The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 205

Samael is a weird existence with a fallen angel in the upper body and a dragon in the lower body. He is hated by God because he incarnates as a snake and instigates people to steal the fruit of wisdom in the Garden of Eden. He is a collection of God’s hatred, anger, and malice. The malice of the most vicious god.Because it was cursed by the gods and became an obliterated snake, it has the ability to obliterate the existence of snakes and dragons. It carries a strong dragon-killing curse and has nothing to do with strength. It is purely the nemesis of the dragon species, even if it is the infinite dragon. God Orpheus couldn't fight him!

At this time, Samael has not been sealed by Hades, but if God wants to use Samael to deal with Qin Zheng, it would be a big mistake. Samael is just the dragon’s nemesis. In terms of strength , May be lower than God, if it appears in front of Qin, Qin Zheng can completely kill Samael!

Obviously, God also thought of this. Samael was used to deal with Orpheus, and it was definitely useless to deal with Qin Zheng!

But at this time, the heavens ushered in two invaders, it was Qin Zheng and Orpheus!

"This is the so-called Celestial Realm?" Qin Zheng looked at the surroundings and spit out a bit, unlike a palace or a house, it's just a floating island!

"Who are you?" As soon as Qin Zheng and Orpheus came in, the angel immediately caught up!It is impossible for God to bring all the angels out of the battle with the angels. There will be some who stay in the heavens, and this angel should be the angel who stays behind. All I don’t know is that Qin is killing all the angels on the battlefield where the three major forces are fighting. Situation!

"I'm here to find God? Can you show me the way?" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Hmph, although I don't know how you came up, but you want to see God even like this, God is not visible to everyone!" The angel said proudly, "Get out quickly, otherwise we will be welcome!"

"Hey, why bother to die!" Qin Zheng sighed and pointed out with a finger. The black qi submerged into the angel's eyebrows. Suddenly, the angel's eyes opened wide, as if he saw something very surprised, his mouth opened slightly, and he wanted He shouted, but there was no sound. Then, the white wings behind him exploded. Then, the angel fell down!

"Let's find it ourselves!" Qin Zheng smiled after killing the angel and said!

"Hmm!" Orpheus nodded too!

But Qin Zheng killed the angel. How could the other angels not notice? Soon, many angels saw the situation here, and the angels who knew Qin Zheng were afraid to move forward, but the angels who did not know Qin Zheng rushed forward. , I wanted to take down Qin Zheng and defend the majesty of our lord, but he didn't dare to wave his hand. When black energy emerged, dozens of angels waved and vanished!

"Don't go up everybody!" Seeing Qin Zheng killing dozens of angels again, Michael, the blazing angel's heart sank. Now his heart is full of doubts. Did God not solve this guy?Could it be that God let this guy out, and it’s no wonder Michael thinks so, Michael’s character is very friendly, um, he’s just a good guy, if he beats Qin Zheng, he will also let Qin Zheng go. !Thinking of this possibility, Michael definitely came down. Of course, he would not think that God had escaped back, because since his birth, the majesty of God has penetrated into his heart, so he doesn't believe that God will escape without majesty!

"How can this guy dare to behave like this!" Michael said angrily!"God shouldn't have let such wicked people go!"

"Michael, please hurry up and invite my lord out and explain the situation to my lord. I will try to hold him down!" Gabriel said in a deep voice!Gabriel also guessed the same as Michael, because he felt that God's men were merciful, but Qin Zheng remained unchanged!

"I see!" Michael nodded, and then flew towards the direction of God!

At this moment, Qin Zheng came to Gabriel!At this point, Gabriel had already removed his armor, so the figure of Gabriel that Qin Zheng wanted to look at was as good as the rumored figure!

Feeling the monstrous aura on Qin Zheng's body, Gabriel didn't even have the courage to do anything. He swallowed and said with difficulty, " fellow, why... why do you want to be evil? My lord is not merciful. Have you passed you once?"

"God let me go?" Qin Zheng was stunned, and said with a smile: "When will God also lie?"

"Hmph, I don't allow you to insult my lord!" Although he was scared, Gabriel said loudly!

"Forget it, hurry up and tell me that God is there!" Qin Zheng looked around and said, "Really, it's all the breath of God, I don't know where he is!"

"I'm telling you, my lord will come out soon, so please obediently repent for your sins!" Gabriel said again!

"Really cute girl!" Qin Zheng squeezed Gabriel's cheek and squinted. "It's just right for God to come out. I had a good time just now. I didn't expect him to run like this!"

"What, you actually said that God ran away, this...this is impossible!" Gabriel said in disbelief!

"God will come out soon!" Qin Zheng groaned with a smile, not paying attention to Gabriel's words!

At this moment, the gods also felt Qin Zheng's breath. He didn't expect that this guy hadn't let him go. He couldn't help but feel distressed secretly, admitting that he was unlucky. There were three forces, why did he find himself!

