I can become the new king's knight alone!"

"Yes, that's okay!" Grandfather thought for a while and found it feasible!

"But Liliana, can you guarantee that you can get the favor of the new king?" Grandfather asked the most important question!

"Since Erica can do it, so can I!" She and Erica are rivals, and she believes she can do what Erica can do!

"Okay, I will reply to the Demon King like this!" Grandfather nodded. The Marquis of Vauban must know that King Zhengdao was disrespectful to him, so the Marquis of Vauban must have no time to trouble the Bronze Black Cross, but put most of his mind at ease. On the King of Righteous Path!

The location is back to the rooftop of Jonan Academy in Tokyo!

Yuri has become Qin Zheng's knight!

"King of Righteous Path, what do you plan to do with the Gorgon Stone!?" Two days have passed since the conversation that day, the Gorgon Stone is still in his hand, and Qin Zheng's abuse of the Marquis of Vauban has spread throughout the magic. World!

Now Yuri has called Qin Zheng with a new title!

"Of course it's for returning things to the original owner!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly!

"Ah! What, to the god of incompliance, this...this will kill a lot of people! Wang, please think twice!" Hearing Qin Zheng's words, Yuli said anxiously!

"Hehe, it's not a bad thing to give back to the god of disobedience!" Qin Zheng squinted and continued: "Can you see where this Gorgon Stone belongs? In fact, it belongs to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. !"

"Athena, how is this possible? She should be the enemy of the snake god!"

"Athena Trinity, no, it's not yet. Only if you give her the Gorgon Stone, she can be considered a Trinity, the real Athena!"

"In that case, you can't hand over the Gorgon Stone!"

"Why not! Because she has been deprived of her age and status, she will not follow. As long as this is returned to her, she will regain a new life. At that time, she may return to the realm of mythology. Why not do it!" Qin Zheng said lightly!

Chapter 0030

Athena, in Greek mythology, she is at odds with the sea king Poseidon.But it does not hate the sea because of this, because the sea and the earth are deeply related to its deprived nature, which is the source of life.

What she really hates is the sun. The shining light and the dazzling sky throne is what really makes the Queen of Night unhappy.

Of course, this is just the idea that she hasn't changed to the real Athena!

Now, Yuri has been fooled once again. Qin Zheng said that it makes sense. This is Yuri’s mind. If the god Athena can really return to the realm of mythology, then Tokyo will also be spared. The future that I can see with my spiritual vision knows that Qin Zheng will most likely fail. He will fight the god of incompliance, and then spread to the entire Tokyo!

"But my spiritual vision...!" Yuri paused and said!

"Yuri! Have you ever thought that you only see the ending of Tokyo in the future, but not the cause of the matter. If I don’t hand over the Gorgon Stone, Athena will come to me too. We will have a battle too!" Qin Zheng smiled!

Hearing this, Yuri was stunned. It was indeed the case. She only saw the result, not the cause. Both causes may lead to the destruction of Tokyo, because whether it is given or not, it is possible to fight. If you don’t give it, you will definitely fight, and if you hand it over, you may fight!

"A future that can't be changed anyway!" Yuli's face is bitter!

"Don't worry! Some things cannot be prevented by manpower, as long as you try your best!" Qin Zheng smiled and said comfortingly!

Yuri now fully accepts Qin Zheng, the King of Righteous Paths, and Erica, who knows that Qin Zhengzhen is facing, is being questioned by his grandfather Paul at this time!

"What, grandfather, what are you talking about?" Erica was a little surprised!Two days have passed since I met Yuri, but Qin Zheng did not reveal to himself the content of the chat at that time, and Erica had trouble asking, but I did not expect it to be such an incident. The new king insulted the Demon King Marquis Vauban. , Denounced his brutality, and won the title of King of Righteous Path!

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