The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 402

Shido had noticed Tokazaki Kyouzo, and he discovered that this elf was laughing all the time. Of course, in his eyes, Tokazaki Kyouzo's smile was evil!

Soon, Shido saw Tokazaki Kakuzo as if walking into the park!

"What is she going to do? There are very few people inside, is it to kill people?" Shidao murmured, following far behind!

Tokisaki Kuangsan moved silently and walked into the end of the small alley located deep.

"Oh, oh! What are you doing?" Then, quietly narrowed his eyes and opened his lips lightly.

"Huh?" The teenagers who were talking to Tokizaki Kuangsan seemed to be surprised, their shoulders trembled, and then they turned their heads.

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There are four humans in front of them, and each of them is holding a gun, and surrounded by them is a little shadow that is creeping, it is the cat, and a kitten that has just been born is dragging its feet and meowing. Scream.

"What? Don't be scary!" The boy said irritably. Soon, all the people noticed the existence of Tokizaki Kyouzo, and they looked at Tokizaki Kyouzo at the same time.

"No traffic here, go elsewhere!" After the boy finished speaking, he waved his hand as if he was about to drive Kakuzo Tokazaki away.

However, Tokizaki Kuzami took a step forward and showed a charming smile.

"Oh, don't say that! I have a lot of research on the use of guns, so let me join." Tokisaki Kakuzo offered a suggestion!

"Huh?" One of the teenagers stared at Tokisaki Kakuzo in astonishment, and raised his brows slightly!He finally realized that the person in front of him was a beautiful and beautiful girl, and a lewd smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he leaned in the direction of Kakuzo Tokasaki.

"Do you want to give it a try too?" The young man's ending was pulled long!

"Yes! Please let me join." Tokisaki Kakuzo said pleadingly!!

"I really can't do anything with you, then, use this!" After speaking, the boy handed a toy gun to Tokisaki Kakusan!

"Hehe, please don't worry about me. Anyway, can you change the rules?" Hearing Kazuki Tosaki's words, the teenagers showed a puzzled expression.

"Change the rules?" All the teenagers were stunned!

"It's very simple, just change the target a little bit." A terrifying smile appeared on Tokizaki's face.

Just like in the original book, Shidao also saw this scene, using human life to show her kindness!

The Shido in the original book saw Tokazaki Kyouzo killing with his own eyes, but for some reason, Shido turned a blind eye to it. Now Shido will witness Tokazaki Kyouzo's killing again. From the beginning, Shido did not come into contact with the elves. Without contact with Toka, the Shido who joined the DEM would never think that Tokazaki Kakuzo was kind, but felt very cruel. After all, in his heart, the life of a cat is far less than that of a human, let alone , Rescue a kitten, do you need to kill all four teenagers!

After this incident, Shidao's heart changed again. If he thought that Shixiang and others were excusable before, but now he treats them equally!

Shidao was stunned, everything he saw was stained bright red, and the gray walls and ground were covered with red.

Within a short period of time, Shidao saw three teenagers die in front of him!

Although Shidao possesses power, he is still an ordinary person in his mind. So when he saw killing, Shidao's head was blank for a moment. At the moment when his mind recognized the facts, the strange smell floating around also hit his nose, making Shidao suddenly I felt nausea for a while, and the feeling of vomiting kept pouring up from my stomach to my throat, Shidao subconsciously covered his mouth.

"Ah!" Finally, Shidao let out a scream.

"Well, is anyone there?" It was Tosaki Kakuzo's voice. Shidao looked up, and the black girl stood among them. Shidao knew that this was an elf's spiritual outfit!

"Why are you again!" Wearing a red and black spiritual suit, Tosaki Kakuzo turned his head to look at the Shido and said so, holding an old-style pistol with a very detailed decoration in his left hand, and in the depths of the alley, there was a The trembling teenager was sitting paralyzed on the ground.

The young man breathed desperately as if he was dying while looking in the direction of Shido.

"Please help me! This guy is from a monster!" Tokisaki squinted his eyes three times, then pointed his pistol at the boy.

"Tokisaki Kakusan, you...!" The taxi, who was in a semi-sluggish state, tried to squeeze a voice from his throat, and then Kuangsan giggled, not the usual pitiful smile, but just Hearing the sound makes a terrifying smile that makes the teeth tremble...