But they have all found their doorstep, and the god has no way to escape, unless he can give up the heaven!

"My lord, something big happened!" Soon, Michael's voice sounded outside the hall!

"What big things can happen, calm me down!" God said in a deep voice!

"Yes! My lord, the wicked man who killed our compatriots on the battlefield just now hit the door. Please my lord to take action and kill these wicked people!"

"Yeah! I'll go and see with you!" God knows that there is no way out!

Soon, Qin Zheng saw a blazing angel named Michael and God rushing over!

"Is it finally out!" Qin Zheng sneered!

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"It's finally here!" Looking at the god who appeared in front of him, Qin Zheng smiled!

"My lord!" Gabriel yelled respectfully when seeing God coming!

"My lord, hurry up and give this wicked man to death!" Michael also said!

When God looked at Qin Zheng, especially when he looked at Lori Orpheus beside Qin Zheng, his face was even more gloomy. Although Orpheus changed his appearance, he naturally recognized Orpheus’s breath, of course, the most important thing. Pressure is not Orpheus, the dragon eater he created is the nemesis of the dragon, Orpheus can also deal with it, and it is Qin Zheng that makes God jealous!

"The god of bird man, let's play happily!" After speaking, the black sword of Ye Mo had appeared in Qin Zheng's hands!

Here, the angel looked at Qin Zheng with an idiotic look, thinking in his heart, this person was too ignorant that the sky was so great, he even challenged God!Only Gabriel noticed the ugly face of God, and he was a little confused. Could it be that what the guy said was true?God really escaped back. Of course, such thoughts only flashed in her mind, and Gabriel’s beliefs were not that easy to shake!

But faith is one thing, and truth is one thing too!

God calmly looked at Qin Zheng and said in a deep voice, "Don't deceive people too much!"

God did not face the battle, but said such a sentence, giving people too much reverie, and Gabriel had to think about the authenticity of his thoughts just now!

"That's it!" Qin Zheng squinted and said: "I want someone from you, and you give her to me, and I won't be troubled by you!"

"Then what if I don't agree?" God gritted his teeth with hatred and said angrily!From ancient times to the present, which god would be threatened, Qin Zheng did this. This is simply a contempt for the majesty of the gods. If it is normal, he would have killed the lawless bastard in front of him a long time ago. But he was powerless, because the guy in front of him was too strong, even stronger than him!

"If you don't agree, there is no need for the heavens to exist!" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and continued!Although Qin Zheng didn't have the slightest sense of oppression in his words, they could hear the awe-inspiring killing intent in the words!

At this time, the bad guy Michael also knew that God did not want to take action, but was powerless!The strength of this guy in front of him is stronger than God!

"My lord, we are willing to live and die with you!" Michael said immediately!

"So are we!" At this time, the other angels also spoke!

"Then grant you death!" Qin Zheng smiled, and the black energy on his body suddenly broke out, and the whole heaven was shrouded in darkness!

The angels were shrouded in darkness and screamed from time to time. Are there angels dying? Listening to the screams of the subordinates, watching the subordinates die, the expressions on their faces are ugly to the extreme. If this continues, their angels will be completely extinct!

"Hurry up and open up the holy light!" Michael said hastily, and at the same time, he opened up the holy light to resist the darkness!

After the angels opened up the holy light, they barely resisted Qin Zheng's dark fruit!

"Orpheus, it's up to you!" Qin Zheng touched Little Lori's head and said!

"Okay!" Orpheus stepped forward and opened his mouth. In Qin Zheng's surprised eyes, a thin blue beam of light came out of his mouth. In terms of size, it was completely inferior to that of the two dragons. The beam of light, but Qin Zheng can feel the power of terror from this blue beam of light!

Sure enough, after the blue beam of light was thrown out, the faces of the four great blazing angels including Michael changed, and they felt the threat of death from it!

"Samael!" The god roared, and then, a monster with an angel on the upper body and a dragon on the lower body flew out. After the dragon's tail flew away several angels who were about to be hit by the blue light, they appeared in front of the blue light. With a big mouth, swallow the terrifying blue light!

"Qin Zheng!" Seeing the Dragon Eater, Orpheus was a little afraid!The Dragon Eater contains the curse of the gods, and is born to be the nemesis of the dragon. This has nothing to do with strength, so Orpheus is very afraid!

"Orpheus, come back, we can solve it by peaceful means!" Qin Zheng smiled and pulled Orpheus behind him!

But Orpheus backed down, it doesn’t mean that Samael will back down. It shouldn’t be said that it’s not a concession, it is instinct, it is the nemesis of the dragon. It naturally wants Orpheus as its enemy, without God’s order, Samael rushed forward. , With an extremely powerful aura, rushed towards Orpheus!

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