The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 465

Sure enough, Lu Jiu went to make arrangements soon!

On the third day of the time in the country of Waves, after Qin Zheng returned from his mission, he had been resting at home and did not perform the mission!Yile Ramen Restaurant, where Naruto usually goes!

Naruto's seventh class has also begun to accept C-level tasks, and now he has just completed the C-level tasks and came back!

Naruto had the habit of eating ramen by himself, but over time, Kakashi was the same as Naruto. He would eat ramen every time he had a mission. Of course, Kakashi paid for it!

"Naruto, Shikamaru Nara is the same school as you!" The owner of Yile Ramen saw Naruto coming, and asked mysteriously!

"Acknowledge! What's the matter? Did Shikamaru cause you trouble for the boss?" Naruto was taken aback when he heard that, remembering the previous duel with Qin Zheng, the cold Jianfeng pointed at his neck, really chilling. Feel it!

"Haha, you should have heard of that rumor?" The boss said mysteriously again!

"What rumors?" Kakashi and others just returned to the village, naturally they didn't know what happened in the village!

"The rumor about the Seven Ninjas!"

"Seven people? What kind of messy ranking is this?" Naruto was stunned again after hearing this!

Kakashi was also stunned, but he felt that it was necessary to popularize the information of the Ninja world and said: "Seven Ninjas are ranked ninjas from Wunin Village, and the ninjas who can be ranked are all very powerful ninjas. Moreover, they hold the knives passed down from generation to generation in Wuren Village, and they are even more powerful! Wuren Village is one of the five largest forbearance villages, but now because of the civil strife, they have implemented a closed policy! But why did the boss suddenly talk about this? What?" After speaking, Kakashi looked at the boss!

The boss smiled, and then said, "I heard that a knife held by the Seven Ninths has already fallen in our village!"

"What's the matter?" Kakashi wrinkled again after hearing this!

"The specific plot is not very clear. I heard that Shikamaru Nara of the tenth class defeated the holder of the ninja sword and obtained the ninja sword. Oh, the name of the sword seems to be the decapitator sword!" The boss seemed to recognize it. Now, finally!"And that knife has already fallen into Nara Shikamaru's hands!"

"No more cut?" Hearing this, Kakashi understood in his heart. It seems that in the last mission, the tenth squad encountered no more cut. He knows the strength of Asma. Although it is the same as the upper end, it should be in harmony If you don’t cut it again, maybe it’s a little stronger than if you don’t cut it again, but it’s definitely not much stronger. With a three-person ninja, it’s very difficult for Asma to kill and don’t cut it. It seems that Qin is putting out a lot of effort in the process of beheading and never beheading!

It can only be so, otherwise Asma would not give Qin Zheng the knife!

"It seems that Shikamaru is really not easy!" As a Xiannin, but can help kill Shangnin, this record is definitely worthy of pride!

Sakura was surprised, admired, and admired, and Sasuke was angry in her heart. He did not expect that the gap between his and Qin Zheng was getting bigger and bigger, which made him deeply shocked by his always targeting Qin Zheng!

"Who is it if you don't cut it anymore?" Naruto is very nervous and has not realized Qin Zheng's talent!

"If you don't cut it again, you will be the Shangnin of Wujin Village. He is a man who can't assassinate the water shadow, but can retreat!" Kakashi squinted, then remembered the matter of not cutting, and continued: "And he was like you back then. When I was older, one person killed all the candidates for the graduation exam!"

"Ah!" Upon hearing this, not only Naruto, but Sasuke was also a little moved!

"Hey, what should I do!" Kakashi muttered in his heart. He thought of the upcoming Zhongnin exam. For Naruto and Sasuke, Qin Zheng is definitely a strong enemy, and Kaiban's Ning Ci He and Li will also participate, and their strength is stronger than Sasuke!

"Nara Shikamaru is really a genius!" Seeing their reaction, the boss concluded!

"Hmph, I am also a genius!" Naruto said dissatisfied: "I want to be a man from Hokage!"

"Hey, Naruto, it's not that I attacked you, you are worse than Shikamaru!" Sakura said unceremoniously, "Even if Sasuke is compared with him, it is a lot worse. After all, Sasuke has always been second in school!"

Sasuke also snorted coldly, the 10,000-year-old second child is definitely a shame to him!

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"I'm also a genius, because I defeated Zhongren!" Naruto said triumphantly, smiling like a chrysanthemum!

"Then you can't compare with Shikamaru!" Kozakura said with her arms crossed!"Shikamaru has defeated Shangnin!"

"What? He was not the one who killed Shang Ren, and Asma helped!" Naruto murmured, and then said very proudly: "I defeated Zhong Ren alone!"

"I also heard that Shikamaru created the spiral pill!" The boss said again!He has a very good relationship with Naruto. Although he thinks Naruto is not as strong as Qin Zheng, he will not say it in person!

