The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 453

Qin Zheng kept on rushing, and then Asma caught up!

"Kunai!" Qin Zheng sneered and shot Kunai at Asma!

Asma also shot kunai, and resisted the shot kunai!

A hit was unsuccessful, Qin Zheng had forgotten the time, now Ding Ci should have returned to Muye Village, but he still dare not care!

Qin Zheng clings to Chakra at his feet and is about to escape!

Asma seemed to get tired of this cat-and-mouse trick, and instead of chasing after him, she said indifferently: "The scroll is not on you, right!"

"Teacher really looks like a torch!" Qin Zheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and stopped, then spread his hands and smiled!

"You kid is really okay!" Asma took another cigarette, shook her head helplessly, and said, "No way, I lost to three kiddies!"

Qin Zheng didn't speak, and Asma said these words, it meant that they had passed the assessment!Soon, Qin Zhengbian and Asma walked out of the woods and came to the entrance of Konoha Village. At the entrance of Konoha Village, Ding Ci and Ino were already waiting!

"Lumaru, we succeeded!" Seeing Qin Zheng coming out, Ino was very happy to say to Qin Zheng!

"Ding Ci, you did a great job!" Qin Zheng smiled and said to Ding Ci!

Ding Ci did not live up to the trust of Qin Zheng and Ino, and looked very happy at this time!

"I have to admit. You have completed and passed my assessment! From now on, you will endure it!" Looking at the three people happily, Asma laughed again: "Today is the first day of becoming your mentor. I invite you to eat Yile Ramen!" Yile Ramen is naturally the one that Naruto has taken care of. Qin Zheng also went to taste it. It's really delicious!

At Yile Ramen, the three of them ordered their favorite ramen. Taking advantage of their spare time, Ino asked curiously: "Ms. Asma, didn't you say that there are three tests? Why not take the third test?"

"Haha, you have already completed the level perfectly, so the third time is unnecessary!" Asma spread out her hands and smiled: "You should talk about your second round strategy!"

"Let Shikamaru talk about this, we are just doing it according to his request!" Mei Mo Ino looked at Qin Zheng beside her!

Qin Zheng thought for a while, and then said: "Teacher Asma, in fact, the first round of testing is to pave the way for the second round of testing. You already know our general information in the first round of testing, and we The three of them have been playing since childhood. I know Ino and Dingji very well, so I quietly unwrapped the scrolls and hide the real scrolls!"

"Why are you so sure that I won't find Dingci's snacks?" Asma asked curiously again!

"Because of the intelligence, Ding Ci's first impression is honest and honest, and since you can get information from Ding Ci's mouth, naturally you won't pay attention to small snacks!" Qin Zheng explained!

"More than that!" Asma added: "In order to reduce my attention to snacks, you also deliberately exposed some flaws, such as letting Ding Ci leave first, let me pre-emptively focus on Ino, waiting for me to find out. When Ino didn’t have a real scroll, I was in a dilemma! At the last moment, you were sure I would go to you, so I prepared the shadow clone and once again blocked my time!"

I have to say that Shangren's observational power is still there, and soon Asma said Qin Zheng's thinking!

Qin Zheng nodded, admitting it!

Dingci and Ino didn't expect that there were so many ways!

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Qin Zheng didn't feel surprised. Shangren has a keen observation ability and will indeed analyze his behavior thoroughly in a short time!

Of course, Qin Zheng’s success is also based on several points, intelligence, psychological analysis, and the entire test. It is Qin Zheng who exerts the greatest function. The other two people are soy sauce, but Qin Zheng will not say it, but He smiled and continued: "We can succeed because of the unity of our team!"

Asma nodded, judging from today's battle, he has understood Qin Zheng's mind, Chakra volume, and calm analysis ability!

"Okay, eat slowly! I'll go back first!" Asma took out another pack of cigarettes, and said very comfortably!"Remember, come here tomorrow morning to gather!"

"Teacher Asma, your noodles have not been finished yet!" Ino reminded immediately, but Asma left without looking back!

"What's wrong with Asma?" Ino seemed very strange!

"It's time to rate us!" Qin Zheng thought for a while, then said!Qin Zheng remembered that there seemed to be this link in the original work!Indeed, because Hokage attaches great importance to the growth of the new generation, after the test results come out, the three generations of Hokage need everyone to report to the group like him!

Konoha Village has its own set of talent training mechanisms. It can be said that Qin Zheng’s assessment method is not available in other Shinnin villages. Excellent people can become Xianren, and those who are not excellent can continue to learn. Unlike Wuren Village, let all Everyone in the world fights together, and the last one who lives is Xia Ren. Although the person who survives may be strong, stronger than the average person of the same age, what can only one person do to become Xia Ren!Without the injection of fresh blood, Wunin Village can be said to be worse than a year. Of course, now that Shuiying is controlled by others, it is not surprising to make such a move!

