The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 208

After Gabriel's fall, Qin Zheng has played with him. Every day, Qin Zheng is playing with Gabriel's body. In this way, two hundred years have passed!

At this time, great changes have taken place in the heavens. At the beginning, Qin Zheng insisted on taking Gabriel away. The gods naturally refused. After being hit by the giant soldiers, it was a punch that the giant soldiers would kill. As for whether he died or not, Qin Zheng didn't care about it, but Michael had taken care of it outside for two hundred years!Great changes have also taken place in the underworld. Although Lucifer, the original four demon kings, came back with his life, all four of them fell asleep, and the power of the dark fruits was devouring their power and flesh and blood all the time. Now they see It looks like a skinny old man!

A hundred years ago, Cadileya, Cruzere, and Shaluba inherited the title of the Four Demon Kings and continued to fight!

Afterwards, for more than a hundred years, the power of the demons was once again greatly weakened due to the war. Of course, the angels and the fallen angels were also greatly weakened. Later, the fallen angels led by Asacher took the lead to withdraw. The battlefield!

The Fallen Angels had no choice but to withdraw. After the battle, the high-end strength of the Fallen Angels was almost dead. In the end, a few cadres were left. Then, Asacher began the research on the artifact, and wanted to use the artifact to strengthen the Fallen Angel's power!

Soon, the angel also realized that this fighting would not be a result, and soon he withdrew from the battlefield!

Only the demons are left. The four major demon kings who inherited are the main battle faction. They strive for war, but the one hundred years of war has made the demons extremely exhausted. Someone has already proposed a truce!

Someone proposed reforms. This idea was recognized by many people, but the two major factions did not back down, and the war was about to start!

Then the two major factions began to fight for a hundred years. In the fight, the reformists and the old demon kings had excellent people!

Among the reformists, a very good demon emerged, Suzex!And the outstanding demon of the old demon king faction is a woman, Gurefia!

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At this time, on the land of the underworld, rocks are piled up, sand is rolling, and the air is filled with the sense of killing. Above the dunes, the two parties are facing each other!

One group is the reformist group, headed by a young man with red hair, and the old demon king group is headed by a girl with silver hair!

"Gurefia, stop, if this goes on, it will only increase casualties!" Szekes smiled and said gently!

"Hmph, you didn't think about being loyal to Lord Lucifer, blatantly rebelling, hurry up and surrender!" Gurefia also said coldly!Gurefia was born in Lucifer, a famous family in the family of the demon outside the preface. The family has served the confidant of the old demon Lucifer for generations, and naturally stands on the side of the old magician!

"What kind of treason, we hate wars, so there is something wrong with it!" Szekes said!

"As a demon, I really lost the Gremory family's face by saying that I was afraid of fighting!" At this moment, the woman next to Gurefia spoke!

"Have you never thought that after years of fighting, the strength of the devil has been drastically reduced?" Szekes continued: "If you continue to fight, the devil will only be destroyed! We must stop fighting and rest. Restore the strength of the demons! If Lucifer sees the current situation, he will definitely agree with what I am doing now!"

"Nonsense, as long as you gain world hegemony, no matter how many demons you sacrifice, you won't hesitate to sacrifice! Master Lucifer wants to see world hegemony!" Cadileya sneered!

"Stubborn, then I have to use the means of war to prove that the path I chose is correct!" Szekes was furious!

"Do it! Seraphus, go and deal with Gurefia!" Suzex smiled, "Cadileya and others will let me deal with it!"

"You are one against three, is that okay?" Serapura frowned and said!

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen!" Szekes nodded and said indifferently!With his current strength, although he has not yet reached the strength of the future Transcendant, it is not bad. Packing up the three people who inherited the title of Demon King, but does not have the strength of the Demon King, there is not much pressure at all!

"Well then!" Seraphim nodded, and looked at Gurefia. As a powerful woman, she was very concerned about the comparison between Gurefia and her own. So, this time The battle is not only a dispute between their old and new demon factions, but also a dispute between her and Gurefia about the ownership of the strongest female demon seat!

Seraphim also knew that this was the opportunity for Suzex to give her a chance to compete with Gurefia!

"You really dare to say, do you think you can deal with the three of us?" Cadileya, Cruzere, and Xaruba surrounded Szekes with a triangle!

"Try it!" Szekes said with a smile: "There is no pressure to deal with the three of you!" Although it is easy to deal with the three of them, Suzex knows that his reformists are not invincible. He has great strength, but the reason why the Old Demon Sect still survives to this day is because the Old Demon Sect also has a strong rival, Lezewim, who inherits the title of Demon of Lucifer, and is also the allegiance of Gurefia’s family. Object!

Lezeweim is different from the other three. He is also a transcendencer, and his strength is even stronger than that of Thazeks by the first half!

"Hmph, let you see how powerful we are!" The three yelled, and at the same time made moves!

