The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 204

"Huh? You know my name?" Orpheus looked at Qin Zheng curiously!

"Uh!" Qin Zheng was stared at by an old man with a naive and cute old man, feeling a bit of chill in his heart!

"Let’s introduce it first, my name is Qin Zheng! I am glad to meet you, Orpheus!" Qin Zheng could only ignore such cheating eyes!

"Then Qin Zheng, come and help me!" Orpheus grabbed Qin Zheng's palm and said happily!

"It's okay to help you!" Qin Zheng felt Orpheus's strength. Its strength is estimated to be even worse than the Dark Master!

"But can you change it!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Ah! Am I not good like this?" Orpheus looked at his image of an old man!

"No, you have to change into a loli image!" Qin Zheng smiled, loli was more pleasing than the old man!

"Lolita? What?" Orpheus was even more puzzled!

"That's it!" Qin Zheng stretched out his finger, pointed at Orpheus' forehead, and transferred the image from his own mind to Orpheus's mind!

"Oh! I see!" Orpheus turned a little, his body suddenly changed, his body became smaller, and he was wearing a black maid costume!

"It seems so pleasing to the eye!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly!

"Who do you want me to help you with against?" Qin Zheng asked!

"I was born in a gap in the dimension, but was driven out by a nasty dragon, and I am not its opponent, so I will find a helper and return to my hometown!" Orpheus raised his small fist. A little bun bulged up and said!

Data 0010

The one who is stronger than Orpheus is the True Red Dragon God Emperor. Like Orpheus, he was born in the crevice of the dimension. Think about it, those who can survive in the crevice of the dimension must be very strong!

"Then what do you want to do?" Qin Zheng asked!

"Ah! This!" Orpheus shook his head and said: "Let's go to the dimensional gap and knock that guy down!"

"What!" Qin Zheng shook his head quickly and said, "We have to take it slowly, you know, that guy is very strong!"

"Then what should we do?" Orpheus started to ask Qin Zheng!

"Why don't we form a force!" Qin Zheng tried to say!

"Establish a force, that's great!" Orpheus nodded!!

"What is the name of that power?" Orpheus said again!"It's better to call the group of vortex!"

"Not good!" Qin Zheng shook his head after hearing this. History has a strong inertia. If there is no himself, the group of vortexes will still be established!

"Call the harem group!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Harem group?" Hearing this, Orpheus was taken aback and nodded immediately. For her, the name of the power is not important at all, and the most important thing is to be able to defeat the odious Red Dragon Emperor!

If you say a word to me, the fourth power will be established!

"Then what are we going to do next?" Orpheus asked again!

"Of course it's recruiting!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "Since it is a harem group, the only male animal is enough!"

"Where are we going to find someone?" Orpheus thought for a while, and said, "It's better to let the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor join the harem group! Although their strength is not good, they are not bad!"

"Let them join the harem group!" Qin Zheng shook his head and strongly objected: "Absolutely not!" The harem is his harem alone. Although the two dragons are beasts, they are also males, so he declined the two dragons. Join!

"Okay!" Orpheus nodded and said, "Where shall we go now?"

"You have to tell me, where is this place?" Qin Zheng asked!

"It seems to be the territory of the devil, underworld!" Orpheus said!

"Oh!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "Then let's find the bird god!"

"That guy who fought with you?" Orpheus said with a smile: "He is also very strong! It is indeed possible to add groups!"

"I didn't want him to join the group!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I want the guy under his men!"

"The four little guys?" After hearing this, Orpheus was taken aback. Although Orpheus was the appearance of a little loli, she was born in the gap of the dimension. I don't know how many years have passed. Not an exaggeration guy!

"The four guys are very poor!" Orpheus said!

"I know this!" Qin Zheng nodded, "and I never thought of including all four of them in the harem group!"

"Which one do you want to join?" Orpheus asked again!"Is it Michael?"

"Of course it's not Michael! She's just a fake mother!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "It's Gabriel!" The most important reason why Qin Zheng chose Gabriel is that she is the number one beauty in the angel world. She is also the strongest and best angel!

"So it was her!" Orpheus also listened to their conversation, so he knew the name of each of them!"What about Lucifer? His strength is also good!"

"No, just her!" Qin Zheng shook his head!

"Then we go find her now?" Orpheus asked!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded, felt a little, and hurried towards the breath of God!

At this time, the heavens, the gods have returned!

"My lord, are you back?" Seeing God's return, the four blazing angels looked very excited!The ability of God to come back means that God has already won, but they never thought that God would come back sneakily!

"You all go down!" God said in a deep voice!After the four blazing angels left, the god vomited a mouthful of golden blood. When the Ye Mo black sword fell just now, although he avoided in time, he was injured, but in order to escape from Qin Zheng, he did not stop. He kept running away, and he was relieved after making sure that the guy did not catch up!

"I didn't expect that there is such a better person in the world! But it's a pity!" God murmured and came to a secret room!

Pushing the door and coming in, there are two weapons, one is like a claw, and the other is a feather!These are two unfinished artifacts that need to be injected into the soul to be completed!

"Hey, if the dragon souls of the two dragons can be obtained, they can definitely be made into a god-killing device, and it can only be done now!" The god murmured and took out two small balls from his arms!

These two small balls are the same as the small balls that Qin Zheng drew out the second dragon’s dragon soul to condense, except that the compressed soul held in God’s hand is not the second dragon, but angels and demons, chosen by the gods from the battlefield. The fallen demons and angels!

"Go!" God sent demons and angels into it separately!

After obtaining the soul, the two divine artifacts emit a strange light, the difference is that one emits black light and the other emits white light!

"Okay!" After the light faded slowly, the god smiled, looking at the claw-like weapon on the left, and said: "It's called the devil's cage hand!" Then his eyes were placed on the other wings and said : "You call the angel's wings of light!"

"Go! Choose the right person!" God threw the two artifacts down!

After solving these two things, the face of God showed worry again!Now there is another strong man, he has to release that guy!

Item 0011

God thinks of Samael the Dragon Eater. According to legend, he was created by God to deal with the Infinite Dragon God, specifically to deal with the Infinite Dragon God!

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