The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 163

Walking up to the second floor in one breath, Dongma Kanshu did not see anyone, only the white salt on the ground!

"Not good!" Seeing this, I don't know where the sweet rice Dongma is. The Marquis Vauban came to the door. I heard that everyone who has seen the eyes of the Marquis Vauban will become salty!

Fear began in my heart, and the sweet-cake Dongma began to run!

"Akasu Dongma, it's you!" Suddenly, a well-dressed old man was looking at Akasu Dongma with emerald eyes!

"I have seen the Demon King!" Dong Ma Qiang resisted his fear and said respectfully!

"Hehe, I won't kill you today! Send me a letter!" said the Marquis of Vauban calmly!

"Huh!" Hearing that the Marquis of Vauban didn't kill himself, Dongma Gansu breathed a sigh of relief. You know, the Marquis of Vauban is the most ferocious demon in the world. Even if he is killed, he will die in vain!

"Go tell the King of Righteous Path, that at 12 o'clock tonight, I am here to wait for him to come here. If he does not come, Tokyo will become a sea of ​​flames!" The Marquis of Vauban used the people of Tokyo to threaten Qin Zheng. When I came to Vauban, I was deceived by Qin Zheng's resounding name, thinking that Qin Zheng was really a Virgin!

"Okay!" Dongma Kanazawa immediately agreed, and then walked away. After all, it was too stressful to stay with the Demon King!

Sweet-cake Dongma knows better than anyone else that Qin Zheng, the title of righteous king, was brag about them for help. As for Qin Zheng's idea, there is absolutely no title like that, absolutely righteous!

However, Yuri is kind in heart, knowing that tens of millions of people in Tokyo are in trouble, he will definitely beg Qin Zheng to help!

Item 0044

The Greenwich Council of the Wise, the origin of the Council of the Wise, should be a circle of good deeds.

Magicians, occult scholars, and Dr. goblins, who have a deep relationship with magic.Or, ordinary scholars who are close to experts, market researchers, priests, priests, monks, priests, artists, bourgeois, nobles, royals, royals, etc., have aspirations and pursuits, and those who have wealth A circle established by gathering and exchanging information, this council gradually stored wisdom and its influence gradually increased, and then established a base camp in Greenwich, London.

Of course, Greenwich’s influence is not in violence, but in intelligence, about the godslayer's intelligence!

Some time ago, they learned about the birth of the new king, and now they are even more excited, because the new king’s previous slapped face aroused the anger of Vauban, and now the three kings have gathered in Japan, the Marquis of Vauban and the swords of Italy. The kings all rushed to Japan, no, it should be on Japanese territory!

Soon, the news spread, and the eyes of all forces were on Tokyo, Japan!

They also have a certain understanding of the new king’s abilities. At the beginning, they killed the two gods, the god of war and the god Mekal. Just a few days ago, the battle that broke out in Tokyo, Japan also confirmed that Qin Zhenghe did not follow him. The god Athena had a fight, and the outcome was divided. Qin Zheng did not kill the god of incompliance, and Athena followed Qin Zheng as agreed!

From a series of actions to kill the gods, Qin Zheng is undoubtedly very powerful, so Qin Zheng has attracted a lot of attention. Now, Qin is facing the old king, can he continue to win!

At this time, Qin Zheng and his fourth daughter returned home on leave!Athena hadn't returned yet. Although Qin Zheng was worried that Metis would swallow Athena, he sensed that Athena's breath was still there, so he was relieved and concentrated on dealing with the next battle!

"Wang, Dongma Amaki is calling!" As soon as he came back, Yuri received the news from Dongma Amaki!At this moment, Yuri's face was pale!

"What did that guy say?" Qin Zheng grabbed Yuli's little hand, calmed her down, and said!

"Akasu Dongma said that the Marquis of Vauban had invaded the stronghold of the committee, and the people there were killed by Vauban. He said that he prepared excellent dishes and waited for the king. If the king does not go, tens of millions of people in Tokyo Will die!"

"That's it! Let's do it tonight!" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes. It has nothing to do with how many Japanese people die, but if he doesn't go, Vauban will also come to him. After humiliating Vauban, Qin Zheng knew that the relationship between the two was endless, and there was no room for reconciliation!!

"I'll follow along!" Yuri said, "My vision will see the power used by Vauban!"

Erica also nodded in agreement. Yuri is also very good to follow along. The activation condition of the Golden Sword is to know the name or power of the god!

"No, Huina can go with me!" Qin Zheng smiled, but Ariana also hurried in, with a vibrating mobile phone in her hand!

"Miss Erica, Master Paul's call!"

"Grandfather's call!" As soon as Erica got on the phone, she was not her grandfather, but Tony, the king of swords in Italy!However, Erica quickly figured out why her grandfather's call was on the King of Swords, because it was the King of Swords who went to find Paul. After all, she was by the King of Righteous Path, and Paul definitely couldn't refuse the request of the King of Swords!

" is the king!" Erica said politely when she heard the voice of the king of swords in Italy!

"Well, the King of Righteous Path is by your side! Let him listen to the phone!" Tony doesn't have much nonsense!

