The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Rage Chapter 160

"Now that the trouble with the Gorgon Stone is solved, you can rest assured that the bronze and black crosses!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Well, I am very grateful to Wang Shi for his help, but the Bronze Black Cross is in a lot of trouble, so they want to ask Wang to take action to solve the problem!" Erica organized the language and continued!

"Bronze Black Cross, isn't he your enemy?" Qin Zheng remembered that Liliana, who looked the same as Erica!

"Yes, but as a Roman organization, we also have an obligation to help!" Erica resolutely said!"The man with the bronze and black cross is outside. She hopes to meet Wang!"

"Uh!" Qin Zheng nodded. For Erica to be able to introduce it, it seems that the Bronze Black Cross has also benefited a lot from the Bronze Black Cross!

"Bring it here!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly. If he guessed correctly, Liliana must be the one sent by Bronze to meet him. After all, the entire Bronze Black Cross is Liliana an excellent knight, and they too Not a fool, after knowing the method of red copper, he will definitely use the beauty trick!

Soon, with steady footsteps, Qin Zheng saw a young girl of Eastern European ancestry. She was tall, with the right proportions of her arms to her body, and her slender waist looked astonishingly as if she would break if she hugged her tightly. , But even though it is a slender figure, it is not thin, but embodies a mysterious beauty like a fairy in a myth.

"Liliana, I have seen the King of Righteous Path!" Qin Zheng was sitting on a chair, and Liliana respectfully gave Qin Zheng a knightly courtesy!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "I heard that your bronze black cross is in trouble!" Qin Zheng said straightforwardly!

"A few days ago, the Marquis of Vauban wanted to invite the maiden to summon the god of infidelity, and I happened to be on his list of invitations!" Liliana continued, "If it is a small matter, the bronze black cross does not need to be violated. Inverse the meaning of the demon king, but the cost of summoning the god of incompliance is very high, and the witch will die! So for the lives of many witches, we Bronze Black Cross resisted!"

"The Bronze Black Cross dares to resist the Demon King, really courageous!" Qin Zheng murmured!

"No! The Bronze Black Cross does not have the capital to resist the Demon King. It just doesn’t agree with the Demon King’s actions. Bronze does not have the protection of the King. So Liliana begged the king to help the Bronze Black Cross. Liliana will also become The king's knight, give everything to the king!"

"Very good!" He did not expect that the bronze black cross would take the initiative to surrender!

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Although the surrender of the bronze black cross surprised Qin Zheng, it is also reasonable. Qin Zheng is now the king of the righteous way carrying the banner of justice. Compared with the demon king, the bronze black cross is definitely more willing to get close to him, the righteous king!

After accepting the surrender of the Bronze Black Cross, Liliana naturally became Qin Zheng's knight. As for the Marquis of Vauban, Qin Zheng has four powers in his memory, one of which was obtained by killing the sky dragon prototype god In terms of power, the Marquis of Vauban is indeed very powerful. He has 200 years of combat experience. According to common sense, it is by no means comparable to the new king of Qin Zheng. In the original work, Godou was lucky enough to gain an advantage. If Bang continues to shoot, Godou will definitely die!

Vauban’s four great powers, [The Greedy Wolves] is his trump card, it is obtained from the sun god Apollo, [Dead Servant Cage] should be the second strongest power of the Marquis of Vauban, he committed suicide Human beings will become living dead and appear in the world, becoming loyal servants of their absolute obedience. This power is obtained from Osiris. Qin Zheng’s Winged Dragon and Sky Dragon are their corresponding gods, and [Baifeng Rage] is Feng Bo The power obtained from Thor, Qin Zheng also received similar power from God King Mekar!And [Sodoma's Eye] is just tasteless!

Therefore, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, Qin Zheng is still the stabilizer of Vauban. After all, Qin Zheng still has the power of a military god. The golden sword is enough to kill Vauban, and the beast is also a great help for Qin Zheng!

After seeing Qin Zheng accepting her surrender, Liliana breathed a sigh of relief. From defeating the ancient god of infidelity, we can see that the new king is very powerful. With his help, the bronze black cross need not be afraid of the Marquis of Vauban, but If you don't get Qin Zheng's approval, you will face the anger of Vauban with the bronze black cross that is difficult to ride a tiger. Therefore, this is a gamble that can only win but not lose!

Fortunately, Liliana won the bet. She succeeded in becoming a knight of the King of Righteous Path, and King of Righteous Path also promised to help the Bronze Black Cross!

But speaking of the god of disobedience, Liliana saw a little girl standing beside Qin Zheng seriously!

Wearing a thin sweater, mini skirt and knee-length stockings and wearing a blue woolen hat, she looks like a cute little loli, but Liliana is in a cold sweat, because she feels the majestic power of Athena. Intuition tells her that the girl in front of her is a god who does not follow!

Because when she saw Qin Zheng fighting Athena, Athena was a seventeen-year-old girl, so it was the first time Liliana had met with this-looking Athena!

"The King of Righteous Path, she... who is she?!" Liliana stammered and asked!

"Well, Athena, the god of disobedience, but she is following me now!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Uh!" Liliana nodded, her heart was never as calm as it seemed on the surface, she was stunned, aren't the gods and the killers coming from dead enemies?How could there be a god-killer bringing the god of disobedience with him, and it is impossible for the god of disobedience to surrender to the god-killer!

"Did Athena, the god of disobedience, surrender to the king?" In order to confirm what she thought in her heart, Liliana asked again!

"Yes!" Qin Zheng nodded, but Athena quit!

