The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 164

"Don't talk nonsense, come here if you want to fight!" Tony said again!

"King of Righteous Path! You really have a good calculation. Knowing that you are not my opponent, you specially called the King of Swords from Italy!" Soon, the Marquis of Vauban looked at Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng's face was indifferent, and he said with a smile: "Marquis Vauban, I think you have misunderstood, because you two will be my prey!"

"Huina! Be careful!" Qin Zheng stood up, his supernatural power swept out, and rushed straight up like a whirlwind. The main building was torn to pieces by the whirlwind, and finally collapsed!Afterwards, Qin Zheng used the power of [Youth] to give Huina protection!

"If you say you do it!" Tony murmured, watching the countless rocks above his head fall. If there is no action, he must be buried alive!

Soon, Tony took out a silver big sword from the black box behind him, and after directly smashing the boulder, he jumped out!

At this time, the sky in this area was completely gloomy, and the thunder was rolling!

The Marquis of Vauban was the last to move. Just as a large stone was pressed down, Vauban's figure turned into a flash of lightning, breaking through the heavy stone and heading straight for Qin Zheng!

"King of Righteous Dao, I want you to pay the price!" Lei Guangxiong, fast, suddenly appeared beside Qin Zheng!

"Then it depends on your ability!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the magic power in his whole body began to condense, and then burst out!

"Lion's gold!" The erupting magic power instantly formed a golden lion!

The lion of gold turned into a thunder, and it collided with the thunder of the Marquis of Vauban!

"Boom!" Thunder flashed four times, and a large building nearby collapsed!

The two appeared in the sky, and at this time, Vauban slowly appeared in human form, and the lion's gold once again turned into a lion to guard Qin Zheng!

"This lion is your power, it is really strange!" Because Qin Zheng hunted down the god King Mekar, and Mekar's power has the power of thunder, which matches the attributes of lion gold. Now the lion gold has been strengthened. , Like the three phantom gods at that time, with divine nature, more powerful than before!

"I am the god of the army, I will win undefeated forever...!" Qin Zheng didn't answer Vauban's words, and began to say the words!

"For victory, come to me! The immortal sun, please give me a shining horse. A spiritual horse with glorious feet, bring the light wheel like your master." This power is the god of war. Among the most powerful ones, because Vauban destroyed a large area of ​​surrounding buildings, and the Japanese government did not take adequate protective measures, there should be more than 10,000 Japanese dead now, so it also meets the conditions for using power!

In the dark night sky, a group of flames appeared in the sky, falling like a meteor. It was a running horse!

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Godslayers have many powers. Tony and the Marquis of Vauban are Godslayers with multiple powers. Qin Zheng is the same, but only a few are commonly used. Perhaps, some powers are their cards and are not easy to use!

Seeing Qin Zheng fighting Vauban, Tony was also very excited, holding the sword, he wanted to join the fight!

"Power, come on me. To win and carry out justice!" At this time, the chanting spirit spoke, and a lightning fell in front of Tony, blocking Tony's way!

"Haha, do you want to stop me?!" Tony didn't rush over, but looked at the thunder with a smile, and smiled slightly!

"I won't let you disturb the king's duel in the past!" The thunder disappeared, Hui Na showed her figure and said seriously!After Huina received Qin Zheng's protection, he could use the power of Flash Thunder, which was part of the power of God King Mekar!

"Then you can be conscious of death!" Tony saw that the opponent was also a swordsman, but the surging divine power on his body proved that he was also an opponent who could bring him fighting fun, Tony got serious!

The sword in Ena’s hand is the Sky Cong Yun Sword, part of Susano’s power and one of the earliest steel attribute gods. It can be said to be a god of infidelity. In the original work, Godou killed the Sky Cong Yun Sword. After all, Hui Na is not a god-killer. If you use the words of the god of incompliance, you will probably be bitten back. Qin Zheng also intends to learn the protection from the original book after this incident is over. Tang, first killed the Sky Congyun Sword, and then granted Hui Na to use it after gaining power. But now Hui Na has the protection in it, and I am not afraid of the god of disobedience!

"I am the strongest person who holds all victories in my hand. No matter man or devil, facing all enemies who defeat their hostility, I will defeat any enemy who stands in front of me! All evil things fear me. Right! Unrighteous people with power cannot conquer me, I am the strongest!"

"[The Greedy Wolves]!" The Marquis of Vauban had no unnecessary nonsense, and no long speech spirit. With a big wave of his hand, countless packs of wolves emerged from the ground!

"It's useless!" The Marquis of Vauban sneered, and hundreds of huge and powerful wolves rushed up. The enemy was the white horse that fell from the sky!

Qin Zheng knew that the Marquis of Vauban was telling the truth, because these wolves had the attributes of the sun, so they couldn't hurt him!Apollo was the deity killed by the Marquis of Vauban and the god of the sun, but his predecessor was a wolf god who wandered like night and hated humans, a surly god with huge contradictions on the surface and inside.Apollo has the titles of Apollo of Light, Apollo of Rat, Apollo of Wolf, Apollo of Disaster, etc. After becoming the sun god, Apollo finally gained the breath of the night. Fortunately, what Apollo lost was captured. The duty of life, otherwise the power of the Marquis of Vauban will be stronger!

The speed of the wolf was very fast. After the white horse's flame did not work, the pack of wolves had already appeared in front of Qin!

"Fear those who have wings, evil people and powerful people are afraid of me who have wings! My wings will bring you a curse! Evil people can't hit me!" Qin Zheng is faster than the group. The wolf was even faster, and suddenly came to the Marquis of Vauban. [Phoenix]’s power was to increase speed. There is no upper limit to this speed. It is comparatively advanced and faster than the enemy's speed!

