The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 158

"Isn't there a winner yet?" Erica wanted to ask again, but Yuri was already sitting on the ground out of breath, unable to use Lingshi!

In the darkness, only Qin Zheng and Athena knew what happened!

However, at this time, in the darkness, there was no previous fight, because the victory and defeat had already been divided!

After all, the power of darkness did not break through his final defense. Of course, if it were normal, Qin Zheng might lose. But why did Qin Zheng not only possess powers, but also beasts and other magical things. At the last moment, the sky The dragon, the master of the underworld, came out to protect, so Athena's power failed to break through his defense, and in the end, he won!

"Huh!" In the darkness, the goddess screamed!

"Qin Zheng, I didn't expect you to hide that hand and tell your concubine what the monster that finally burst out of your body was. I felt the breath of a god from it!" There was fatigue in her voice, but no weakness, even if she recovered. With the attitude of the Trinity, she is still the goddess of war and wisdom. It is impossible to be weak in battle. Force and victory are her servants.

"It's a god! Now I have won!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Got it! Although the concubine is a god of disobedience, she also knows that she is willing to bet!" Soon, Qin Zheng felt that an object was moving in the cold darkness, approaching him!

Soon, Qin Zheng saw clearly that it was Athena, or that dignified and elegant look. Although his face looked rather haggard, it was still that beautiful, with bright and supple silver hair dancing...

She floated over gently and slipped into Qin Zheng's arms.

"Now fulfill what the concubine said before, and reward it with the kiss of the goddess!" The mouth-to-mouth kiss came together, and while kissing deeply like a lover, her white and soft arms wrapped Qin Zheng's body, soft Qin Zhengzhen really felt that Athena's cocked buttocks, bulging double peaks, and slender waist were all very attractive to men. Existence, exquisite and beautiful face, and even more intimidating temptation!

At this time, Qin Zheng felt that Athena's power seemed to flow into his body involuntarily, and his power that belonged to the underworld had done anything, and the power of the underworld became more powerful!

Athena gave herself the power that belongs to the Hades!

Qin Zheng was a little dumbfounded. He didn't want power, but Athena as a whole!Now he has a purpose, which is to make the goddess Athena his own woman!

Now his hand reached the bulge on the breast of the goddess, and the other hand was resting on the tender thigh wrapped around him, as if to push Athena to the ground!

At this time, everything around is changing!

Qin Zhengzhen really felt that he and Athena seemed to have been moved into a mysterious space, and this space felt connected to him!

In the deep kiss, Athena's gaze also looked at him affectionately like eternity, her power was still outputting, and she did not notice the changes around her!

"Is this the real underworld?" Qin Zheng was stunned, and he, the master of this underworld space, the combination of two powers, unexpectedly gave birth to a underworld space. Just thinking about it, the goddess in his arms, It began to change. In the dim light, the image of the Trinity disappeared, and she changed back to the way she was when she first saw her.

Wearing thin sweaters, mini skirts, knee-high stockings, and even the blue woolen cap on his head, the divine breath of Athena has been attenuated a lot. Correspondingly, Qin Zheng's divine power has become more Powerful!

And the Gorgon Stone that caused the fight between the two has disappeared!

Chapter 0036

The disappearance of the Gorgon Stone was in Qin Zheng's expectation!The Gorgon Stone will become Athena’s mother. The disappearance of Gorgon also means that Athena’s mother Metis is awakening. It seems that Athena’s return to her original form is not entirely due to the disappearance of power. !

Trinity of Athena, Metis ran away, Athena will naturally change back to Lori!And another Medusa, the snake demon in Greek mythology, heard that after being chopped off by the dragon slayer Perseus, he dedicated Medusa's head to Athena. So far, Athena has been with Medusa. Together, it's not so easy to separate!

"Well, Qin Zheng, let's hit it again!" Athena said again after her lips parted!

"Didn't you lose!" Qin Zheng was taken aback upon hearing this!

"Yes, the concubine lost, but the reward has already been given to you!" Athena snorted, and continued: "The concubine is the goddess of war, and she will definitely get the victory back!"

"You little girl, since you have surrendered, you belong to me!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Are you a fool? You hit the goddess' idea!" Athena naturally felt Qin Zheng's hot eyes!

"Hey! I'm willing to lose the gambling, but you said!" Qin Zheng stretched out his finger, and slightly touched Athena's smooth forehead!

"It's rude!" Athena was a little surprised, how could she be hit by such an attack!No, it should be said that the passive skill of guarding should automatically defend, but Qin Zheng can easily touch her forehead!Soon she found the abnormality, Athena first glanced at her palm, and then at her chest!

"No!" Athena's face became depressed looking at her flat chest!

