The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 454

Qin Zheng passed the examination and became Xia Ren, which made Ji Nai and Lu Jiu very happy, and through inquiries, Lu Jiu also knew that Qin Zheng had received the highest evaluation, which made Lu Jiu happy!Although the meeting in the Hokage office is secret, this kind of thing is obviously not kept secret. Lu Jiu, who has connections, can easily inquire about Qin Zheng's evaluation!

That night, Qin Zheng was called to the study by Lu Jiu!

"Shikamaru, congratulations on becoming a Shinobu, and Asma gives you the highest grade A rating!" Lu Jiu said lightly!

Qin Zheng nodded, the highest evaluation was within his expectations, he would not be surprised!

Lu Jiu looked at his son, feeling in his heart. To a large extent, this child is different from himself. For example, he is calmer and more silent than ordinary children, and he seems to have the energy to spend endlessly. Learn knowledge, and he can feel that his son seems very ambitious!

"You should also know how this evaluation has affected you!" Lu Jiu hesitated, then nodded: "After you have this evaluation, the people in the village will put more attention on you, you It's a small reputation now. This reputation is not only limited to the ninja school, even Shinobu will hear about you!"

"However, don't imagine that the resources in the village will tilt you drastically! But you are more dangerous than ordinary people. If you are good, you must execute some dangerous characters, and you may lose your life at any time!" Lu Jiudun After a pause, said!However, Lu Jiu also understands that as a ninja, fighting is something to face sooner or later. Faced with it early will benefit Qin Zheng a lot, not to mention the protection of the supreme tolerance, Qin Zheng should not be in danger of life!As the focal point of a village, Lu Jiu knows the flaws and shortcomings of the Nara clan. Can Qin Zheng once again blaze a trail and maintain this position forever?This still needs time to test!!

Qin Zheng nodded, Naruto World is not like the world in fantasy novels, which can be improved by pill, so for Qin Zheng, resources are not needed for the time being, of course, it is not that they will never be needed, but resources are nothing more than It is Ninjutsu. With Qin Zheng's current strength, he really needs high-level Ninjutsu, and Qin Zheng has already thought about this!

Helix Maru, this is the ninjutsu Qin Zheng wants to learn. It can be said that the super killer moves from the first part of Naruto to the end, but Naruto's practice has several episodes, including the practice of Helix Maru. The methods and attention issues are all explained in detail, and even adding attribute changes at the back is also exhaustive. Therefore, Qin Zheng can learn the spiral pill without anyone teaching it!

It’s just that adding the attribute change will hurt himself. It might be like Naruto’s first addition to the attribute change and almost abolished his own arms. Therefore, Qin Zheng still needs someone to guide himself to add the attribute change, or wait until After the strength reaches Shangnin, add attribute changes!

But Qin Zheng doesn't have any hole cards yet, so he urgently needs Helix Pill to make up for this shortcoming, and that person is Asma!However, Helix Pill was developed by the fourth generation of Hokage. If Qin Zheng wants to practice honestly, he has to find a chance to show off with the third generation of Hokage, at least not to make them suspicious!

Lu Jiu looked at Qin Zheng, knowing that he understood his words thoroughly, but Qin Zheng fell silent, and Lu Jiu, who didn't know how to communicate with his family, also became silent!

Lu Jiu seemed to have thought of something in the end, and then said to Qin Zheng: "Lumaru, I have discussed with your mother. If you pass the test of Shinnin, we will give you a gift. What gift do you need?"

"Gift?" Qin Zheng was taken aback, thought for a while, and did not speak!

"Do you really need a gift?" Lu Jiu said again!

Qin Zheng smiled faintly. He did need something, but Lu Jiu could not get this thing!

Seeing Qin Zheng laughed, how could Lu Jiu not know Qin Zheng's thoughts!That's because he couldn't meet Qin Zheng's request!Suddenly, he felt that he was a failure as a father, and he couldn't even satisfy his son's requirements!

Seeing how Lu Jiu was deeply hit, Qin Zheng thought for a while and said, "I don't need any gifts now. If possible, I will postpone this gift!"