The mechanism of cultivating talents in Konoha Village also proves that it is the best. The first of the five ninja villages is Konoha!

"What kind of evaluation would Mr. Asma give us?" Ino was a little bit troubled!

"Don't think about it, it's okay!" Qin Zheng smiled!After the trio talked and laughed and went home, in Hokage's office, the third generation of Hokage gently pushed the files in their hands, then glanced at the tutors standing opposite, and said: "Start with the first class, report to your group The situation!"

The first class of guidance, Shinobu, immediately went out. Although this world is said to be respected by strength, as a leader, the respect that should be given is still to be given!

"Inoue Iwa: E, Hyuga Ota: E, Nara Wave: E, Group evaluation: E!" The Shinobu said the evaluation in his group, the evaluation is divided into four levels, E is failing, D is passing , C is qualified, B is good, A is excellent!

After listening to the three generations of Hokage, there is no change in their expressions. Originally, they were outdone in the original work, and now they will not get the attention of the third generation of Hokage!

The next instructor once again said the evaluation of his group, but unfortunately, none of the groups can pass. Finally, in the seventh class, Kakashi, Kakashi, as the most powerful Shinobu, was sent It's the best way to protect the Kuki Naruto and Sasuke!

Seeing Kakashi out, the three generations of Naruto looked forward to it, one is the descendant of the famous Uchiha clan, and the other is the son of the fourth generation of Naruto!However, he was destined to be disappointed. Perhaps it was a wrong decision to cram both the children of Fortune into the same group. Naruto and Sasuke seemed to be fighting separately!

"Naruto Uzumaki: D, Sakura Haruno: D, Sasuke Uchiha: C, Group evaluation: D!" This time, the third generation of Hokage completely frowned, because it made him very disappointed. After thinking about it for a long time, the third generation of Hokage once again. Asked: "Kakashi, tell me all of their performance!"

Kakashi talked about the performance of the three. Among them, the third generation of Naruto will nod when it is desirable, and the third generation of Naruto will shook his head when it is undesirable. In general, it is still very disappointing, but compared to From the perspective of the upper six classes, this group has already exploded the upper six classes!

After Kakashi finished speaking, Hong was also out!

"Inuzuka Toga: C, Hinata Hyuga: C, Yuzino: B, Group evaluation: B!" After Hong finished speaking, she did not forget to glance at Kakashi. In her eyes, she brought the group. Being able to surpass the Kakashi guy, but a thing worth celebrating, you know, Kakashi's strength is recognized as the strongest in Shangnin!

However, it is normal that Inuzuka's team is better than them!Hinata Hyuga has no opinion. She will do what others tell her to do. Although Inuzuka Ya says he is a bit stinky, he is very strong. Only Shino has a calm performance. For the time being, he can persuade Inuzuka, unlike Naruto. People fight each other like that!

Kakashi was silent. He knew that this evaluation didn't mean anything. As the Nine-Tailed Juli Naruto and the Uchiha clan, Sasuke possessed strength beyond most people!

Finally, it was Asma. In this solemn atmosphere, Asma also put away the sloppy style, and then said: "Aki Mitsuji: B, Yamanaka Ino: B, Nara Shikamaru: A, the group evaluation: A!"

"Wow!" As soon as this statement came out, all Shangren looked at him, because this is the highest grade that rarely appears!

The three generations of Hokage are also very curious, this group seems to be the biggest dark horse, and Nara Shikamaru can even get the evaluation of A, this generation of pig, deer and butterfly trio, they cooperate very well!Of course he will not doubt his son. After becoming Shinobu, everyone has their own evaluation criteria. Asma said that Nara Shikamaru is excellent, then he must have an excellent side!

"Tell me something about the group!" Three generations of Hokage still asked!

Asma organized the language and explained all Qin Zheng's practices!

Kakashi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this kind of thought, this kind of leadership ability, it is estimated that it can be compared with Zhongren, no wonder there will be the highest evaluation!

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Yurihong was surprised. The pride she had just born was gone. According to Asma's statement, the kid named Nara Shikamaru could explode all the members of their group!

Three generations of Hokage nodded with satisfaction, this Nara Shikamaru surprised him too much!

The third generation of Hokage slowly stood up, and then looked at the scenery outside the window, and said blankly: "The team members pass the assessment guidance and stay, and the others will withdraw first!"

"Yes!" The other seven people quickly walked out, leaving only three Shinobu, Kakashi, Yurihong, and Asma in the Naruto office!

"The nine Xia Ren in your hands will be the hope of Konoha Village. I hope you will continue to train them against the weaknesses of several people. Of course, you must also protect them. Konoha Village can't stand the toss!" Then, three generations Only then did Hokage speak slowly!

"Yes!" Kakashi three people said respectfully immediately!

Qin Zheng naturally didn't know what happened in the Hokage office. Now, he has returned home!

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