"What, do you say Shikamaru created the spiral pill?" Kakashi stood up, staring at the boss, and asked solemnly!

"Yeah! Is there any problem?" The boss didn't understand why Kakashi was so excited, then waved his hand and said, "I heard that Helix Maru is still a four-generation trick!"

Kakashi had calmed down, and he thought about it, no matter where the news came from, since it can come out, then his accuracy is very high, then, who taught Qin Zheng Helix Wan!Could it be Jilaiya? This is impossible. If Jilaiya also teaches Naruto, he still feels normal, because Naruto is the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, but when it comes to teaching Qin Zheng, it is impossible!

Then the spiral pill is highly possible that Qin Zheng created himself!

Thinking that Qin Zheng's talent is the same as that of Bo Feng Shuimen, Kakashi felt a little uncomfortable. Even Naruto had not learned this ninjutsu, but was mastered by an outsider!

"What is helix pill?" Although Naruto didn't understand what helix pill was, he looked at the boss with envy after hearing that it was the fourth generation of Hokage's trick!

"Helix Maru is an A-level ninjutsu created by the fourth generation of Naruto and Fengshuimen. It is powerful!" Kakashi said concisely!

"Such a powerful ninjutsu!" Naruto seemed to be moved: "Then I will ask Shikamaru to teach it to me!"

"Naruto, you come back for me!" Seeing Naruto is about to leave, Sakura grabbed Naruto by the collar and pulled him back: "Please don't mess around, okay!" A-level such a powerful forbearance The technique will definitely be valued by the Nara clan, and it is impossible to spread it out. Isn't it boring for Naruto to come to the door like this?

"Shikamaru won't teach you!" Kakashi glanced at Naruto indifferently: "After eating, please go back. I have something to go to Hokage-sama! Remember, the next few days. , You have to exercise according to the requirements I said, and soon you will be able to master the instantaneous technique!" Kakashi, after speaking, the instantaneous technique was activated and Kakashi's body shape disappeared!

The news that Qin Zheng created the spiral pill finally caused waves in Muye Village. At this time, Qin Zheng was accepting the question of the three major Naruto!

"Shikamaru, Helix Maru was really your own creation?" Three Hokage looked at the meticulously standing boy in front of them, and when facing him, they did not tremble like other Shinnin!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded proudly!

"Shikamaru, can you show the spiral pill again?" Hearing this, the three major Narutos bit the pipe and pondered!

Hearing that, Qin Zheng hesitated a little. Helix Maru, a powerful ninjutsu, is likely to be regarded as a family inheritance. Even Hokage has no right to ask Qin Zheng to contribute to ninjutsu!

Looking at Qin Zheng's expression, the three Naruto Narutos suddenly realized, and then said: "Shikamaru, if you want to come, you have also heard the people in the village say, your ninjutsu is the A-level ninjutsu invented by the fourth generation of Naruto! Come on! Kakashi, don't hide, come in!" When the words fell, a man with silver hair and a mask covering one eye came up. It was Kakashi!

"Kakashi, you can use the spiral pill!" The third generation of Hokage looked at Kakashi, and said: "I just want to confirm it!"

Hearing that, Kakashi is very compatible with the three generations of Naruto. In essence, he also wants to know whether Shikamaru really created the ninjutsu invented by the teacher!

Kakashi spread out his palm, and at the same time, a small blue ball appeared in his hand, finally forming a spiral pill!

Soon, Qin Zheng's palm was also spread out, and then, Chakra condensed in his hand, and the blue Chakra emerged. Then, the spiral pill formed, exactly like Kakashi's!

"It's really Hekage!" Three generations of Naruto thought, but still showed a hearty smile, and said: "It's amazing! Shikamaru, you created A-level ninjutsu!" Of course, on the surface, three generations of Naruto He believed Qin Zheng's words, but as for what he thought in his heart, he probably only knew it!

But no matter what the three generations of Naruto thought, Qin Zheng didn't care, because this ninjutsu was really created by himself!

In fact, the three generations of Hokage are not sure whether Shikamaru's words are true or false. Of course, after finding Jiraiya, the truth becomes clear!

The three generations of Hokage had no doubts, and the praise of Qin Zheng in the village increased!

It's the night, Konoha BBQ restaurant, just like Illaku Ramen, this is the first choice for ninjas after returning from a mission!

Among them, on a table, a middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow with a watermelon head, wearing an emerald green tights, was sitting upright. This man was a famous physique expert in Konoha Village, a blue beast of Konoha Village!

He raised the cup, and then smiled at everyone: "This time the task is completed very well, we have to work harder, because this is youth!" After speaking, he showed a row of shiny teeth, which looked very strange!

Among the three lower ninjas sitting opposite him, only one responded to him, and the other two, without any expression on their faces, had already adapted to this instructor's nonsensical way of speaking!

And the one who fits, looks like a middle-aged man, his hair is also a watermelon head!!!

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