"Well then!" At last, Lu Jiu nodded in desperation!

After Qin Zheng left, he began to think about how to practice spiral pills!

Now is the time to practice Helix Pills. When He finishes Helix Pills, he can once again lead his peers by a big margin!

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What Qin Zheng needs is naturally the Chakra's Blade, which can store Chakra's weapons. With his shadow restraint technique, it can be said that it will become his second hole card!However, the materials that can store chakras are very rare, as expensive and rare as gold, and they are not available to Lujiu!

After all, Lu Jiu is not the patriarch now, what Qin Zheng thought of was to wait for his own strength to increase again, and after the patriarch showed its due value, he would propose to the patriarch!

As for practicing Chakra, Qin Zheng naturally seeks a place where no one is there. As for whether it will attract the attention of the three generations of Hokage, Qin Zheng does not mind!

At the beginning of the spiral pill practice, you must use two hands, one hand is ready to condense the chakra ball, and the other hand is constantly pushing back and forth on the hand preparing to condense the chakra, and both hands release the chakra until a chakra is formed. Carat ball, at this stage, it is natural for Qin Zheng to release Chakra to a part of his body!

In the second stage, a certain amount of chakras are continuously released, and then in the third stage, the water polo balloon practice is to maintain the released chakras and materialize them until the balloon can be broken. After this stage, the spiral pill is already Can cause damage, but can only cause very light surface damage.

In the final stage, combine all the previous things, gather the chakra in your hand, continue to release, maintain, and finally solidify it into a small typhoon, which becomes infinitely powerful and can not only cause greater surface damage , And can penetrate into the enemy's body and destroy the enemy's interior, so even if it is recovered from the pocket, it will fall to the ground with this trick!

However, there is a disadvantage of this trick, that is, the speed is too slow. If you encounter an agile opponent, the hero is useless. However, it also has a good advantage. It does not require a lot of chakras. The useful ninjutsu is also very suitable for Qin Zheng at this stage!

After practising alone for half a night, Qin Zheng returned home after he could almost master the spiral pill. The next day, Qin Zheng and Ino came to Yile Ramen to gather. Starting today, Qin Zheng and others are going to perform the task!

Ninja can receive very few tasks, and D-level tasks are the most. In the original book, Naruto’s group received many D-level tasks, such as helping people find cats, cleaning up garbage, etc. In Qin Zheng's eyes, these D-level tasks can be completed without a ninja being born at all, and an ordinary person can complete them, but why do the three generations of Naruto need ninjas to complete it!

The purpose is very simple. It is to cultivate the patience of ninjas and hone their temperament. Qin Zheng’s group has received an A-level evaluation. It can be said to be the most powerful, but there is no exception. Asma took Qin Zheng and others to complete it. For many D-level missions, Ding Ci was a taciturn person, and although Ino had complaints, under Qin Zheng's enlightenment, he barely accepted such boring missions!

Although Asma is not very good at forbearance, he is responsible for the victory, and Qin Zheng and others are very concerned!

A few days later, while Qin continued to practice Helix Pills, he did not forget to ask Asma for questions!

This afternoon, after the Qin Zheng and the three completed a D-level task, they walked into the Hokage Building under the leadership of Asma!

The organization where Konoha issues the task is also in the Naruto building, but not in the Naruto office. Of course, only if it is an A-level or higher task, Hokage will issue it in person!

However, when Qin Zheng walked in, he saw an old man with a Hokage hat sitting in front of him. It was the third generation of Hokage. Facing Hokage, the most powerful figure in the village, as long as he is not as big as Naruto. Nervous, comers will cheer up their spirits, and dare not neglect the slightest!!

Asma also seemed to find it very strange, but did not ask anything. Instead, he handed the task card to the relevant personnel, who then handed him to the third generation of Hokage!

The three generations of Hokage looked at the A-level evaluation on the task card, with a knowing smile on his face. The grades evaluated when completing the task are also divided into E, D, C, B, A, etc., and A is excellent!The rating of the task is not the final decision of Asma, but the evaluation of the client. It can be said that this evaluation is absolutely true!

