The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 209

"It's okay, it's only been a few months, I'm talking about it, how can I watch my son being bullied!" Vinylana waved her hand, smiled recklessly, and said!

"What about father? How could he let you go to the front?" Suzex said!

"He! It's probably in the headquarters!!" After hearing this, Vinylana shook her head. She and Suzex's father are politically married, and she naturally has no so-called love for Suzex's father, but She is also a woman who obeys family arrangements!

"Oh!" Szekes shook his head helplessly. He naturally knew what happened to his father and mother, but political marriage is very common among demons!

"Vini Lana, it turned out to be you!" Lezeweim appeared in front of the two again and said: "I really admire you, and I will go to the battlefield with a pregnant belly!"

"Hmph, don't care about this, you old Demon King faction hurry up and surrender!"

"You want me to surrender, neither of you are my opponents, how can I make me surrender!" Lezeweim laughed like he heard the best joke!

"Son, let's go together!" Vinylana said with a solemn expression to Szekes!(I don’t know the age difference between the original works, Suzex and Liana, so let’s arrange this book!)

Seraphim and Gurefia have already played inextricably!

"Gurefia, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!" Seraphim said with a laugh!In fact, Seraphim is just a girl who plays with serious problems. Of course, her cosplay attributes have not yet been shown, because there is no anime like Madoka Magica in the world, but at this time Seraphor is dressed like a Like a doll, you know that Seraphim has a tendency to cosplay!And Seraphim also cares about the strength between himself and Gurefia!

"Me too!" Gurefia said meticulously!

With the black wings behind inciting, Seraphim had already appeared in front of Gurefia!

"Take me a punch!" Like a girl in Street Fighter, Seraphim chose a hand-to-hand method!

Naturally, Gurefia would not choose to fight her head-to-head. Her strengths are jumping battles and long-range attacks!

"Gurefia, you coward!" Seeing that his attack failed, Seraphim was about to swear, and the answer was a silver shock wave!

Serapul quickly dodges, but Gurefia has already budgeted Seraphor’s escape route and appeared on Serapul’s head first. The wings behind him spread out, and the feathers were like sharp knives. Pour down!

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Countless feathers burst down, and the jet-black fur color was shining with black light!

After the intensive attack, Seraphim waved his left hand, and the magic burst, and the moisture in the air began to condense. Then, countless ice arrows formed, and they blasted past the countless feathers!

Seraphim is good at ice magic, which is naturally handy!

The attack was wide-ranging and broke out like a dense rain. For a time, many demons were involved in this battle!

"Huh, Gurefia, you deserve to be my opponent!" The attack stopped, Seraphus and Gurefia were already looking at each other, Seraphus sneered!

"So are you!" There was not much smile on Gurefia's face, it can be said to be serious, and Gurefia is so serious about everything!

"Then let's enter the second round!" Seraful smiled, and his body suddenly moved. At the same time, Gurefia's speed was amazing!

However, just as the two collided, a red scaly light flashed, and the target was Gurefia and Seraphim!

"Who is it?" The two of them were shocked, and quickly avoided, at the same time, they looked at the surrounding vigilantly!

"The red one said not to attack without authorization. Look, they have discovered it now!" Arubion said loudly!

"Huh, white, you are so careful, are you afraid that those two chicks won't make it?" Draig said with a hum!Draig is the name of Emperor Chilong, he will never admit that he is impulsive!

"I will be afraid of them. Although they have the strength of the Demon King, they are far from me! I am just worried about ruining the good things of the adults!" Arubion retorted, staring wide!"Do you still want to taste the taste of the soul trapped for a hundred years!"

"Well, let's compare!" Draige said!

"How do you compare?" In the past two hundred years, the two have developed from a death fight to what they are now, but their eagerness to win remains the same as before!

"Two little girls happen to be, one of us, see who can catch them and give them to the adults first!" Draig said in a deep voice!

"This is a good idea, don't say I bully you, which girl do you choose?!"

"I'll choose the silver-haired one!" Draige's gaze turned to the two women, and then his gaze fell on Gurefia!

"Then do it!" Long Yin said, Arubian's wings stirred, and he rushed towards Seraphim!

In fact, when Draig attacked, the two women had noticed the two dragons, but they were shocked!

Of course they are no strangers to the Chilong Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor!They were shocked to know why these two dragons appeared here!

It is recorded in the demon document that the two dragons once appeared on the battlefield where the three major powers were fighting unscrupulously, and then they were jointly suppressed by the three major powers and then defeated. Finally, when God proposed to extract their dragon souls, the Mystery King appeared. , Defeated the Four Great Demon Kings, defeated the Fallen Angels, and defeated God, the purpose is to save these two dragons!

Subsequently, the three major forces were defeated, and Erlong also lost its trace. I did not expect to encounter the Erlong again after two hundred years!

Of course, the encounter with the two dragons was not excitement, but horror and fear. The two dragons could appear, that is to say, the Mystery King is likely to conquer the two dragons. Now they come here, they still come hand in hand. At that time, they were endlessly dying, so they all hated to worry about Erlong's purpose!

Not only the two girls, but Suzex and Lezewim also noticed the appearance of Erlong!

Suzex was also shocked. In his impression, the two dragons should be in an endless situation. How could they be so friendly?

But before he could think, the White Dragon Emperor had already rushed towards Seraphim!

"Seraph, be careful!" Szekes and Vinylana looked at each other, and appeared beside Serapura at the same time!

"White, you are a rascal!" The Emperor Chilong yelled, and his figure suddenly moved, the target is Gurefia!

At this time, seeing the appearance of the two dragons, Lezeweim's heart was surging. He has always believed that his strength has surpassed the so-called Mystery King, but he couldn't find the Mystery King, so there was no way to prove his own. Thought, how can he not be excited now when he sees Erlong who is connected with Mystery King!

With a flash of body, he also appeared in front of Gurefia, facing the fierce Red Dragon Emperor, as if not afraid!

"Hey, there's a man!" Dreig saw Lezeweim and said: "It's not an adult who wants to get someone, you quickly get out of me!"

"Emperor Chiryu, tell me quickly, where is the Mystery King?" Lezeweim's magic exploded, and the powerful force couldn't help slowing the speed of Emperor Chiryu's flight!

"What a powerful guy!" Chilong Emperor murmured, "But I am Chilong Emperor, so I won't be afraid of you!"

"Looking for death!" Lezeweim came to the Chilong Emperor instantly and punched out!

In a daze, Emperor Chilong remembered the scene of being defeated by the gods. He also punched him like this, and then he was beaten by a group of people, but now this blow is useless to him!

"Roar!" A dragon's breath has been uttered, and Lezeweim slightly touched the dragon's breath, and the fist was on fire like a combustible item!

Lezeweim quickly retracted his fist, but the dragon's tail had already been thrown out!

Hit directly and throw Lezeweim off the ground!

But Gurefia was not a soft woman who was waiting to die. Judging from the actions of the Emperor Chilong just now, she knew that Emperor Chilong's target was her, so she spread her wings and threw countless black feathers out!

"It's useless!" The Red Dragon Emperor flapped his wings forward, and a huge whirlwind was set off, and then the feathers were curled. Of course, some feathers passed through the huge whirlwind, but the feathers hit the Red Dragon Emperor's wings. Go up, the sound of metal connection made Gurefia surprised!

Once upon a time, Sekiryuutei's body became so powerful!

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"Okay! Little girl, hurry up with me!" After blocking Gurefia's attack, Chilong Emperor appeared in front of Gurefia again!

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