The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 159

"It represents the right of the underworld, are you calling me!" When Qin Zheng's hand touched the double-stranded fork, he clearly felt the joy of the double-stranded fork!

"I am the Pluto!" In an instant, Qin Zheng realized that he pulled out the double-stranded prongs, and then, the black god clothes appeared in the void and put it on Qin Zheng!

Item 0037

Although Qin Zheng didn't feel the signs of more divine power in his body, the role of the divine cloth was obvious, expanding the output of divine power!To use an analogy, the function of the god clothing is like a megaphone, making the attack more powerful!

"What is on you...?!" Athena murmured when Qin Zheng, who was wearing the godly clothes, became mighty.

"God clothes!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I didn't expect that something like this would be born after merging your powers. It's really an unexpected gain. By the way, don't you also have a god clothes?"

"The concubine body...the concubine body does not have such ugly things!" Athena replied.

"Oh! Let's forget it!" Qin Zheng nodded, the God of Unconformity is not Athena in the realm of myth after all!

"Then what are you going to do now?" Athena muttered, feeling the surging power in Qin Zheng's body!"The concubine body has no resistance now!"

"Who said I was going to kill you!" Qin Zheng said a little funny!

"Isn't it! Rather than losing power like this, the concubine body would rather return to the myth, and you don't want to get the other power of the concubine body?"

"The power of the earth!" Qin Zheng thought slightly after hearing this, if Athena's power and his own power were combined, would a sanctuary come out!

"Forget it!" Qin Zheng refused, "I have enough power!"

"Huh?" Hearing that Athena looked at Qin Zheng a little puzzled. He beat himself to death, wasn't it for his own power!It's no wonder Athena thinks so. In fact, she really didn't expect that this god-killer would pay attention to the gods, and wanting the gods to be his women, she was bold enough, which is evident!

Since ancient times, no one has acted so crazy, this is undoubtedly a blasphemy against the gods!

Qin Zheng sat down cross-legged, he needed to understand and digest these benefits!

Soon, Qin Zheng opened his eyes and saw Athena squatting down, staring at himself in a daze!

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Zheng wanted to lift Athena's little hand, but Athena quickly shrank away!

"Aren't you going with me?" Qin Zheng was stunned when he saw Athena's reaction!

"Why does the concubine go with you! Although the concubine body has lost the divine power, it is temporarily unable to leave this underworld, but when the concubine has a rest, the divine power can quickly recover, and this underworld can't hold the concubine body! "Athena said proudly!

"Did you forget you, do you want to listen to me?" Qin Zheng said with a cold snort!

"I can't help but disagree!" After speaking, Qin Zheng took Athena's small hand, and waved the other palm. The surrounding space collapsed. After countless scenes flickered, shattered and reorganized, he and she stood in the world again. Land.

"Remember, you are already my possession!" Qin Zheng hummed!

After coming out, the whole land was still in darkness. Qin Zheng glanced at Athena and said, "Remove your power of night!"

"Yeah!" Athena nodded and began to speak, and then everything returned to normal!

At this time, the morning light was beginning to show, the sky was blank, and many people began to come around, but both of them were Shen Ming first-class figures, so even the people passing by could not see them!

After feeling the breath of the two women for a while, Qin Zheng once again grabbed Athena's little hand and teleported to the two women!

Since the night had passed away, Erica and the two knew that Qin Zheng had won!

"Qin Zheng, are you back?" Erica said in surprise when she saw Qin Zheng!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, but Erica noticed Athena behind Qin Zheng!

"The god of noncompliance? Qin Zheng, haven't killed her yet?" Erica was stunned!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "Although Athena is still the god of disobedience, she has already surrendered to me and will not go out to destroy it again!"

"That's it!" Erica nodded, and there was a huge wave in her heart. The same is true for Youri. Qin Zheng is definitely the most weird god-killer. He won the god of infidelity without killing her and getting her. Power, on the contrary, brings the god of disobedience with you!

"This guy, shouldn't it be the goddess Athena!" Thinking of this, Erica felt the more likely it was. He has always been bold and dare to do!Of course, he will do things like blasphemy!

Although Athena was said to be a god of disobedience, in Qin Zheng's eyes, she was only a little loli, and she was also a proud little loli!