The three generations of Hokage came over only to see the tenth class, which was so praised and praised by Asma, and their eyes fell on Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng naturally did not have any discomfort, and looked at each other calmly with the third generation of Hokage!

"Very good!" After the third generation of Hokage took a deep breath of the pipe, he said: "Asma, the tenth class you led has completed several D-level tasks perfectly, and now you can receive C-level tasks!" C Class-level missions are naturally not like D-level missions. The most common is to clean up some thieves, and even face ninjas. Of course, this kind of mission will not be difficult, and Ninja Village will also consider their strength and purpose. It is to train them, increase their actual combat experience, or show them the blood!

On the side, Ino and Dingci suddenly showed joy, and being able to receive a C-level task means that they don't have to do the work of picking up garbage!

Qin Zheng also smiled. The C-level mission means that the battle is coming!

Asma is also very calm. In fact, if it were not a necessary step to complete the D-level mission, he would have taken Qin Zheng and the three to perform the C-level mission, because in Asma's heart, Qin Zheng and the three have enough It’s time to complete a C-level character with his strength. As for the character, it can be seen from passing the test that Qin Zheng and others are no weaker than the average Zhong Ren!

The third generation of Hokage drew a commission card from the task list, and then said: "Your task is to hunt down a group of prisoners. At nine o'clock tomorrow, you will gather here, and a client will explain the situation to you!"

Coming out of the Naruto Building, Asma took a cigarette, and then said, “I’m going to go outside tomorrow. You have to prepare food when you go back. In addition, ninjas are indispensable, and if If you don’t understand anything, you can ask your father!"

"Hmm!" Ino and Dingci nodded, and then left!When Qin Zheng was about to leave, Asma called out: "Shikamaru, you stay, I have something to tell you!"

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Qin Zheng didn't know what Asma was going to say to him, but he had a strong heart, even if he told him that the whole clan had been killed, he could accept it!

Asma smoked cigarettes as usual, paused, and then said: "Shikamaru, you are a calm, smart, and powerful child, but what I want to say is that from the initial test to the current D-level mission, You are taking care of Ino and Dingci, but this is suppressing the growth of Ino and Dingci. Ino and Dingci also need to grow!"

Hearing this, Qin Zheng was silent. Indeed, Qin has always been taking care of the two of them. Don’t look at Ino and Ding Ci getting the B-level evaluation. It was under the influence of Qin Zheng’s aura, otherwise, relying on The two of them are probably not better than Naruto and Sasuke!

"You also know that the profession of ninja is very dangerous!" Asma said lightly: "You should know what a C-level mission means. If they are under your protection, they will not be able to grow. !"

"I understand!" Qin Zheng nodded, he also knew the problem!

"That's fine!" Asma smiled and patted Qin Zheng on the shoulder, then said: "Lumaru, I will go to see the blood tomorrow, are you afraid?" This C-level mission is not too difficult. But it can't be underestimated, because some martial artists with superb martial arts are comparable to bear!

Although the war has passed and the major countries are prospering step by step, as long as there are villages, crime will not disappear, and the country of fire is no exception. Of course, these criminals and thieves are not very powerful, and there are ninjas. With the existence of this special profession, it can be said that the existence of these criminals generates income for the village!

The next day, Qin Zheng carrying a backpack, after preparing everything, followed Asma into the task delivery hall. At this time, the third generation of Hokage was no longer there, but Qin Zheng ran into the Kakashi team that was handing over the task!

Qin Zheng and the three of them are carrying schoolbags, which can be said to be weird!

Naruto is a familiar one. The three said that they couldn't understand Qin Zheng when they were in Ninja School, but now they quietly walked over and asked, "Shikamaru, where are you going with your backpacks?"

Kakashi, who was walking in the front, was looking at the intimate paradise, as if he didn’t care about anything, but after hearing Naruto’s words, Kakashi looked over, saw Qin Zheng’s backpack, and then looked towards Ah. Sima, surprised, said: "You have already begun to take on the C-level mission!" You know, the clients of the D-level mission are all from the village, because no one outside has found this place to entrust a ninja to clean up the garbage!

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