The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 362

"Okay! How many humans did the elves kill us?" Zhixing Meiyu was furious: "Our original intention of establishing AST was to kill the elves!"

"Haha, don't laugh at me, kill the elves, do you think humans can do it?" Qin Zheng laughed: "I am also good for you! If you propose this different concept and it is realized, you Will be higher!"

Hearing this, the intellectual Meiyu Jie was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the establishment of AST, it seems that she hasn't done anything yet!

"In the last ten years, at least 4 elves have appeared across the country, but which time has AST succeeded?"

"But the peaceful coexistence you said is impossible!" Calm down, the intellectual Meiyu retorted!

"Why it's impossible!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "Isn't the spatial earthquake problem that you mentioned has been solved perfectly now? Everyone can go underground to shelter!"

"Not every elf wants to live in peace with humans!" Intellectual Meiyu shook her head!

"The evil spirit codenamed Nightmare has killed no less than 5,000 people. Do you still want to live with them in peace?" The intellectual Meiyu said again!

"It's just a proud little guy!" Qin Zheng smiled, "If you believe me, I will help you solve these elves!"

"Peaceful coexistence?" Intellectual Meiyu tried to ask!

"Of course, I will let them live in peace with humans!" Qin Zheng laughed. "Presumably you know how many elves there are in the neighborhood is still unknown. Once we humans become enemies with them, then a large number of elves will invade. It is absolutely human beings who are suffering! What you have to do now is to find a suitable opportunity and propose a plan for peaceful coexistence. In this way, you can use this concept to climb higher!"

"There is nothing wrong with raising this, but you have to make a political achievement!" Sister Meiyu thought for a while, and then said!

"Okay, within two years, there will be gains!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Okay! Go down to work!" Zhixing Meiyu waved her hand and said to Qin Zheng!

Soon after Qin Zheng came out, an alarm sounded in the base!

"The elves are here!" At this time, all the team members rushed to the starting point to gather, and Karen and Shen Wu Yue Gongping also appeared beside Qin Zheng!

"Yeah! I didn't expect an elf to appear in Tiangong City!" Shenwuyue Gongping smiled!

"This is the first time an elf has appeared!" Karen frowned!

"I don't know which elf it is?" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes, with a little excitement on his face!

"Let's go!" After all the staff were ready, Qin Zheng gave an order, and all the team members rushed out!

The area of ​​Tiangong City is not large, and the consumption level and prosperity level are only at the middle and lower levels in the country. Therefore, there have been no elves in Tiangong City. Now there are elves visiting Tiangong City, which surprised Qin Zheng!

Because now is not the time to start the plot!

Chapter 0012 Weak Elf?

All members were dispatched, and Qin Zheng finally saw the first elf after coming to this world!

At this time, a corner of the city has become ruins, as if it had been wiped out by human beings, and the destroyed streets were like huge craters falling like meteorites.

"The space shock is really terrible!" Liaozi couldn't help sighing as he looked at the scene below!

"Captain, is it an elf?" Soon, Liaozi found a figure standing in the middle of the pothole!

"Hmm!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "Everyone is ready to attack!"

"But captain, don't you want to live together peacefully?" Liaozi said with some confusion!

"Stupid!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Before talking to them, we must show them the power of human beings, or they will be underestimated!"

"But... but what should I do if I kill them?" Seeing the thin figure in the pit, Liaozi hesitated!

"Don't worry! Since the establishment of AST, there has been no killing of elves!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Why didn't you kill the elf?" Liaozi was taken aback after hearing this!

"Because it can't be done!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "The elves are very strong!"

"Allah, allah, I didn't expect to be here and there is no way to get rid of these people who are in the way!" Tokisaki Kuangsan has a nice smile on his face, and he has not put on the costume of the spiritual suit. It is simply a temperament Miss, it is difficult to associate her with the elves!

"Be careful! She is the most evil elf, codenamed Nightmare!" At this time, the voice of the corporal came from the communicator!

"Ah! The most evil spirit!" Liaozi and the others were stunned again!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng explained again: "The arrival of the elves will cause a space shock, which will cause a catastrophe in this world. The terrifying destructive power of the space shock has caused many people to die under it. Guy, he killed more than 10,000 humans with his own hands without using the power of the space shock!"

"How could this happen! Why did she kill so many people!" Hearing this, Liaozi's voice trembled a little!

"Maybe she also has unspeakable difficulties!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly, he knew that Tokizaki Kazuki was to collect time, and then return to the fact that the elves existed twenty years ago, so that the elves would disappear. !

"You have to be careful!" Qin Zheng rushed up first!

The black and purple air currents rolled back and forth around Tokazaki Kyouzo, forming a black and purple ribbon, flying around Tokazaki Kyouzo, bit by bit of black light up and down, a kind of evil, dark The breath rushed out from Tokisaki Kuangzo's body and enveloped the entire scene. The sky seemed to cry, and black rain fell!

The dense black and purple air flow soared up into the sky, and the black noble dress of Kazaki Kazaki was also blown up. The next moment, Kazaki Kazaki moved his body, and the clothes on his body disappeared instantly, a white and attractive Under the cover of the black and purple air currents, the next moment, Tokazaki Kyouzo's body suddenly flashed a dazzling light, and when the light dimmed, Tokazaki Kyouzo's dress had completely changed!

A noble Gothic dress, long skirt and thighs, all parts above the chest are exposed, white and smooth shoulders are exposed to the air, it looks like two ivory sculptures, only two suspenders support the Gothic dress She was propped up, both hands were wearing wristband-style gloves, and her palms were exposed, only covering the position below the elbows and above the palms. A large bow was tied to Tosaki Kyouzo’s abdomen, and black stockings wrapped her On his thighs and feet, he was also wearing a pair of black high boots!

A long black hair has been tied into two ponytails of different sizes, a striped pleated lace headdress that resembles a hat and a hairband is worn on top of her head, and the corners of her eyes hang down.A burgundy right eye flashed with a strange color, and Tokizaki Kakuzo's left eye had also appeared, it was a golden clock!

"Hands!" With a terrifying aura, Liaozi and other girls attacked first!

Before Qin Zheng arrived, the shells blasted at Tokisaki Kuangsan!

"Boom boom boom!!!" The cannonball's attack did not hit Tokisaki Kuangzo, Tokisaki Kuangzo leaped high, and then flew!

However, the cooperation of Liaozi and others was amazing. Tokazaki Kuangsan appeared in the sky, and someone immediately blocked her!

Tokisaki Kuangsan was flying in the sky like a headless fly, and there was a continuous explosion behind him!

Liaozi frowned. This elf is not as powerful as he imagined. How could it be called the most evil elf!

"Shen Wuyue Gongping!" Qin Zheng gave an order, and Shen Wuyue Gongping walked out, using the random domain!In this unit, only three people can use the random field!

"Bump!" Toshizaki Kuangsan was caught off guard, and was hit by the random field all at once!

"Do it!" Karen also seized the opportunity to strike at the imprisoned Kakuzo Tosaki!

"Boom boom boom!!!" Countless artillery bombarded, Tokazaki Kuangzo couldn't escape!

"Is it dead?" Seeing the hit Kakuzo Tokisaki, everyone else frowned!

"This is too weak!" Liaozi looked at Qin Zheng suspiciously!

"Let's go down and take a look!" At this time, Tokazaki Kakuzo had fallen to the ground, covered in blood!

"Captain, we really killed the elf!" Liaozi said in surprise when he saw that Tokisaki Kuangzo was dying!

"Yes!" The other girls are also more excited!

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