The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 318

"Well, now that you are all here, then you will witness the birth of this miracle, the ceremony of entrusting the gods!" Qin Zheng didn't care!

"Fengshen?" Hearing this, the emperor's heart sank. When he achieved the god position, he could also be the god. The following heavenly soldiers, even the Monkey King, and the deity of fighting and defeating the Buddha were all canonized by him. They will be able to communicate with the origins of the world, make progress in succession and go further!

"Kill me!" The Emperor shouted loudly, and the many heavenly soldiers behind him rushed up, and the demons and angels also rushed up!

"I'm in such a hurry to reincarnate, then I'll give you a ride!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly, a huge vortex formed in the sky, and finally, the sky seemed to fall down!

"What is this, what happened?" The world changed greatly, and everyone noticed the scene above!

Everyone instinctively felt the danger and wanted to escape, but in the whirlpool, a powerful attraction broke out, and they couldn't escape at all!

Soon they saw that something fell from the whirlpool. It was an old castle, the old castle where Qin Zheng had lived for two hundred years!

There was a black atmosphere around the castle, and it hit them!

"Ah! Don't do it!" The screams were endless, many angels and demons, the heavenly soldiers and generals were knocked to death at once!

The old castle just appeared in the sky, and Qin Zheng also appeared above the old castle. In the old castle, many people kicked out!

"Lias, what happened?" Zhu Nai and her family were the first to rush out, stunned to see Lias staying next to Qin Zheng, and then looked at the densely packed enemies around, wrinkled Frowned and said!

"As you can see, world war!" Lias spread her hands!

Soon, Gurefia and others all flew out, even Gabriel and other women!

"Qin Zheng, what is going on?" Gu Leifia asked in shock!

"I have become a god!" Qin Zheng solemnly told the news to everyone, "The Hades of Hades, starting today, I am Hades!"

"Are you Hades?" Lias was taken aback upon hearing this, isn't Hades that guy with only bones!

"Hades is not a name, just a god position!" Qin Zheng explained!

"What if you become a god? How can we not beat you with so many people here?" The Emperor of Heaven stood up and said in a deep voice!

"That's hard to say!" Qin Zheng said with a smile.With a wave of his hand, an arc of slash was thrown out, and immediately afterwards, all enemies in the surrounding circle died!

"Give it all to me!" Seeing that Qin Zheng could kill so many people with a single blow, the Emperor frowned!

Everyone began to gather energy in their hands, colorful, and seemed to use magic to destroy Qin Zheng!

The eyes of Zhu Nai and other women changed. There were at least 10,000 enemies here. If magic is used on such a large scale, no matter how powerful it is, it can't stand it!

"Boom boom boom!" Countless magic blasted towards Qin Zheng, but Qin Zheng didn't make any movement, and the magic had been blocked by the defensive shield formed by black energy before Qin Zheng blasted, including the girls, of course. They did not suffer any harm either!

"So strong!" Cang Na was among them, she stared blankly at the constant bombarding magic outside but couldn't hurt the inside, her expression was a bit complicated!After Qin Zheng used the exchange of magic, Qin Zheng and Cang Na exchanged positions, and Cang Na sent back to the ancient castle. Now the ancient castle descends from the dimensional gap, and Cang Na is naturally there!

"I don't think we will be able to avenge the demons in this life!" Seraful was also a complex looking at the central domineering man!

"That's okay, I will finally save the blood for the demons!" Serapura looked at Gurefia and others, and said again!

"It seems that there are too many people watching the ceremony. You have to clean it up!" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and let them bombard. After a grunt, strands of black began to gush out on the ground, and there seemed to be something about to break the ground. Out, finally, the breath of black air broke out!

"Roar!" Hell three-headed dogs came out!Four sturdy feet and sharp claws on the feet make people feel that their backs are chilled just by seeing them, their blood-red eyes are shining in the night, and the protruding mouth reveals extremely vicious fangs, one fang The roots are laid out, and the white breath leaks from the gap between the teeth...