"King of Righteous Path, this...this is too dangerous!" Yuri exclaimed, then said!You know, the godslayer and the god of disobedience are mortal enemies, and Qin Zheng is so defenseless to bring the god of disobedience by his side. What should I do if the god of disobedience comes on a sneak attack?

"Don't worry! No way!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!With Hades, even if he is killed by Athena, his soul will come to Hades and be reborn!

"Well then, please be careful!" Yuli paused and continued!

"Yeah!" After Qin Zheng nodded, he said to Youri: "Tomorrow you will let the sweet rice Dongma come to me, I have something to tell him!"

"Good!" Hearing this, Yuri continued nodding!Yuri is very curious, what did Qin Zheng want to do when looking for the sweet cake Dongma!

Item 0038

The new king is the King of Righteous Taoism and settled in Japan. On the surface, although it has not brought any changes to Japan, many forces in the interior are beginning to move around!

The first to benefit is the Saya Palace family. The official history committee they control has a relationship with Qin Zheng. Now the Saya Palace family is ready to expand abroad, and as a big family in Japan, the Qingqiuyuan family has also launched an action!Fortunately, Qin is just a healthy young man, so the two families can use the beauty trick to win over Qin Zheng!

The current Tamamaura Shrine is located in Katsumi near Kuramae Bridge in Yushima. Today, it has changed owners.

"Ms. Ena, if you want to choose a shrine to live in, we can help you choose a more reasonable one!" Touma Akasu smiled slightly!Although he belongs to the Saya Palace, he dare not ignore the influence of the Qingqiu Academy. Because the management system of the Official History Committee is similar to that of the company, the Saya Palace is the largest shareholder, but the Qingqiu Academy is also one of the directors. , No matter how high his status is as a director!

"No, Tian Congyun is also very happy to stay here!" The one who was speaking was a witch girl with black straight hair. She looked like a quiet little girl, and the Tian Congyun in her hand was not damaged. Ena's temperament, on the contrary, added a bit of wild beauty!

"Okay then! Call me if you need help!" another guest continued!Another guest is a girl in uniform, Saye Gongxin, from Saye Palace, one of the four major conjurer families in Kanto, and one of the maidens of Musashino Yuan.

"Give me help, is that okay? At that time, we may become opponents!" Both the Qingqiuyuan family and the Saye family need to win over the King of Righteous Path!

"There is nothing wrong with it, anyway, we are already ahead!" Saye Gongxin smiled and said!

"Good intentions, I have completed the enrollment procedures!" Hui Na smiled lightly!

"That's great! Then see you tomorrow!" Saye Gongxin smiled, and then left the shrine with the sweet rice Touma!

"Really, it seems that the Shaye family has benefited a lot during this time!" Hui Na murmured. After Sha Yue Gongxin left, Hui Na's quiet temperament disappeared, and she became more carefree!

"It hurts my brain!" Ena knew through his own channels that the new king had brought the Gorgon Stone to Japan. At first Ena felt very angry. This kind of magical tool can attract the coveted ancient and powerful gods. It will bring disasters to Tokyo, and tonight is the day for a decisive battle with the god of infidelity. The committee also specifically cleared a large space for the two to fight. The starless night at the beginning confirmed Alice’s prophecy, but Finally the night passed, Hui knew that Qin Zheng had won!

She took out the file from the bag on one side and turned to the page of the photo!

"Hehe, the look is also the type that Ena likes!" Ena murmured and walked into the shrine!

Along the way, Erica looked at Athena, the natural enemies of the Godslayer and the God of Incompliance with some caution. She worried that Athena, the God of Incompliance, would suddenly take action and then kill Qin Zheng!

However, Erica is obviously careless!"Little girl, the concubine can feel your heart, you are afraid!" Athena looked at Erica and said nonchalantly!

"Stay with a god of disobedience, who is not afraid!" Erica complained in her heart, and gave Athena a white look. It is estimated that the strange guy who saved Qin Zheng can accept the god of disobedience with peace of mind!

Soon, Qin Zheng returned to his residence with Athena, the god of disobedience, and others!

"Qin Zheng, I want to tell you something!" Throwing away these distracting thoughts, Erica remembered the business that Paul had explained!

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