"Little girl, I did not surrender to the godslayer. As a god, it is impossible for me to surrender to anyone. I just abide by my gambling agreement!" Athena said warmly!

"Oh!" Liliana nodded, and was called to her little girl by a goddess who looked like a little loli. Liliana was a bit uncomfortable, but from the perspective of age, Athena, born since the mythical period, is an antique It’s not too much to call her such an antique!Now, after listening to Athena, Liliana probably knew what was going on?I thought it was because the two made a bet before the fight, but it turned out that Athena lost, but Qin Zheng did not kill Athena, but left Athena by his side!

However, what Liliana was puzzled was how could Qin Zheng dare to take a god of disobedience with him at ease, you know, the god of disobedience is the enemy of the godslayer!

The facts are already here, Qin Zheng, as a godslayer, really subdued Athena!

"Wang, I've brought the sweet rice Dongma here!" At this moment, Yuri walked in and said!

"Yeah! Let the sweet potato Dongma talk to me!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

Soon, wearing a suit and looking a little lazy, Dongma walked up, but the tone and expression of his words were very different from the temperament he showed!

"Dear King, what can I do to help you!" Touma Kanazawa had already asked Yuri, but Yuri also shook his head, wondering what happened!

At this time, Akasu Dongma was panting. I thought that he came over immediately after receiving Qin Zheng’s order. Although Qin Zheng’s battle was over, Akasaka Dongma could not rest yet, because there is still follow-up work to be done, although Japan The government has made preparations in advance, but the battle between the godslayer and the gods has a wide spread, how can it be tied to this open space, so the entire outskirts of Tokyo have been destroyed, fortunately there are not many casualties!

And what Akasu Dongma has to do is to prepare for follow-up assistance and deal with the work!

"Well! Athena has been subdued by me!" After speaking, Qin Zheng pointed to Athena next to him!

"Um!" Seeing Athena's moments, Kanazawa Dongma, like Liliana, had her pupils shrunk, and her heart almost stopped beating!

The godslayers and the gods of disobedience are natural enemies, how could Athena surrender!

Of course, they were also worried that the gods of noncompliance would take advantage of Qin Zheng's carelessness to play black hands behind their backs, but they didn't know that the gods also paid attention to promises, such as Athena!

"Congratulations to the King of Righteous Path!" Dongma Amazuke said happily!In fact, he had already made a plan in his heart to persuade King Zhengdao’s concubines to persuade King Zhengdao to kill the god of disobedience. After all, it is too dangerous for the god of disobedience to stay by the side of the godslayer, especially You. How many girls!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and said, "From today, you will announce to the world that as long as there are gods of incompliance in the world, you can tell me the King of Righteous Dao, and I will accept and kill them. God, protect the safety of mankind!"

Listening to Qin Zheng's righteous and awe-inspiring words, You Li's eyes were filled with his heart. Such Qin Zheng is really charming!She would not think that Qin Zheng was crazy, on the contrary, she felt that this was Qin Zheng's contribution for all mankind!

Qin Zheng also didn't expect that after his words were passed out, Qin Zhengzheng's Dao King's title would be confirmed!

"I see!" Hearing Qin Zheng's words, Misaki Dongma was stunned at first, and then was overjoyed. Qin Zheng said that, that is, he intends to settle in Japan. This is good news for Japan!From Qin Zheng's ability to defeat Athena, we can see that Qin is a powerful king!

"I will definitely complete your task!" After saying that Dongma Amazake respectfully, he left in three steps and two steps!

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The next day, Qin Zheng, Erica and Yuli went out wearing the uniforms of the private Chengnan Academy!

As for Athena, she was naturally left at home, and when she heard that the god of incompliance would stay at home, and there was no Qin Zheng waiting by her side, Liliana and Arianna changed their faces, and then shook their heads quickly. With tears hanging on it, looking at Qin Zheng pitifully, the meaning is self-evident!The pressure Athena put on them was too great. When Qin was here, they were able to settle down, but they were still afraid in their hearts. Now if Qin Zheng is away, they are even more terrified!

As for the feelings of the two, Athena can understand, but does not care. She is a god, mortals worship god, pray to god, fear god, happy because of god, brave, strong, intelligent, intoxicated, crazy, and even destroyed, All things are taken for granted. Of course, Athena can't show concern for the actions of these mortals!

When Qin Zheng felt embarrassed, Athena offered to go out for a walk!

"Qin Zheng, I want to go out and take a look, there seems to be a familiar power outside!" Athena paused and said!

When Athena was about to go out, the two women were overjoyed, but Qin Zheng flatly refused, "No, what if you drive away?" Qin Zheng knew that the familiar breath Athena felt should be Gore. The stone of tribute, that is, her mother Metis!

"Don't worry!" Athena glared at Qin Zheng, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Qin Zheng's cheek, and said, "The concubine is not a person who doesn't speak credit, so don't worry!"

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, "Don't think about leaving me, otherwise, even if you return to the realm of mythology, I will pull you out of the realm of mythology!"

After the kiss goodbye, Athena turned into a breeze and disappeared in front of everyone!And the two girls, Ariana, also breathed a sigh of relief!

After Qin Zheng went out, Liliana began to contact him for enrollment matters. As the king's knight, Liliana felt it was a matter of course to be with Wang!

When I came to school, the classroom seemed to explode because of what happened last night!That’s right. It’s not just that the moon is shrouded in darkness, this weird nature believes that simple, but even artificial light sources can’t be lit. This is the focus of people’s discussion. The earth is in darkness, and time is like returning to the Stone Age. , People are in panic!

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