The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 445

Lujiu is a ninja. Although not very powerful, he has extraordinary wisdom. Therefore, he knows that as a member of the Ninja Village, a ninja like him is easy to die. Only strength, only strength In order to live in this world, his son seems to have shown a smart side since he was a child. This makes Lujiu very much looking forward to his performance in the future!

However, Lu Jiu thinks deeper. It is not in the peaceful age. Talent is not necessarily a good thing, because only those who grow up are called geniuses, and those who cannot grow up are not geniuses!Every Ninja Village has many talents, but those are the urgent needs of the village. The talents they showed have allowed them to leapfrog and promote, and then enter the battlefield prematurely to fight!If you don't pay attention, you will die!

Of course, some people might say that genius needs to be tempered, but that is not the case, because that is the price of life, even if it is to be tempered, someone needs to watch it, not on the battlefield!

Like Kakashi and his ilk, the reason why he has been able to live to the present, in addition to strength, is more of luck!

"Huh?" At this time, Qin Zheng raised his brows, and he looked at Lu Jiu!Just now, he felt an extremely evil, tyrannical aura surging in. Of course, this aura was not directed at him, but enveloped the entire village. Qin Zheng knew that Nine Tails ran away and Naruto was born. Even if four generations die!

Qin Zheng's body trembled slightly, his current body made him unable to bear such a breath!Kyuubi is very far away from him now, but he can still feel Kyuubi's rage and negative emotions!

It is an emotion that needs to destroy everything around!

In Qin Zheng’s memory, Nine Tails are synonymous with wickedness. Of course, that’s just the insight from watching Naruto Animation before gaining strength. Now that he has experienced several worlds, it is even more powerful than Nine Tails. Now, he naturally won't have much fear, and he is himself, he will be safe to stay here!

Nine Tails can't hurt here!

It's just that Qin Zheng felt unwilling to think that the huge chakra of Nine Tails was taken away by Naruto!

But think about it, it’s not a big thing to have a chakra without nine tails. Many powerful ninjas don’t rely on tail beasts to become powerful. Moreover, nine tails are really difficult to control. You can know it by getting bruises all over your body. The only way to control a tail beast born of negative emotions like Nine Tails is through powerful power like Madara!

It's just that Qin Zheng still can't do this. The other is to influence it, just like Naruto. Of course, this road is only suitable for Naruto, because Qin Zheng is not a passionate fool!

"Sure enough, he is a keen child!" Lu Jiu sighed, his eyes softened when he looked at Qin Zheng, first he hugged Qin Zheng and then calmed him!!

Lu Jiu also felt this breath, but he was quite calm!

"The matter is not good, Lord Lujiu!" At this time, there was a hurried cry from outside the courtyard, and a young man walked in quickly, he said hurriedly!

Lu Jiu put Qin Zheng on the sofa, and then solemnly said, "What happened?"

"My lord, is Nine Tails out of control?" The young man said respectfully!

"You help me take care of Lumaru now, and I will rush over immediately!" Lu Jiu said to the young man!Although he had speculation in his heart, his face was still ugly after the speculation was confirmed!

Lu Jiu joins the battlefield of Nine Tails, coupled with the superiority of the Pig Deer Butterfly, dealing with the out-of-control Nine Tails is naturally no more!

Although Nine Tails are powerful, it is difficult to destroy Konoha Village, and it is not that the third generation of Hokage is still there, or the golden flash, it can also protect the village!

Qin Zheng estimated that when he brought soil to control Nine Tails to destroy Konoha Village, he didn't really want Konoha Village to be destroyed. The purpose should be to delay the pace of the fourth generation, or to kill the fourth generation!

For some reason, Qin Zheng didn't care much!

Once the four generations die, the third generation will become Hokage again, and he should also consider the future. Writing round eyes, reincarnation eyes, and white eyes, these high blood successors are all within Qin Zheng's coveted range!

Data 0004

Although Kyuubi is strong, he wants to destroy Konoha Village, the first of the five ninja villages, and the two Hokage of Konoha Village are still there, so it is still incapable. The three generations of Naruto are not like fighting Oshemaru more than a decade later. It was like that, slowly and old, and the sacrifice of the fourth generation of Hokage saved many lives and the safety of the village!

There is no doubt that the fourth generation of a great ninja, although Naruto’s birth gave Kyuubi an opportunity, but his strong personality charm made the villagers unable to scold him, not to mention the fourth generation of Hokage has already sacrificed He was sacrificed to protect everyone, so no one could find an excuse to resent him!

Four generations of Hokage, gold flashes, but it is the pride of this village!

The Nine-Tailed Runaway incident can be said to have come to an end. Nine-Tailed was sealed again, sealed in the body of the four-generation newborn son!

After some sorting, the village has temporarily restored its tranquility, and the funeral of the fourth generation of Hokage will be held under the Hokage Rock in four days!