"You obviously want to kill a certain creature, but you don't realize that you will be killed. Don't you think this mentality is weird?" Tokisaki Kuangzo tilted his head, and said cutely!

"Don't... don't kill me!" At the moment when the boy was dying to speak, Tokazaki Kuangzo pulled the trigger without hesitation and without hesitation. In an instant, the pitch-black bullets that seemed to be condensed from shadows came from the muzzle. Shoot out, draw a pure black trajectory and shoot into the boy's abdomen.

"I was seen by an outsider, what should I do?" Before killing the last young man, Tokisaki Kakuzo slowly walked towards the Shido!

"It's better to kill you too!" After finishing speaking, Tokazaki Kakuzo pointed his pistol at Shido!

Being pointed at by the pistol, Shidao exploded in a flash, and now he has only one thought left, which is to escape from this place!

He felt that the elves were terrible, the disasters that destroyed the world, the natural enemies of mankind, and he had heard the words countless times in words.

Chonggong Zhenna's repeated lines, these words are accompanied by a strong smell, and they are deeply drawn into Shidao's mind.

Shidao got up in a hurry and wanted to leave!

However, he didn't take a few steps, but his right foot seemed to be restrained by something, making the Shidao unable to move in place.

Shidao looked down, but found that the white arms stretched out from the shadow and caught Shidao's feet!

"Catch it!" Tokisaki Kuzou slowly, approaching the Shido little by little!

"I don't want to die, I want to go!" There were countless thoughts flashing in his mind, Shidao's face became paler, and the struggle became weaker!

Shido had already seen the pistol raised by Tokizaki Kumazo, the target was him!

Despair... fear... keep climbing in my heart!

Suddenly, Shishido discovered that Tokisaki Kakuzo was swallowed by a green thing!

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"It's this feeling again, it's really annoying!" Tokisaki Kuangsan squinted his eyes, not surprised!Then, in the next instant, accompanied by a short gasping sound, the green ball pushed Kakuzo Tokisaki's body back, and the concrete wall was hit by the slender limbs, causing a slight crack.

Shidao didn't know what had happened, but opened his eyes in surprise!

"Brother, are you okay!" At this time, Chong Gong Zhenna stepped up!I don’t know when, Shina Chonggong appeared in front of Shido in a body armor. The equipment on his shoulders is very luxurious. It is different from what I saw before. I think this should be Shina Shina said to concentrate all the firepower. On the top of the new military outfit!

"I'm okay!" Shido shook his head. Because Tokisaki Kuzou was attacked, Shido's bondage was also released!

"Why it's you again! What a chance encounter!" At this moment, Tokazaki Kakuzo stood up!

"Hmph, it's none of your business!" After Chong Gong Zhen finished speaking in a disdainful tone, the parts equipped on the shoulders leaned forward and began to deform in accordance with this action.Finally, the front end of the part split into five parts like a palm. Next, the left and right front parts, which totaled ten in total, began to glow bluish-white.

"Take it to death! Nightmare!" After saying this, the parts of the double shield aimed at Tokizaki Kuzou and shot ten beams.

In a flash of time, Tokazaki Kakuzo reacted extremely quickly, with a light jump, avoiding his attack with a gorgeous posture!

"Oh, oh, it's dangerous!" Tokisaki jumped in midair three times. After saying this with a smile, Chongmiya sneered. The light beams turned abruptly and directly attacked Tokisaki at high speed!

Wow!Even Tokisaki Kuzou couldn't escape such an attack. Both feet and abdomen were pierced by light beams. Tokisaki Kuzou fell to the ground on the spot, and the red blood gradually spread on the ground!

Tokisaki Kuang continued to vomit blood in three mouths, and his whole body began to twitch!

"You monster, stop struggling!" Chong Gong Zhenna raised her palm mercilessly, and then the part changed back to the shape of a shield again, and then a huge lightsaber appeared from the front, but Chong Gong Zhenna did not swing the sword. , But step aside, and then said to Shidao: "Shidao, you go up and kill the nightmare!"

"Ah! I want to... want me to kill her!" After hearing this, Shidao was taken aback and hesitated!

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