The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 446

Seven years passed in a hurry. Starting from the fourth year, such questions and answers have been going on every day. Lu Jiu began to teach Qin Zheng basic things. Of course, Qin Zheng’s current strength has not changed much, because In the past three years, Qin Zheng learned most of the theories. This was a last resort. His young body restricted the growth of his strength. Even though Qin Zheng understood the practice of Chakra, he officially started to practice Chakra, but because Physically, he couldn't get a powerful chakra after all. Naruto was injured by the nine-tailed chakra because his physical hardware couldn't keep up, so Qin Zheng might as well focus on theoretical knowledge!Now Qin Zheng is like a sponge, constantly absorbing theoretical knowledge!

However, Chakra is ultimately a product of the combination of body and spirit. Qin Zheng’s physical hardware can’t keep up, but the software can. Therefore, Qin Zheng can still do some targeted training to ensure that he has transcendence among his peers. Most people's chakra volume, of course, is incomparable with Naruto's perversion, but Qin Zheng believes that even if it is not as good as some illegitimate children who are favored by the heavens, the qualifications will not be bad!

Qin Zheng has a lot of time to learn theoretical knowledge. It is foreseeable that in a period of time in the future, Qin Zheng, who has laid a solid foundation, will lead a large number of people of his age. After a period of study in school, his strength will change qualitatively. , At least it will be like this before becoming Xia Ren!

Accumulate thin hair, soar into the sky, that's it!

In the original work, the twelve Xiaoqiang who are still studying at school are like this. Although there are differences between them, they are not that big gap. Until they become Xia Ren, with their own training, their respective talents are shown. , The polarization began, and there was a gap like a chasm. Of course, this is also related to personal circumstances!

In Qin Zheng's eyes, whether it is Naruto or Sasuke, it is dependent on his father's generation and the family's shadow. Needless to say, Naruto is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage. He is regarded as a normal apprentice by Zilai Ya. It is also normal, so Naruto can learn Helix Pills, can learn advanced ninjutsu, and even learn psychic art to show off his power!

Sasuke also got Kakashi to open a small stove, and also got a gift from his own brother, and finally he was comparable to Naruto with the power of Nine Tails!

Qin Zheng is not the two of them. It is impossible for Zilai to accept him as an apprentice, nor is it possible for him to kneel and lick Zilai, and the Nara clan is not a very strong family in Muye Village, and the network is even more lacking. However, Qin Zheng Now there is no need for personal connections. When he becomes Xiaren and Sarutobi Asma becomes his mentor, he may be able to make up for the shortage of contacts. After all, Sarutobi Asma is the son of three generations of Naruto!

While on Earth, Qin Zheng also saw a lot of Hokage's colleagues. Most of the Hokage's colleagues defected from the village of Konoha, because this seems free and easy, but Qin Zheng has another plan, that is to become Hokage!

To become Hokage, the difficulty is not small, not only to have strength, but also to have prestige!!

Qin Zheng didn't worry about his strength. As for his prestige, he would start from the same day!

Genius is not so simple. In this world, the name of genius is very stingy. Even if you speak at one year old, you can only get the evaluation of being smart and clever, because in the eyes of people in this world, the name of genius must be possessed Surpass the strength of your peers, and gain prestige through victories!

Uchiha Itachi, Osamaru, Kakashi, they are all the same. When they have not won again and again, who would call themselves a genius, in other words, the genius is blocked by others, and even the enemy is playing on you The name of genius is considered success!

The name of genius is still very useful to ascend to the position of Hokage. For example, Dashemaru, before he left the village, he was once one of the candidates of Hokage, but finally defected!Moreover, the name of genius can increase the sense of fear and awe of the crowd towards him. Before Dashemaru did not defect, the villagers feared Dashemaru more than Zilai!

The same is true for Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke becomes stronger as a matter of course, and Naruto becomes stronger and unbelievable!Therefore, if Qin Zheng does not have the title of genius, even if he has strong strength in the future, he will not be recognized by everyone, just like the nouveau riche, unless he uses his own power to save the world like Naruto in the original book. There is a possibility!

Since there is a more convenient method, Qin Zheng will naturally not be so complicated!

Now, in peacetime, you can't gain prestige and honor from war, so if you want to get the name of genius, you must stay first in the ninja school!