After Qin Zheng answered the call, "The King of Swords in Italy, what do you want me to do!"

"Hey, I called to tell you specifically that the Marquis of Vauban has come to Tokyo and is here to seek revenge from you!"

"So what?" Qin Zheng frowned, disliked Tony's familiar tone!

"I'm telling you this important news, you have to pay me back, um, like a fight with me or something!" Tony said excitedly!

"Is this a challenge to me? I'll kill you!" Qin Zheng sneered, doing this, reminding Qin Zheng of the vampire named Vatra!

"Whatever, if you have the ability to kill me!"

"In this case, let's go to Vauban's banquet tonight!" Qin Zheng smiled!"The three kings must be very lively together!"

"Party? That's good!" Tony nodded and hung up the phone!With Toni's ability, he should find out where Vauban is!

It was night, in a magnificent hotel, the hotel was brightly lit, but there was no service staff!Excess tables and chairs have been moved away, and even the people serving have been replaced. After all, what this hotel can provide is only this floor and food.

At the small table in the center, an old man with neatly combed hair was sitting there!

"You are here! King of Righteous Path!" Seeing Qin Zheng and Hui Na walk in, the old man smiled slightly, his emerald green eyes looked terrifying and said!"When we first met, I am the Marquis of Vauban!"

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled, opened the seat, and sat down!Apart from them, the only girl present was Ena.

"I believe you should know my purpose of looking for you!" The Marquis of Vauban looked at Qin Zheng with a smile!

"I don't know!" Qin Zheng took a sip of the red wine and said, "Anyway, it's not just come to talk to me!"

The meal of the Marquis of Vauban is definitely not elegant, maybe it has something to do with his power, the greedy pack of wolves!

"Hehe, a certain new king speaks loudly and does not know how to respect the old man, so I came here to teach this new king specially!" After the marquis said, his brows wrinkled, because this hotel came to another guest, that person He is also familiar with the sword king who robbed him!

"Oh, Marquis Vauban, it's been a long time!" Tony said with a sunny smile!

Item 0045

At this time, the three kings had gathered in Tokyo, and when Tony came out, Ena's body trembled slightly, and there was an inexplicable panic in her heart!

"You are here too!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly!Looking at him, in the animation, he has seen the appearance of the King of Swords, with blond hair, and a handsome and sunny young man!He remembered that Tony had four powers, one tasteless, and the [Ripped Silver Hand] was Tony’s strongest power usurped from the Celtic king Nuada, first of all, the hand of flesh and blood. The metal hand that changes into a silver, and then wraps it around the weapon with a huge magic power, so that it can create a miracle such as splitting the earth, changing the terrain, and breaking the sea. It has the power to cut everything. The magic sword of the powerful ability, [Steel Protection] is the power that Tony usurped from the Nordic hero Siegfried, turning itself into steel, which is incomparable in weight and hardness, making Tony himself The weight of Tony is greatly increased, and it will not be easily blown away. It is also very effective to hit the enemy with this body. [The Raging Wine of God] is Tony’s fourth power. Tony is from the ancient Greek mythology of Dionysus. The power usurped by Onyssos can strengthen or activate all the mysterious powers and make them run out of control, but even Tony as a user cannot control his powers!

"Meeting for the first time, King of Righteous Way!" Tony said hello soon.

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Oh, King of Righteous Path, your eyes...Oh, I've heard a little bit before, you hunted the god Athena, is this the power you got?!" Tony asked in surprise!In fact, from the time he gained the power of Athena, Qin Zheng discovered that the pupils had become snake pupils, which had the same double pupil structure as Athena at the time. The outer layer was no different from ordinary people, but the inner ones changed. They have become a pair of snake pupils. For the average person, this pair of snake pupils is scary, but few people can notice, because they are usually ordinary. Once serious, they become snake pupils. If you add If you transform, you will become a red snake pupil. There are very few things that can make Qin Zheng serious. At this time, facing the sword king and the demon king who studied under Sword Saint Raphael, Qin Just want to get serious!(What function do you want the protagonist's snake pupil to have?)

"Huh!" Hearing Tony's words, Hui Na next to him was also very surprised. Didn't Qin Zheng not kill Athena? How could Qin Zheng have the power of Athena!

"But it's not right!" Tony thought for a while, and said, "I heard that you didn't kill Athena, so you probably won't get power!"

"Killing is not the only way to gain power!" Qin Zheng was very upright, pretending to say something!

"Huh, really, here comes another little guy who doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young!" At this moment, the Marquis of Vauban hummed out of dissatisfaction!The Marquis of Vauban frowned when he saw Qin Zheng and Tony chatting happily. Even if he confidently defeated Qin Zheng, now that there is one more Tony, he is not arrogant enough to deal with two kings at the same time!

"Hehe, it's you again!" Tony didn't put Vauban in his eyes, and said: "The King of Righteous Path is right, you are an old dog with a convulsive head!"

"You're looking for death!" Hearing Tony mocking himself unceremoniously, the Marquis Vauban's face became gloomy!

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