The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 401

"Hey!" Cun Yu Lingyin thought for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly!Obviously, Shidao's performance now disappointed her!

"Why did you allow Shidao to join the DEM company?" Qinli looked at Shina Chonggong!

"It's not Zhenna's request, I am willing!" Shidao said: "Because Chonggong Zhenna is my biological sister, and you are just my righteous sister!! Let's go!" Shidao looked at Chonggongzhen At that glance, continue to say!

Shidao joined the DEM company and moved out of the Wuhe family, which surprised Qin Zheng, this has been completely changed by him!Of course, if Qin Zheng knew that the original Shidao was the second generation and the current Shidao was the first generation, it would be even more surprised.

"Shall we go to deal with Tokazaki Kuangsan?" Shidao asked suspiciously while walking on the road!

"Although you can control the body, your strength is only in the introductory stage. It is difficult to win against Tokazaki Kazakh!" Shina Chongmiya shook his head!

"Could it not be possible to add you?" Shidao was taken aback upon hearing this!

Hearing that, Chonggong Zhenna shook her head. She remembered that she was killed by Tosaki Kuang three seconds ago a few weeks ago!

"Plus I can't do it, but you can try it in a few days!" Chonggong Zhenna continued: "A few days later, DEM will send a newest soldier outfit. With it, I believe it should be possible. Fight with Tokisaki Kuangsan! In these few days, I will continue to exercise your skills and improve your strength again!"

"Yeah!" Shidao nodded!

Qin Zheng naturally didn't know that Shidao and Chonggong Zhenna were going to deal with Tokisaki Kuangsan. Even if he knew it, he would sigh. This is the rhythm of death!

Now that Shishino has been living at home for a few days, he has adapted to simple communication, so Qin Zheng took out the doll!After a while, seeing the puppet, Shishino's big eyes suddenly fluctuated, and her little face immediately became extremely panicked, and her face was overwhelmed, and finally trot to Qin Zheng, Shishino tightly He grabbed Qin Zheng's clothes and looked at Shiina in Qin Zheng's hands!

"Here it is!" Qin Zheng touched Shinono's head, and then handed it to the Shinono doll!

"Because Shishino's performance is very good, so Shishina is back!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Yeah!" Shishino nodded happily, then brought the puppet, and soon the puppet began to dance!

"Haha, I'm back at Shishina, Shishino, you did a good job!" Shishina said with a smile!

"Thank you!" Shishino quickly lowered her hat to prevent others from seeing her blushing face!At this time, Shishina had a very good impression of Qin Zheng!

"So, it's the last step!" Qin Zheng smiled again and said!

"Go to the last step?" Hearing this, Shishino was stunned!

"Well! It is to seal your spiritual power, so that you can live here forever, and you don't have to be afraid of others hurting you or hurting others!" Qin Zheng explained!

"Then what am I going to do?" Shitono said again!

"Kiss!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Oh, it's like that on TV!" Because Qin was squatting, Shishino walked over, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Qin Zheng's lips!

As soon as Shishino touched Qin Zheng's lips, white light lingered out, and then gradually sank into Shishino's body!

In this way, the spiritual power of Shishino's body was sealed!In this way, the second elf succeeded in the strategy!

Entering Latatosk, Qinli nodded with satisfaction. He was a little bit more melancholy about Shidao!

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"Very capable!" Qinli said with a smile!Looking at everything on the big screen in the Latatosk commander's room, Jinli couldn't help but smile.

"You really deserve to be Captain Qin Zheng!" Shen Wuyue Gongping looked at Qin Zheng on the big screen like a pilgrimage, and almost knelt down on him and put incense in it!

The smile on the corner of Koto's mouth widened when she heard the words of Kyouhei Shinmura, and it froze completely after the words behind Kyouhei Shinmura came out.

"Hey, but there is also a question! Will Captain Qin Zheng even attack the commander?" Shen Wuyue gently caressed her chest, and did not notice the completely black face in the Qin. Said.