Three beams of light of different colors flew towards different angles. Of course, Sazzex jumped slightly, avoiding the combined attack of the three people. In that case, although Sazzex’s power is superior to that of the three. However, his life level has not changed, so when facing an attack with a certain level of power, he still has to avoid it!

If you change to Qin Zheng, you don't need to dodge this kind of attack!

After Sazzex flew up, the trio aimed at Sazzex again, but Sazzex had already condensed the red power in his hands, which was the power of destruction. His mother was a member of the great king's family, so he inherited The destructive power of the Baal family of the Great King's family is more powerful than other demons!

Suzex waved his hand, and red energy flew over like an arc!

The three of them didn't have the power to fight back. With just one blow, the three of them were already seriously injured and fell to the ground!At this time, Seraphim and Gurefia were fighting together. The difference from Suzex's battle was that the two were not even close to each other, so it was naturally difficult to tell the winner!

"Lezewim, come out quickly! I know you are here!" After defeating the three, Suzex shouted!

"Suzex, I didn't expect your strength to improve so quickly in just a few decades!" Soon, a man wearing armor and a beard, who looked a little vicissitudes and mature, appeared in Suzex. before!

"You are a talent, come and help me! Both my power and your strength have surpassed the original four demon kings. Even my grandfather Lucifer is not our opponent! Together, we can definitely get this world!" Wim sneered!(This book assumes that Lezeweim is interested in tying the world in symmetry now, and he will no longer be interested in tying the world in symmetry in the future. He has given up the old demon king faction, so the reform will succeed!

"Get this world?" Szekes said: "Have you not read the records on the devil's document? The reason why the three major forces were seriously injured at that time!"

"That's just made up by the devil!" Lezeweim sneered and said: "There are such powerful people in the world. He has dominated the world long ago!"

"What about Master Lucifer? They will never wake up one day. Is this false?"

"Don't take him as an example, my strength is ten times that of my grandfather, even if there is such a strong man, I can defeat it!" Lezeweim said coldly!

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"It's sad! The powerful strength has gone to his head!" Listening to Lezevím's arrogant words, Szeques sneered in his heart. Although Lezevím had reached the strength of the transcendence, he was definitely not the mystery king. Opponent!Qin Zheng appeared abruptly on the battlefield of the three major powers and abused the top leaders of the three major powers, but the people of the three major powers did not know Qin Zheng’s identity, so Qin Zheng was collectively called the mystery king by the three powers, the full name of the mystery The same king!

He had seen Lord Lucifer himself, with black air all over his body, and his body was very thin. From Lezeweim's inability to eliminate the black air from Lord Lucifer, we can see the strength of the two!

"Then there is nothing to say, I will not lose to you!" Suzex said loudly!

"Destroy the red light!" Szekes shouted, waving his hands down, and strangling the red arcs!

"Suzex, you really deserve to be a talent, the power of destruction has been fully displayed by you!" Lezeweim sneered, and a cold purple glow appeared all over his body.

"How can I lose the blood of the orthodox Lucifer Demon King!" After speaking, a purple beam of light shot from Lezeweim and rushed away. Wherever it passed, the mud and sand flowed and the space vibrated!

"Boom!" The destroying red light and purple light with destructive power collided together. At the moment of the collision, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and then there was a loud noise, and then, the after wave of energy swept out. Both of them flew upside down. Although Szekes had not yet reached the realm of the transversalist, with the destructive power of the Baal family, it was temporarily comparable!

"You are not so lucky this time!" This is the strength of the transcendence, and the resilience is by no means comparable to that of Suzex!

In an instant, Lezeweim had already penetrated the heavy energy impact, and before the aftermath had dissipated, he had already arrived in front of Suzex!

"Go to hell!" Lezeweim's fist turned purple and black, and then he threw it down!

"Not good!" Szekes was horrified and was about to return to defense, but his fist had already appeared on his face!

In the next moment, the fist will blow down!

"Don't hurt my son!" At this moment, a sweet voice came, and the power of destruction had already gathered on the left side of Lezeweim!

If he really wants to bombard Suzex, then the destructive power will also hit him, and he can naturally severely injure Suzex at that time, but he will also be severely damaged. Lezeweim's eyes flicker, very He will soon have a decision and give up this opportunity to hit the enemy. If he is seriously injured, then the Old Demon Sect will definitely fall apart, because of the Old Demon Sect, he is the only one who can fight!

As for Gurefia, although her strength is not weak, it is only at the level of the Demon King!

"Mother, why are you here?" The visitor is naturally Suzex's mother, Vinylana, who is also the mother of the original heroine Lias, who was married to Gremory from the Baal family.The appearance is maintained at the same age as Lias, except for the hair color, the appearance is basically the same as Lias. He inherited the destructive power of the king's family and passed it to Szekes and Lias. They are very strong. An extinct lady with flax hair color.

"Am I not here to help you?" Vinylana smiled, patted Suzex on the shoulder, and said!

"Mother, but your body!" After speaking, Suzex looked at Vinylana's abdomen. It turned out that Vinylana's abdomen was already bulging!

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