The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 317

"Then I'll let you see another kind of power!" Qin Zheng felt that all that Sombra can use are the moves he used before when he climbed the stairs. Fortunately, Qin Zheng did not use the power of the beast, otherwise , This shadow is more difficult to deal with!

"Come out! Sky Dragon!" Qin Zheng's magical power exploded, and then gathered into a red dragon in the sky!

Sure enough, the dark shadow raised his head in confusion, looking at the sky dragon in the sky, and did not move!

"Sky dragon, howling of the sky dragon!" Qin Zheng shouted loudly and gave orders to the sky dragon!

A huge beam of red energy erupted from the dragon's mouth in the sky, and the black shadow suddenly broke out with black mist on his body, as if he wanted to block such an attack with the black mist!

"I want to block it!" Qin Zheng sneered and killed him. If it was an ordinary opponent, Qin Zheng would naturally hand it over to the Sky Dragon to deal with, but the enemy was his own copy, and Qin Zheng would naturally go into battle!

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The black aura on Qin Zheng's body burst out, and at the same time he attacked the black shadow!

The black shadow seemed to be prepared for Qin Zheng's attack. The other palm was cremated, and a fire fist blasted out!

Seeing the fire fist that struck, Qin Zheng chuckled, this guy also made the mistake he made just now, the devil is tall!

Qin Zheng's black energy instantly swallowed the fire fist, and then entangled with the black shadow's black energy!

The black shadow was helpless, with a stroke of his palm, a powerful flame burst out, and he planned to use the flame to face the howling attack of the sky dragon!

The flames soared into the sky, and the pillar of fire of the dark shadow collided with the pillar of red energy!

boom!The powerful force fled everywhere, and the whole mountain was shaken!

Qin Zheng's sword has been cut over!

"Giant Soldier!" In order to complete a one-shot kill, Qin Zheng also summoned another beast, the giant soldier!

After the giant soldier came out, the fist began to shine, and then blasted out!

Three-way siege, Sombra may not know the kill attribute of the giant soldier. When he jumped up, he only used magic power to bless himself, intending to forcibly receive a punch from the giant soldier, and finally was bombed by the giant soldier!

"Looking for death!" If the black shadow escapes, the three-party siege may not be able to take it down in a short time!

After solving the last opponent, Qin Zheng successfully reached the peak of the mountain!

Qin Zheng looked at the double-stranded fork inserted on the sacred mountain with an expression of excitement, but Qin Zheng did not pull the double-stranded fork, he had a second step!

The fire on Qin Zheng's body could burst out, and a beam of red flame all over his body rushed into the sky. Then, the flame expanded, and the sparks fell like a meteor!

"The flame is lit!" The entire sacred mountain was lit up, giving the sacred mountain a hazy feeling!

Soon, Qin Zheng's eyes were on the double-stranded fork!!

Through his spiritual feelings, Qin Zheng found that the originally sacred double-stranded fork is now like a piece of dead metal, without any breath, but its heavy feeling is very obvious!

Qin Zheng approached again, and he finally faced this powerful weapon. The exposed long handle of the double-stranded fork was about ten feet thick, as thick as a child's arm, dark and dull!

Qin Zheng held the double-stranded fork again, and the feeling of electric shock spread all over his body. The weight and reality of the previous feeling appeared in his grasp. He had been in contact with the double-stranded fork many times before, but now it gives him the most special feeling. The long handle turned out to be warm, and blood seemed to flow through it.

Suddenly, Qin Zheng's eyebrows appeared, and the mark of the double-stranded fork appeared, and a condensed Pluto divine light shone on the long handle of the double-stranded fork in front of him.

"Boom!" At the moment when the god of Pluto was shining, Qin Zheng only felt that two hot temperatures suddenly passed into his body, and instantly swept his whole body. It was uploaded, and then, from the place Qin Zheng held with both hands, a faint white light began to spread. On the originally dark long handle, traces of white lines began to spread along with the release of the white light breath.

The hot airflow that entered Qin Zheng's body went back. In an instant, Qin Zheng felt the hot feeling in the hands of the double-stranded fork!

"Do you want to pull it out?" Qin Zheng knew he was going to pull it out!

The long handle was slowly rising under Qin Zheng's efforts, and the blood that began to flow from his palm covered more and more white lines on the long handle, turning into a red light.

The blood flowed out, not downward, but upward, and then gathered on the double-stranded fork!

The red light illuminates the entire sacred mountain like a volcanic eruption!At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, and a strong red light burst out of the double-stranded fork in an instant!

Qin Zheng himself was shrouded in red light!

"Pull it out!" Qin Zheng held up the double-stranded fork, and he could feel that the godhead was forming in his body!

At this time, Hades, who had been watching, realized that he could finally move. He was overjoyed, and he immediately rushed forward, wanting to take the double-strand cross!

"Qin Zheng, hand it over quickly!" Hades said with a grim expression!

"Father, it's dangerous!" Lias also saw Hades rushing towards Qin Zheng and immediately reminded her, but she found that after the white light dissipated, her father was wearing that divine garment. The divine garment had not changed much. , It's just that the Gang Yu behind is gone!

Seeing Hades rushing over, Qin Zheng had a faint smile on his face, stroked the pitch-black handle, and said softly: "As my new partner, let me see your strength!" After finishing, Qin said. With a throw in his forehand, the double-stranded fork was thrown out. The last step in inheriting the Hades position is to kill the original Hades position!

The double-stranded fork shot out like a meteor!

"Die!" Qin Zheng sneered!

Hades saw the flashing black light, his brow jumped, and he was about to dodge, only to find that his abdomen was pierced by a double-stranded fork!

"Do you think this can kill me?" Hades looked grim, and was about to catch the double-stranded fork. As long as the double-stranded fork was held in his hand, the weapon was his!

"The double-strand fork is different!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly. Hades was about to touch the double-strand fork, only to find that the double-strand fork became hot like an oven, and then, Hades' body Start to collapse!

Hades yelled, yelled, and his whole body turned into fly ash!

After Hades died, the mountain disappeared!

"Come out!" Qin Zheng hugged Lias again, and smiled at the void!He just discovered that someone was outside the mountain and wanted to rescue Hades, but the altar ceremony cannot be planned, and outsiders are not allowed to enter it!

"I really underestimated you, I didn't expect you to kill Hades!" Jin Guang flashed, and Qin Zheng heard the sound of rolling thunder!

"Hehe, it's the emperor of heaven!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly, "but now I am also a god!"

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Qin Zheng looked at the Emperor with a smile and stepped into the divine realm. Although his power did not increase much, he could feel that he was much stronger than before. As if the whole world was under his control, it felt like killing the gods. The world is even more mysterious when he gains the power of the Pluto, he can easily deceive human souls, even the souls of demons!

The Emperor of Heaven frowned when he looked at Qin Zheng, who exuded infinite power, and the power of the guy in front of him became even stronger!

With a wave of the heavenly emperor's hand, countless tribulation clouds flew over, and at the same time that they flew, Qin Zheng saw the heavenly soldiers hidden in them!

"It's really lively! Come out all the hidden guys!" Qin Zheng's voice was not loud, but it echoed in the air for a long time!

Soon, Qin Zheng saw the man in the cloak descend from the void!

"Lezeweim, even you are here!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly!And with the appearance of Lezeweim, groups of demons and angels also appeared!

"Valley, Michael! You are all here!" Qin Zheng laughed as he saw the crowd surrounded him!

"I'm going to kill you to avenge my foster father!" Valli looked at Qin Zheng savagely!

"I also want to kill you to avenge your ancestors!" The monkey said, he has become a dependent of Vali!

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