"But the captain won't attack the commander. After all, he is worthy of his brothers and sisters, although they are not real brothers and sisters!" Kamimuzuki Kyohei murmured. Kamimuzuki Kyoupei still wants to go on. On the commander's platform, there is a big foot. Directly from the sky, he kicked Shen Wuyue Kyohei's face fiercely, kicked it out, and fell on the wall behind.

"Why... for what?" God Wuzuki Kyohei who fell on the wall said like this.

"Huh!" Qinli snorted coldly, his face was green, looking at Shen Wuyue Gonghei, and when he thought of Shen Wuyue Gonghei's words, the anger in Qin's heart rose up!

What siblings!She remembered that Qin Zheng had acted on herself when she first met!

Although he didn't say it, he seemed to be interesting to Qin Zheng!

With a cold snort, Qinli looked in the direction of the big screen again. I didn't know what was thinking in his heart, and his cheeks turned red slightly. As for Shen Wuyue Gonghei, he had already fainted!

In the commander’s room, everyone looked at the god Wuzuki Kyohei who fell on the wall, and then glanced at the commander’s platform. There was a little blush in the piano on his face. I don’t know what it means. Right now, I can only silently The refreshing Wuyue Gongping took a moment of silence!

Coming to the Zen Academy, Qin Zheng wanted to pack up the lesson plans and leave the classroom as always!

Tokisaki Kakuzo took a letter and walked up with a shy reply!

"Teacher Qin Zheng, this is for you!" After gently handing the letter out, Toki Kuangsan ran away shyly and infinitely, a pure young girl!

Qin Zheng shook his head and glanced at the envelope. It turned out that it was a letter that wanted to meet him. The meeting place was in the park!

In Qin Zheng’s eyes, Tokazaki Kyouzo shouldn’t be able to wait for Qin Zheng to fulfill his promise, but in the eyes of the students, it’s different. They didn’t expect Tokasaki Kyouzo to be so bold, and they just watched. Handed a love letter to the teacher, I want to date the teacher!

Shidao also noticed this obviously, and he frowned!

He wanted to know the content of the letter, because he instinctively felt that the meeting between Tosaki Kuangzo and Qin Zheng was not easy!

"How do I know the content of the letter?" Shidao murmured!

"Hehe, Shidao, are you curious about the content of the letter!" At this time, Hongren came over!

"Nonsense, of course I am curious!" Shidao said out of anger when he saw that it was his friend!

"I know!" Hongren said inexplicably!

"It's written to meet at the Aquarium!" Hongren said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that the usual Wenjing Kuangzo Tokisaki would be so bold. We are going to date the teacher. Let's quietly follow it and have a look!"

"No!" After hearing this, Shidao immediately objected!He and he knew very well the temperament of Kakuzo Tokisaki, that was a very evil spirit!If Hongren follows along, then Hongren will be in danger, "But how did you know?"

"Of course it was Tokazaki Kakuzo's deskmate who saw the content of the letter!" Hongren said with a grin!

"Yeah!" Shidao looked solemn, he felt that he had to go to the Aquarium Park!Of course, he will not go alone, he will also call Chonggong Zhenna together!

The next day, Shido quietly came to a corner of the Aquarium Park. There was still a while before the agreed time. Shina Takamiya hadn't appeared yet, but soon, he saw Kazaki Tokizaki appeared, and she was carrying a small bag. She was wearing a shirt and a long skirt that looked quite high-end, perhaps because the clothes all over her body were black, so this dress looked a bit like mourning clothes.

But this looks even more pretty!

Qin Zheng hadn't appeared yet. While waiting, Tokisaki Kuangzo tapped his cheek with his index finger while humming at random.

Suddenly closing his eyes, Qin Zheng's face naturally appeared in his mind.

Maybe this kind of feeling is what humans call love?

Ever since I knew Qin Zheng's existence, whether he was asleep or awake, his mind kept coming up, wanting to know him better, his interests, his thoughts, and his tastes.

"Haha!" The smile deepened, Kuang San stood up on the spot, and then stretched slightly.

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