The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 206

"Hey!" Qin Zheng sneered, "Giant Soldier!" A powerful magical force gushed out, and finally formed a blue giant, which was a punch at Samael!

"Boom!" Samael is huge, but compared with the body of the giant soldier, it is insignificant, so the giant soldier’s punch knocked him away and flew out of the heavens. I don’t know. Where did you fly!

After flying Samael with a punch, God's face was even more ugly!

Originally Qin Zheng was very difficult to deal with, and now even the trump card of Orpheus, who has restrained the Infinite Dragon God, has flew, so next he will have to face two people!

"There is no chance of winning at all!" God thought bitterly!

"My lord, we might as well listen to this guy's request!" The good old man Michael saw the death of many angels and couldn't help but said. If the person Qin was about to take away was him, he would definitely leave the heaven without saying anything. Keep the lives of many angels, but will Qin Zheng take away him?!

"Yeah!" God also nodded. Although the compromise was a bit shameful, he didn't want to see the angel family perish anyway!

"Which angel do you want?" God asked in a deep voice!

Hearing that, Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng's eyes fell on Gabriel’s beautiful figure, and he sucked in his palm, and the strong suction attracted Gabriel. Qin Zheng then touched Gabriel’s delicate face. Said: "I want this woman!"

"You... don't think about it!" Before God could speak, Gabriel resisted desperately, and Qin Zheng suddenly touched her body, and her face flushed with no contact with a man!

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"Hurry up and let me go!" Gabriel struggled desperately, showing an expression of anger and arrogance!

"The skin is very good, it is indeed suitable for joining the harem group!" Qin Zheng smiled, and despite Gabriel's objection, he squeezed his chest again!

"This won't work!" Hearing Qin Zheng said that he would take Gabriel away, God immediately objected!

"Why not?" Qin Zheng looked at Gabriel with a malicious smile and muttered!

"Except for Gabriel, you can choose other angels!" God said in a deep voice, "And I will give you two artifacts!"

"Divine tool? It's a pity that I'm not rare!" Qin Zheng smiled, with a burning desire in his eyes, and said, "I don't want to let such a chick go!"

"Humph! If you don't agree, I will fight you to the end!" God said coldly!

"Hey, I'm really scared!" Qin Zheng sneered at God, and said, "You who only play tricks, how can you fight me!" Since God didn't do anything the first time, he knew that God also Will be afraid, afraid of myself!

"If you can spare Gabriel, I can give you the other three seraphs!" God said again!

Hearing this, Qin Zheng was stunned. He did not expect that God would speak like this. The combined value of three blazing angels is much higher than that of one Gabriel, but God is still willing. Is there any secret hidden in Gabriel? , Or to say, Gabriel’s beautiful figure fascinated God!

In addition, after the three Michaels heard the words of God, their expressions changed, and then they recovered. Like Gabriel, their faith is extremely firm!

"That won't work!" Qin Zheng shook his head. In the face of many angels, Qin Zheng's palm reached into the bottom of Gabriel's skirt, and his slender legs tucked away!"You are so nervous about her, but I am more interested in her!"

"It hurts!" Gabriel did not dare to resist, and could only passively accept the fact that Qin Zheng vigorously kneaded his thigh!

"You...!" God saw that Qin was facing Gabriel stubbornly, eating all of Gabriel tofu, and the god was furious!

"No!" Gabriel was confined by Qin Zheng's black air, unable to move, and Qin Zheng pinched extremely hard, Gabriel now felt the hot pain below, tears seemed to burst out from the corners of his eyes, it was me. See you still pity!

"Okay, the god of fear, I will take this woman away!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the black wind rolled up Gabriel, and Orpheus's body disappeared into the heavens instantly!

The two of them left the heavenly realm, and at this time they have come to the human realm!

The human world is still in the Renaissance, and capitalism is beginning to sprout!

At this time, Qin Zheng and Orpheus were walking on the crowded street, Qin Zheng held a chain in his hand, and the other end of the chain was connected to the collar on Gabriel's neck!At this time, Gabriel’s wings were not revealed naturally, and she herself was like a slave!

"Woo!" Every step he took, Gabriel felt very ashamed, especially in front of believers who believed in himself. Of course, in the eyes of others, Gabriel was a slave, but let such a beautiful woman be a slave, everyone They all felt very sorry, and they were all complaining that Qin Zheng didn't know how to pity and cherish Yu. If it were them, they would definitely take it home and be pampered!

"Qin Zheng, where are we going now?" Orpheus asked!

Orpheus, who looks like a little Lolita, naturally receives attention from others. In the eyes of others, Qin Zheng is a harlot!

"Find a place to live!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "Then expand our harem group!"

"Then when shall we find that guy?" Orpheus said a little sullenly!

"Orpheus, tell me, why are you going back to the dimensional gap? There is no one there, so how can it be fun here!" Qin Zheng laughed!Qin Zheng could not imagine that there were only two creatures in the dimensional gap. After Orpheus returned, he would probably be bored. No, the current Emperor Chilong might also regret expelling Orpheus!

Solitude is the most terrible, especially for creatures with thoughts and souls!

"But there is my hometown!" Orpheus whispered!

"Okay! Since you have said so, I will help you, but not now!" Qin Zheng smiled!

Soon, Qin Zheng spent a lot of money to buy the title of Grand Duke from the king, bought a large piece of land, and then built an old castle there, like a vampire castle!

Sitting on a throne, Qin Zheng looked at the crawling Gabriel with a sneer!

"Haha, it seems that God hasn't come to save you!" Qin Zheng smiled sarcastically!

"Hmph, you kill me! I am a noble angel, I will never give in!" Gabriel spoke a lot louder because of his anger!

"Well, I will grant you a death!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Um!" Gabriel was stunned. She didn't expect Qin Zhenghui to agree so simply. Originally thought Qin Zheng would do evil to her, but it was good. Two days passed, God She hasn't come, and she's fed up with insults!

At this time, the Dragon Eater Samael who was beaten by Qin Zheng fell into hell. This is the territory of Hades!

"A combination of angels and dragons?" Hades frowned slightly looking at the dazed Samael!

"Is it a Dragon Eater?" Soon, Hades thought of an evil plan!He knows the name of the dragon eater, the nemesis of all dragons!

"Perhaps through his words, I can get Orpheus!" Hades sneered, and then the energy surged, sealing Samael!

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At this moment, Orpheus walked up, looked at Gabriel who was like a bitch, and asked in confusion: "How can she help us like this?"

"Think about it, there are many ways to help!"

"How to help?" After hearing this, Orpheus looked at Qin Zheng in confusion!

"Yes, it's like this!" After speaking, a whip appeared in Qin Zheng's hand and said: "Our pressure is so great, we have to release it appropriately, and the way to release it!"

With a sound of "pop!" Qin Zheng's whip hit Gabriel's hip!

"Ah!" Gabriel exclaimed, feeling a fiery pain!

"Try it!" Qin Zheng said as he listened to Gabriel's voice, like the sound of heaven!

"Okay!" Orpheus nodded, took Qin Zheng's whip, and finally drew it on Gabriel!

" devil, didn't you say you were going to kill me?" Gabriel felt painful and kept making soft voices, which stimulated Qin Zheng even more!Gabriel glared at Qin Zheng and said loudly!

"How am I willing to kill you!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "I haven't played enough yet!"

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