At this time the war is coming to an end, but this is a real chaotic world, and people die all the time, so even for the funeral of the shadow of a village, there are no cumbersome steps. It just raises the level of venue and specifications. On this day, participate in four generations. The ninjas and villagers of Naruto Funeral dressed in black spontaneously swarmed down the Naruto Rock!

Numerous people continued to appear, with grief on their faces. Even familiar people just nodded and did not speak. They spontaneously gathered into a black river and set off toward Hokage Rock. The whole village was immersed in sadness. Among them, it is not only because of the personality charm of the fourth generation of Hokage, but more importantly, when the fourth generation of Hokage is gone, the village is weak!

At the beginning, Sannin, three generations of Naruto, and the golden flash were still there, how powerful the village was, even if it was a continuous multi-line war, it is not a problem, but now, when Sannin is leaving, the third generation of Naruto is getting older, and the fourth generation of Naruto is dead Not to mention, the village has entered a period of weakness, perhaps, as long as the careerist with strength will take this opportunity to bite Konoha Village!

In the village, except for the medical ninjas on duty and stationed everywhere, except for the ninjas responsible for the safety of the village, all the ninjas followed!

Qin Zheng was held by Jinai, and his family came to attend the funeral of the fourth generation of Hokage!

With the flow of people, they came to the bottom of Hokage Rock. At this time, it hadn't rained yet, but the sky was gray and it was very bad. Even the heavens couldn't bear to let such a good person leave!

Qin Zheng looked at the photo. The fourth generation of Hokage in the photo was young and handsome, with a gentle smile, his eyes firm and very persistent!

In the age when the three ninjas came out in large numbers and the three generations of Naruto were in the same place, Bo Feng Shuimen could stand out and become the fourth generation of Naruto. How powerful and amazing talent is needed!I have to say that if it weren't for this accidental death, a ninja who had a deep understanding of space ninjas at a young age would be another six immortals!

Qin Zheng turned his attention to the baby Naruto again!

At this time, Naruto, a baby, was sleeping peacefully in the arms of the third generation of Hokage. He did not expect him. Without the protection of the fourth generation of Hokage, how miserable his childhood would be!

The fourth generation of Naruto used their own deaths to redeem their reputation. People could not transfer this responsibility to the fourth generation of Naruto, but they vented this resentment on Naruto, who was still a baby. Perhaps, they all know that they don’t know. Naruto of love is innocent, but they need an excuse to vent!

The villagers don't know the existence of Madara and Daitu, nor do they know how the fourth generation of Hokage faced a crisis. It was because of this that Naruto's tragedy was caused!

Of course, with Naruto's big nerves, this kind of tragedy can be regarded as a kind of tempering. Qin Zhengming asked himself if he was himself, he would have betrayed Konoha long ago. Only a fool like Naruto constantly wants to get it. Recognition of others!

Although there is a hint of sympathy for Naruto, Qin Zheng will not deliberately help him, because for Qin Zheng, who is determined to stand on the top of the Ninja World, he has his own way to go!

Naruto was still a baby at this time, and Qin Zheng paid more attention to the old man holding Naruto, the old man wearing the hat and cloak that represented Konoha and Hokage!

The old man’s face was dark and very haggard. With the old spots and a pinch of goatee on his face, if he didn’t recognize him, others would think he was a farmer, but there was nothing in his eyes. That kind of turbidity that old people belong to alone, but wise and brilliant!

This man is known as the god of ninja!Although he doesn't know space ninjutsu, he still has a great reputation!

At this time, the whole village was immersed in the grief that the fourth generation of Hokage had left. The third generation had a pipe in his mouth, but at this time they seemed very determined!Come to think of it, the third generation of Hokage should also know that with the departure of the fourth generation of Hokage, he will re-take the position of Hokage, and for the next ten years, the village will maintain the restrained policy to ensure the growth of the next generation. !

The three generations of Hokage must also know very well that if fighting broke out at this time, it would be extremely bad for Konoha Village!

The three generations of Hokage re-established as Hokage, just want to use the prestige accumulated in the Ninja world to breathe time for the village babies and let the new generation grow up!

The fact is like this. Although the three generations of Hokage are standing still, they mostly compromised when facing Danzo, but this also ensures the growth of the twelve Xiaoqiang!

As for Danzo, he is more like a military chief who uses those slogans to protect the village all day long to confuse others to death, and he likes to make small moves behind his back. How can such a person be recognized by others and be regarded as Hokage!

Data 0005

The three generations of Hokage’s policies are correct. The Twelve Xiaoqiang eventually grew up, especially Naruto, who became a hero!

Qin Zheng has experienced the same life as ordinary people for several years, and finally started to contact Chakra!

"What is Chakra?"

"Chakra is power, the foundation of ninja, and the foundation of ninjutsu!"

"How to form a chakra?"

"The power of the body and the power of the spirit combine to give birth to a chakra!"

"Your answer is correct, but there are still some omissions. In addition, you still have to use your will to temper your body and spirit!"

"Yes!" Qin Zhenggong said respectfully!

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