"Break him down for me, the lion's gold!" Qin Zheng snorted, and the golden lion turned into thunder again!

"Only thunder cannot defeat me!" The Marquis of Vauban turned into lightning once again!

"The bull with the shining golden horns, give me assistance!" Qin Zheng used the power of [Bull]!Once again close to the Marquis of Vauban, Qin Zheng, who was originally very strong, increased his strength again, and hit the Marquis of Vauban with a punch. The body of the Marquis of Vauban flew upside down like a cannonball, knocking down several buildings in a row!

As the smoke billowed, Qin was looking at the direction the Marquis of Vauban was flying backwards. Without any relaxation, Wang was not so easy to be killed!

Sure enough, green divine power poured out, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and after countless flashes of thunder fell, the Marquis of Vauban had already appeared in front of Qin!

"Unexpectedly, your old man is still very tough!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the current Marquis of Vauban looked embarrassed!

"Pack of wolves!" The Marquis of Vauban snorted coldly, and countless packs of wolves were called out again!

"The gold of the lion! The deep scarlet of the two horns!" Qin Zheng smiled. There are too many restrictions on the power of the god of war. Now fighting against the Marquis of Vauban, there are only a few suitable!

Facing the pack of wolves rushing up, the lion's gold turned into thunder and flew away, and the deep scarlet of the double horns, the shock wave from the double horns of the head, also smashed past!

"Although I don't know what kind of power you are, there is no chance of winning in the face of countless packs of wolves like me!" Vauban said ferociously!The gold of the lion and the deep crimson of the double horns rushed into the pack. The moves released quickly solved many wild wolves, but the wild wolves appeared endlessly from the ground. Soon, the lion gold and the double horns Shen Fei is submerged in the pack of wolves!

"Yemo's black sword!" Qin Zheng called out, and countless magical powers poured out. In the high altitude, there was a sword hanging in the sky. It was a large and exaggerated sword with a sword body far exceeding 100 meters.

Qin Zheng summoned Ye Mo's black sword to make a noise that attracted Tony and Hui Na's eyes!

"This is...! This will destroy the city of Tokyo!" Ena's pupils shrank, but now it is during the battle, she cannot go up and stop, and the residence of Qingqiuin's family is no longer in Tokyo, but in Kyoto. So Tokyo is destroyed, and their Qingqiuyuan family will feel nothing, especially the high-level Qingqiuyuan, they may be happy because they ruined the Saya family residence!

"Sword of the gods, follow my call and kill the enemy in front of you!" In response to Qin Zheng's call, the huge sharp sword began to fall, and the blade that was accelerated by gravity was wrapped in hot flames. Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the sky became brighter as if a brand new sun appeared.

"This sword!" Not only the Marquis of Vauban, but Tony also trembled!

And Erica, who was watching the game in the distance, changed her face, and she hurriedly called to Arianna, brought sisters Yuri, and Jinghua and other women, away from Tokyo!

The king's power is extremely powerful, and she has also seen the black sword that Qin Zheng summoned before, the black sword that can kill the god King Mekar!Listening to Qin Zheng's explanation, it was a weapon forged by the gods, just like the Gorgon Stone, it was an artifact!At that time, the entire site of Lundin Island was destroyed. Now, the black sword of Yemo hits a hundred times more than previously seen, covering the sky of Tokyo. If you don’t leave Tokyo as soon as possible, everyone will dead!

The sword of Yema falls, and there are not many people who can survive in Tokyo!

Perhaps when they get here, they have a clear understanding of the king, even if they are the King of Righteous Paths, they won't take the lives of ordinary people in their eyes!

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"How could this happen!" Ariana quickly left Tokyo in a red car, while Yuri raised her head, staring blankly at the giant sword in the sky, this giant sword covering the entire Tokyo area, if it fell, How many people will die!Isn't the king the righteous king?How can you kill the people casually!

Yuri was frustrated. Erica naturally knew Yuri’s thoughts. She thought to herself that this girl is really simple and cute. She knows Yuri was fooled by Qin Zheng. How could the king be only righteous, in essence, killing Gods are already out of the category of human beings. If they insist on speaking, they are close to the existence of gods. Naturally, they don’t care about the life and death of human beings. But she can’t say anything like the King of Righteous Path is fooling you, don’t Believe in the king, on the contrary, she still has to give Yuri the most reasonable explanation for what Qin Zheng has done, and continue to fool Yuri!

"Youri, do you think the king is too cruel to do this!" After thinking about it, Erica said!

"Well! Those people are innocent!" Yuri said bitterly!

"Actually! The battle between kings and kings is like natural disasters. In the face of natural disasters, humans are powerless to resist! Even if there is no initiative to harm the will of local residents even the slightest, I am afraid it will be inevitable. This makes many people unfortunate!" Erica said in a deep voice!

"Well, I know this!" Yuri also understands this truth!In addition to Yuri’s sadness, Jinghua’s calm eyes showed delightful eyes. Ever since her brother Godo was forced to commit suicide by the Japanese government, she hated the Japanese government very much. If Tokyo were destroyed, it would be with her. Your mind!

Guang is young, but she is also considered a trainee maiden, so she vaguely knows that something big will happen in Tokyo tonight!But Liliana was silent, she was thinking about which power of Qin Zheng's giant sword was, and none of the gods he killed seemed to have such power!Hui Na, who was fighting side by side with Qin Zheng, looked at the giant sword above her head, and the stern sword body was daunting!

"Haha, this sword is really powerful, I really want to get it!" Tony said, looking at the giant sword, his eyes beaming!As a swordsman, he is also a sword lover!

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