The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Rage Chapter 361

In the next three years, Qin Zheng took the women to train together, and the combat troops were basically formed!

On this day, Qin Zheng went to the intellectual Meiyu sister to report as before, but Karen stopped him!

"Tell me, how did you win three years ago?" Karen stared at Qin Zheng closely and asked!

"It's been three years, you are still struggling with this matter!" Qin Zheng was a little speechless!

"Hmph, of course!" Karen glared at Qin Zheng!Three years ago, she reported the incident to Eliot. After analysis, in that environment, the only way to escape a fatal blow was to destroy the arbitrary domain, but that was considered by the scientific community to be Impossible things, if destroyed by people, will cause a huge sensation, so they will be suppressed!

Of course, this is only Kallen's conjecture, but it has not been confirmed!

Karen once challenged Qin Zheng, but without exception, Qin Zheng was able to defeat her every time!

"I will tell you in due course!" Qin Zhengyang raised his hand and said!

"Don't forget our identities!" Karen said when Qin Zheng was leaving!

Seeing Qin Zheng's skill, Karen was really afraid that Qin Zheng would forget his original ideals!

"I see, live peacefully with the elves!" Qin Zheng said again!As everyone knows, the conversation between Qin Zheng and Karen was hidden on the side, Shen Wu Yue Gongping listened to it!

"Is it possible to live peacefully with the elves?" Shen Wu Yue Gongping smiled gracefully, and then left!

After Qin Zheng came to the office of the intellectual Meiyu sister, the intellectual Meiyu sister suddenly laughed!

"Minister, are you looking for me!" Qin Zheng said flatly!From observations over the past few years, Qin Zheng already knows that this woman has a great desire for power, so Qin Zheng has taken a fancy to her!

As her trump card, she must follow her own meaning every time!

"Hmm!" Sister Zhixing Meiyu nodded, "This is the latest machine we developed, you can use it!" After speaking, Sister Zhixing Meiyu gave Qin Zheng a card!

"Okay!" Qin Zheng nodded, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and the body is changing very quickly, and the body with better and better performance has been developed. However, the performance can keep up, but people's physical fitness must be able to keep up. , The most powerful body of origami equipment can only last for 30 minutes!

"Would you like to try the new body?" Zhixing Meiyu is very confident in Qin Zheng, because in the past three years, Qin Zheng has been able to completely control the newly developed body!

"No need!" Qin Zheng waved his hand!

"Come with me, then!" Qin Zheng and sister Meiyu tacitly came to the other side of the office, where there was a bed!

Qin is a beautiful man, and he is very lethal to beautiful women, and the intellectual Meiyu Sister is always in the base, so naturally there is a need, so he hooked up with Qin Zheng when he went back and forth!

Qin Zheng was very skilled in holding the intellectual Meiyu sister in his arms, and then began to take off her clothes!

Soon, the lavish voice echoed in the room!


Three years of training allowed the girls to freely manipulate the body!

"You have been receiving training all the time, but do you know what you are training for?" Qin Zheng stood on the high platform, speaking loudly!

Hearing this, the women were stunned, few of them knew the existence of elves!

"Then I will tell you, we are to protect the safety of humans and prevent the occurrence of space shocks!" Qin Zheng said again!

"Space earthquakes are not natural disasters, but man-made. We turn those people into elves, and our goal is to kill the elves!" Qin Zheng said again!

"Wow!!" Upon hearing this news, the girl below was in an uproar again!

"However, since they can generate space shocks, it means that their power is very powerful, and it is not comparable to human beings!" Qin Zheng continued, "We must use the power of the organism to fight against them. This is what you accept. The reason for training!"

"Soon, we will have the opportunity to participate in actual combat!"

Karen frowned, she felt that this guy had completely forgotten the purpose of joining here, and even preached that the elves were killed!

"If you meet an elf, what will you do?" Qin Zheng asked again!

"Kill them!" the girls replied loudly!

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"No, your idea is wrong!" Qin Zheng laughed!

"Then what are we going to do?" Liaozi asked immediately. She is a very promising player for Qin Zheng!

"Try to live peacefully with them!" Qin Zheng said again!

"But... but their strength is so powerful, and they have killed so many humans, can humans coexist peacefully with elves?"

"Of course!" Qin Zheng said again: "Because it was not their intention to kill humans, perhaps they themselves want to live in peace with humans!"

"But why do they kill so many humans?"

"Because every time they come to our world, they will cause a spatial shock. This spatial shock is generated unconsciously and is not their control!"

"Then in this way, wouldn't we be unable to live peacefully with them?"

Karen was also silent. It has always been that Elliott is also working hard to solve this problem. If this problem cannot be solved, peaceful coexistence is just empty talk!

"What if we can solve the space shock?" Qin Zheng said again!

"Wow!!" There was an uproar below. If these problems are solved, the peaceful coexistence of humans and elves is not far away!

"But, Captain, how do you solve the space shock?" Liaozi asked again!

"It's not the time yet!" Qin Zheng shook his head without answering!

Karen was shocked, this guy is really confident to solve the space shock!

The idea of ​​peaceful coexistence has spread among the girls, but whether they can accept this idea, it will take some time, after all, the space shock has not been resolved, and elves are destroying creatures in their eyes!

"Do you really have a way to solve the spatial shock?" After speaking, Karen chased him!

"Maybe!" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly!

"Captain Qin, the minister wants you to go there!" At this moment, a corporal came over and said!

"Yeah! I know!" Qin Zheng nodded. His conversation today was extremely bold and inconsistent with the original intention of establishing AST. Sister Meiyu, intellectual, must have a conversation with her!

When Qin Zheng came to the office, the intellectual Meiyu sister looked at Qin Zheng angrily!

"Captain Qin, you are too bold!" Intellectual Meiyu said with a sneer!

Qin Zheng shrugged and smiled indifferently!

"Do you know that if what you just said was passed out, you would be kicked out of the AST!" Sister Meiyu snorted!

"I don't think it's wrong!" Qin Zheng continued to smile, "Isn't it good to live peacefully with the elves?"

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