In the original book, Sasuke has always maintained the first place, but Qin Zheng has already come, so he can only be second!

"Lumaru, are you here?" On this day, Qin Zheng walked into Lu Jiu’s study. Of course, there were very few ninjutsu in Lu Jiu’s study and there was a lot of theoretical knowledge. finish watching!

Lu Jiu put down the book in his hand and said!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled and looked at Lu Jiu!

"Tomorrow you are going to a ninja school to study, so I won't say much, because you have never had to worry about me, and now I believe you can handle the problems you will encounter next!" Lu Jiu said with a smile !

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Ninja School, as a hotbed for cultivating talents, the foundation is naturally not superficial, but this is equivalent to a base for cultivating military personnel!

"Don't worry, I will pay attention!" Qin Zheng smiled, and then nodded!

"Hehe, you can accept it!" Lu Jiu smiled again. He originally thought his son would be disgusted with going to school, but now it seems that he is too worried!

Qin Zheng also knows this. Naturally, he will not object to being able to study in school. Rising from a high building on the ground, he uses bad old sayings, but it is the most reasonable saying. Everything learned in the ninja school is based on it. The future ninja will be useful for life!

Qin Zheng has seen some Naruto fans. Because they have the soul of their peers, they are full of contempt for the ninja school and have a superior attitude towards their peers. But Qin Zheng will not be like this. What if he can become a ninja in advance?What you learned in the ninja school is not learned, but you have to fumble slowly on the battlefield at the cost of your life. This is not worth the gain!

Eight and twelve-year-old ninjas enter the battlefield. The twelve-year-old ninja has a much higher chance of surviving. However, it is a time of peace and there is no war. No matter how genius you are, you can’t end your career early!

Qin Zhengzaohui is already familiar with the village, so Lu Jiu does not need to follow him, but he did not come to the school by himself. He is also accompanied by Ding Ci and Ino. Ino has a single ponytail and a long one. The bangs almost cover one eye, the skin is fair, and the eyes are very smart, but they look more playful!

And Ding Ci's figure has begun to take shape, it looks more cute!

As for why Qin Zheng would be with these two people, that was arranged by Lu Jiu. When I want to come, Lu Jiu also seems to want Qin Zheng to form a new generation of pig deer butterflies, and then start to cultivate affection since childhood!Qin Zheng can foresee that in the next few years, even before becoming Zhong Ren, the three of them will be divided into a team!

"Shikamaru, Dingci, let's sit here!" Ino was more lively. After entering the classroom, he found a good place and beckoned for Shikamaru and Dingci to come!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled, then followed Ding Ci and sat beside Ino!

The first time he came to the Ninja School, Qin Zheng saw many faces that he had never met but were very familiar with!

Naruto and Sasuke, these two good friends, and other Xiaoqiangs have all met one by one. At this time, Naruto is more mischievous. Of course, this is just a way he wants to attract attention, and Sasuke , Has not experienced a major change in the family, so following Uchiha Itachi, looks very shy!

"It's a pity!" Uchiha's family is considered rich, but it won't last long!

Qin Zheng remembered that when Konoha Village was established, there was no ninja school at all. Instead, the second generation Naruto broke through the many obstacles of the ninja giants, and then established it to give the villagers a fair chance of education. It is this measure, and there are very amazing powerhouses. The fourth generation of Naruto Wave Fengshuimen is an example!

The three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Sasuke is also an example. If the Sasuke Sasuke of the third generation Naruto Sasuke is considered to be a wealthy family, then Oshemaru, Jiraiya and others are all civilians, and then become ninjas through ninjas, and eventually become three. Forbearance!However, strong family support is not the help of Hokage, and may even become an obstacle!

Because civilian ninjas will not deliberately move closer to rich ninjas, they will only identify with powerful and prestigious ninjas!

The three generations of Naruto and the fourth generation of Naruto did not rely on family power to become Naruto. Even the fifth generation of Naruto Tsunade also relied on medical ninjutsu, healed countless ninjas, and made great achievements to become Naruto!

It is good to have a good blood succession, but no matter how strong he is, he will be taken for granted. By relying on the family, they are like the rich second generation. No matter how high they get, they will be regarded as helping him. From below!

