The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 155

Conflict with Lao Wang, why didn't Qin Zheng discuss it with himself on such a big deal!Erica was a little depressed. Since Yuri appeared, she felt that her position had been taken away by the hateful Yuri!But Yuri is a beauty who looks no less inferior to her, and it is easier to be favored by the king because of her gentle appearance!

Now Erica sees Qin Zheng and You Li coming in and out, and she looks very tasteful!

"As a knight of the king, you don't even know about this?" Paul looked very surprised!

"I really don't know!" Erika said with some frustration after hearing this!

"Erica, are you in trouble?" Grandfather asked!

"Grandfather, you don't know, Japan is really amazing. He used beauties from the beginning. Now the new king seems to have a crush on that woman!" Erica was a little depressed!

"Is there a woman comparable to my granddaughter?!" Hearing this, Paul kindly smiled!

"That...that... isn't she just a little gentler, when it comes to beauty, I am better than her!" Erika said with a flushed face after hearing this!

"That's it! Then I know!" Hearing this, Paul nodded!"I'll find someone to help you!"

"Ah! Find someone to help me? Don't!" Erica said hesitantly!

"Why not! If this goes on, the new king will stay in Japan, didn't you say that the new king likes gentle women?"

"But...but I...!" Erica thought to herself!Am I not gentle anymore!

"Erica, I know what you want to say, you don't have to deliberately change your character, just feel free!"

"Who are you going to send, grandfather?"

"Liliana!" Paul laughed!

"It's her, but isn't she the bronze black cross?" Erika asked in surprise!

"Hehe, the old man with the bronze black cross came to me, and the conditions were good, so I agreed, you remember to introduce Liliana in front of the new king!"

"What!" After hanging up the phone, Erica muttered, "Don't I be gentler than Liliana!"

At this time, the bronze black cross station!

"Liliana, I've done everything, and you can leave for Japan now!"

"Go now?" Liliana was taken aback after hearing this!

"Well! After you go to Japan, look for Erica, and she will introduce the new king for you!" Grandfather smiled!

"Did your grandfather go to ask someone for the red bronze black cross?" Liliana's face was a little ugly after hearing this. Red bronze has always been the enemy of bronze. Now my grandfather wants to ask for the red bronze black cross. Feeling uncomfortable too!

"It's not a request! It's just a deal!" Grandfather murmured, and said, "Liliana, you have to fight for it. I heard that Erica can't compete with the maiden of Japan, so this is your great opportunity. You fight for it. I got the favor of the new king, and then explained to him the current situation of the bronze black cross, hoping that he would lend a helping hand. In addition, the bronze black cross also needs his help!"

"Yeah! I know it!" Liliana nodded and said!She is fully prepared to defeat Erica, her childhood rival!

Immediately afterwards, Liliana embarked on the road to Japan alone!

Item 0031

It was the night, the Witch Goddess Society, Qin Zheng, Erica, and Yuri were already waiting for Athena's arrival!

There is a snake's breath on the Gorgon Stone, and Athena, who is not a god, will definitely find it, and it is still very simple!

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Qin Zhengyan reunited with the silver-haired girl, Athena, the god of disobedience!Now Athena is wearing a thin sweater, mini skirt and knee-length stockings, and a blue woolen hat on her silver hair. The light of the sea breeze is like a bright moon illuminating the night sky!

"It's been a long time, Godkiller, I'm very happy to meet you again." The soprano, as crisp as Athena, said classical words.

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Waiting for you!"

"I want to kill me and gain my power!" Athena squinted her eyes, smiled, and said: "It just so happens that I am the goddess of war and victory, and there must be a battle with the godslayer!"

"I don't want to kill you!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Did you forget our agreement?!"

"No!" Upon hearing this, Athena shook her head and said, "But as the son of Epimetheus, you will make a bet with the god of disobedience. You are really a rare godslayer."

Bet?Hearing that, the two women were stunned. When did King Zhengdao have a bet with Athena?

Seeing the doubts of the two women, Qin Zheng explained: "We have agreed to fight, if I win, then she will have to listen to me!"

"That's it!" The two girls of Youli suddenly realized!

"King of Righteous Path, can you not fight in downtown Tokyo?" Yuri hesitated and said!

"This is natural!" Qin Zheng smiled. Since he wants to be hypocritical, let him be hypocritical!

"Report your name first, the concubine body is the god who has the name of Athena. From now on, you must keep it in your heart. Godslayer, please report your name too!" There is no trace of emotion in the dark pupils. , Athena said coldly.

"Your name concubine listens respectfully."

"Qin Zheng!" Qin Zheng smiled, and said, "Can you change the venue to fight?" Qin Zheng did not say the names of Yuri and Erica, because he knew that this noble creature like a god is I don't care about the ants, even if he introduces them, Athena will selectively ignore it!

"Yeah!" Athena nodded and said, "I didn't expect that as a godslayer, you would have this conscience!"

"Then let's go!" Qin Zheng quickly came to the open space outside Tokyo!Perhaps because of knowing that Athena is about to come, the Japanese Official History Committee has cleared a large area of ​​space here in advance to provide Qin Zheng to fight with the god of disobedience!

"Well, Qin Zheng, give me the Gorgon Stone!" Athena stretched out her little hand and said!

The two were conversing with no one else, Erica on the side kept a distance little by little to avoid getting between Qin Zheng and Athena, and at the same time, the corners of her mouth began to mutter slightly!

Qin Zheng knew that the arrogant Erica was quite dissatisfied with this goddess, she was dissatisfied with others' neglect of her, even if the other party was a god!

"The Gorgon Stone can be given to you, but you have to defeat the knight beside me!" Qin Zheng laughed again. He knew that Erica was dissatisfied with Athena, so he spoke!

"With all due respect, mortals can't match the power of a concubine, even a magician!"

"I... can I really fight the gods?" After hearing this, Erica swallowed and said with a trembling voice!

"As my knight, you have to have this courage!!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, "Now I will give you the power to match the gods!" After speaking, Qin Zheng hugged Erica. I kissed her cherry lips!

Erica's eyes opened wide, and her whole body was lying softly in Qin Zheng's arms!

Now Qin Zheng has used the power of protection, and immediately, Erica felt that his whole body was full of power. Unlike magic, this is a very pure power, stronger than magic, it is divine power, and has gained the power of protection. Erica will turn into a Paladin holding a spear and wearing a bright red and pitch-black uniform!

This is, the change of Erica's dress made Yuri also stunned!

"This is blessing!" Soon, Yuri felt the power flowing through Erica, the divine power that belonged solely to the godslayer!

"This is...!" Erica herself was stunned!

"Unexpectedly, there is a blessing in your power!" Athena was also taken aback, then recovered, and said: "Then, girl, you can already fight me!"

"My God! Why have you forsaken me!" While happy, Erica sang a desperate voice, the strongest spell.

"My bones are all misplaced, and my heartache melts like wax. You put me in the dust of the dead place, wild dogs surround me, and the evil party surround me!"

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