"What's the matter?" Athena murmured, then sniffed Qin Zheng's body, and said: "Yes, this is the breath of the concubine's body, I see, you are stealing the divine power of the concubine's body. , Hurry up and give me back the power of the concubine!" Now, Athena looked at Qin Zheng with anger!When she was speaking, Athena's eyes were still aimed at her chest from time to time!

"When is the goddess so unreliable!" Qin Zheng has reason to doubt Athena's purpose in taking the Gorgon Stone!

"Aren't you going to give it to me?" Qin Zheng was stunned when he heard Athena ask for his supernatural power. He thought that Athena had given him the supernatural power!Unexpectedly, could it be that Metis would go away. It turned out that Athena could not be suppressed. He remembered that in the following plot, Metis seemed to have swallowed Athena, and it was still the Trinity, but the dominant changed and became yes. Metis takes the lead!

"It looks like she has to take her mother too!" Qin Zheng murmured, Metis's image is blackened Athena, and she is also a very loving Loli!

"Okay, goddess, now the outcome has been divided, let's get out of here!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"No!" Athena said angrily after hearing this, she should be angry about her loss of supernatural power!"It must be the last kiss that made the divine power of the concubine body disappear! Really, the concubine body clearly hasn't lost, but you have taken away the power!"

At this point, Qin Zheng also found it strange that Athena was not dead, but Qin Zheng had already acquired part of Athena's power. Thinking of power, Qin Zheng also thought of Pandora. It seemed that he was able to use power because of Pandora’s spell, which is It is said that the power of power is the easiest to be deprived. It seems that we have to find a way to solve this!!

"Forget it, since this underworld is your own space, then stay and do construction!" Qin Zheng smiled, now the underworld is in darkness!

"God said that there should be light!" Qin Zheng began to speak, and the law followed, a small round of sun rising in the underworld!

"You actually raised the sun in the underworld!" Seeing that round of sun, Athena was a little surprised, her eyes could not hide her disgust for it!

"Is this not good?" Qin Zhenghe asked!

"The underworld is the final destination of the dead, that is, where the evil things are concentrated. The sun rises here, which means that they are baked in a fire. In this way, there will be no undead in the underworld!" Athena thought for a while and said!She is a Greek goddess, and she knows nature more than Qin Zheng!And she already knew that after her power and Qin Zheng's power were combined, this underworld possession was born, and now Qin is the master of the underworld!

"What should I do then?" Qin Zheng asked again!The underworld is dark, and if there is no light, it will be difficult for the dead to survive!

"This!" Athena paused and said, "The moonlight is the best!"

"But I don't have the power of the Moon God, am I going to hunt the Moon God?" Qin Zheng thought for a while and muttered!

"It's up to you!" Athena smiled. Strictly speaking, the goddess of the moon and the sun god Apollo are both children of Zeus and are related to Athena. Of course, as a god, there is no blood relationship. Don’t you see that Zeus fucked his daughter, even his daughter’s daughter?

In Qin Zheng's eyes, the gods in Greek mythology are a group of incest hybrids!

And now there are no dead souls in the Hades. To be precise, Qin Zheng has not opened the doors of the Hades to accept the dead, but with Qin Zheng in the Hades, the combat power will rise, and the dead souls of human death will come to the Hades, and the godslayer Except, the god killer, who is between gods and humans, is closer to gods, and is no longer within the core of Qin Zhengming Palace!

This is similar to Qin Zheng's physique, he does not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and is displaced from the Three Realms and Six Paths!

Qin Zheng wanted to bring the godslayers into the underworld, the only way was to defeat the godslayers, the same goes for the gods who didn't follow!

"Is this?" Even with the sun, the world of the underworld seemed to be darkened, which surprised Qin Zheng, his solar power was blocked!

"Boom!" Lightning flashed and thunder, Qin Zheng saw the lightning flashing away in the distance!

"Qin Zheng, where are you going?" Athena asked, seeing Qin Zheng walking forward without a thought!

"Ahead, something is calling me!" Qin Zheng murmured, and walked up quickly, while Athena gritted her teeth and followed along!

In other words, the area of ​​the Hades is not small at all, but it is not smaller than the earth, but it is much desolate than the earth. Along the way, what Qin Zheng saw was a broken wall, wind and sand swept, and a sea of ​​blood!

"What are you looking for?" Athena also looked curiously at the surroundings of Hades!

"Here!" At this time, Qin Zheng and Athena had already arrived on a mountain peak, and on the mountain peak, a gold double-stranded fork was inserted!

"That weapon is...!" Athena was stunned, thinking of that uncle, the real master of the underworld, but Qin Zheng had already gone up to grab it!

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