However, Qin Zheng’s Nara clan has a lot of shortcomings. Ninjutsu is single and limited. In the early stage, he may be ahead of his peers, but in the later stage, when Naruto and Sasuke exert their strength, Qin Zheng will not be able to keep up. It is necessary to obtain reincarnation eyes and writing round eyes, this is the goal Qin Zheng has set for himself!

There are many opportunities to get Shao Lunyan. For example, in the Uchiha genocide that happened soon, Qin Zheng could get a Shao Lun Yan, but even if Qin Zheng got Shao Lun Yan, he would not be able to transplant it immediately because he was still there. Living in Konoha Village, if the writing wheel is seen, he will definitely be taken away by Anbu!

There is another reason, even if he hasn't mastered medical ninjutsu yet!

In addition, after the Uchiha clan was destroyed, Danzo got almost all of Uchiha's Sharanyan, and Danzo was connected to Oshamaru. Oshamaru must have Sharanyan in his hands, although I don’t know why he insisted on getting Sasuke. His body, not his eyes, but this is not Qin Zheng's concern. After Qin Zhengri becomes stronger in the future, Qin Zheng can ask Da She Wan for more!

As for the eyes of reincarnation, the only pair, the chance is much smaller. The only possibility is that when Nagato destroys Konoha, as long as you kill Nagato, the eyes of reincarnation will come naturally, but the soil hidden in the dark will definitely show up. , Rob the eyes of reincarnation with him, as for who is the winner, it depends on who is strong!

After all, it's the relationship of strength!If there is no external force that can be used, the only way to fully develop the shadow restraint technique of the Nara clan!Adding changes in the nature of the Nara secret technique will greatly increase the power of Qin Zheng's ninjutsu!

However, these require full knowledge and perfect control of Chakra. Knowing this, Qin Zheng will naturally spend more time practicing. The content of the practice is climbing trees and treading water. In the original book, climbing trees and treading water. It's all technical work. Climbing a tree to attach Chakra to your feet, then walk up like a walk, even hanging upside down!And treading water, you also need exquisite control to keep yourself from falling into the water!

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It is very difficult to develop ninjutsu with increased attribute changes. In the original work, Naruto only mastered the attribute changes after the later stage, and incorporated it into Helix Maru!

Now, Qin Zheng does not have the perfect control of Chakra, this matter will be let go!

"If the dark fruit's ability is added to the Nara's secret technique, will that person lose his strength after restraining someone?" Qin Zheng thought to his heart, looked at his palm, and there were grains in his palm. The small black particles, those particles wanted to be separated from Qin Zheng's palm, but they seemed to be attractive. Qin Zheng did not succeed!

Just now, Qin was trying to darken the palm of his hand, but unfortunately, it failed. After seven years of travel, the power of Dark Fruit seemed to be suppressed and unable to use it. This surprised Qin Zheng. To say that the method of becoming stronger by constantly devouring blood has become a fantasy, at least for now!

"Perhaps wait until the strength reaches a certain level before recovering!" Qin Zheng sighed helplessly, thinking again in his heart!

In addition to learning theories, Qin Zheng also meditates. Meditation has many benefits. The most intuitive thing is to exercise his spirit and increase his chakra!

"Shikamaru, you're still here! Let's go quickly, it's almost time to gather, have you forgotten to test the shuriken today?" He has long pale yellow hair and beautiful blue eyes. Yamanaka Ino opened the door and walked in, and said to Qin Zheng who was sitting in his seat and meditating in his spare time!

After shouting, Ino also looked at Ding Ci, who was hiding in an obscure corner of the classroom and was sneaking snacks, and said helplessly: "Ding Ci, you are eating snacks again. You should exercise more and go out more. Exercising, will become...!" Like in the original book, the ten-year-old Ding Ci started to eat snacks, and his body was twice as large as an average child, but this is what their family of ninjutsu needs Body type!

"Ino, let's go!" Qin Zheng opened his eyes, and then interrupted Ino. You must know that Fatty is a taboo word for Ding Ci, so even if the three of them are good friends, they should not mention it!

Ding Ci seemed to be relatively silent. After a simple smile, he stuffed snacks into his schoolbag, and then went out with Qin Zheng and Ino!

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