These are the three-headed dogs living in the gate of the underworld. Qin Zheng has become the master of the underworld, and he can naturally order his watchdog to deal with these guys!

Although the strength of the three-headed dog is not strong, the strength of the opponent is not much stronger!

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After the hell three-headed dog came out, they immediately bit down on those who are here. For a while, they also suffered heavy losses, but they soon stood firm and competed with the three-headed dog!

"Father, let me deal with these guys!" Zhu Nai frowned as he looked at the situation on the court and said!

"Don't worry!" Qin Zheng smiled, the double-stranded cross-dang-dang void in his hand, the whole earth underneath trembled, and then split!

"God of death, let me come out!" In the cracks, countless figures with sickles and black robes in their hands and indistinguishable men and women flew out, all half kneeling in front of Qin Zheng, the new Hades, including Benia and the higher-level god of death Erkus who are fighting with Lias!

They and Qin are in a subordinate relationship, so naturally they dare not resist Qin Zheng!

"Go, kill the enemy in front of me!" Qin Zheng laughed!

"Yes!" The death gods responded loudly!

"Father, you can keep that girl!" At this time, Lias said with some worry as she watched Benia also lead the battle!

"Well then!" Qin Zheng also saw the little Lolita named Benia, and finally smiled!Very smoothly, Benia stayed, and all the remaining Reapers went to fight!

Among the death gods, there are not many higher-level death gods, most of them are intermediate-level death gods, and the strength of the intermediate-level death gods can be comparable to the superior demons, so the two forces are evenly matched, and the casualties are extremely heavy!

Time passed by, and on Qin Zheng's side, the Death God was dead, and on the other side, the casualties were extremely serious!

"It's almost there!" The double-stranded fork in Qin Zheng's hand shook slightly, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye began!

Lias and other women didn't think anything, but the surviving heavenly soldiers and demon angels had a headache, and finally their whole body turned into ashes and disappeared!

"Well, now there are not many spectators left!" After killing the heavenly soldiers, Qin Zheng glanced lightly at the Emperor and the others!

"Appear, the god seat under the starry sky!" Qin Zheng shouted loudly. The sky seemed to be stained with a layer of red, which was very strange, and in the distance, an extremely luxurious chair fell from the sky!

The chair glowed with golden light, incompatible with the surrounding blood-red sky, surrounded by golden arrogance, and no one was sitting on it, but everyone could feel the god’s majesty. After it dropped to a certain height, it didn’t land. The ladder suddenly appeared, connecting it and Qin Zheng!

"Ascend the god seat!" The emperor frowned. He became a god and has his own god seat. Of course, his god seat is simple and unpretentious. The white mist under his feet is the god seat, which looks like a white cloud!

"Lezewim, we want to prevent him from ascending to the seat of God!" The Emperor said!

"Huh?" Lezeweim is not a god, so naturally he doesn't know what will happen after ascending to the god seat, so he who is curious about the next thing, he is equally conceited, he is not willing to make a move!

"Let's do it!" At this time, Vali rushed out!

Vali immediately banned his hands, put on a white armor, and charged towards Qin Zheng at the speed of light!

Qin Zheng was walking on the golden ladder, his breath was connected to the god seat, and he would naturally not care about Vali who rushed over!

"Puff!" Valli was shot out before he even arrived!

"Boy, use your most powerful force!" The Emperor said in a deep voice!"Otherwise, he won't be able to break through his arrogance defense!"

"Okay!" Vali nodded, but his eyes were on Hyoudou Issei!

"I see!" Hyoudou nodded, then deducted the gem from his cage and threw it to Vali!

Valli took the black gem and swallowed it!

"What is he doing?" Lezeweim was a little strange!

"Hehe, I think I want to combine the power of angels and demons, it's really interesting!" There was a smile on the face of the Emperor!

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